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If you were born in the years 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985 or 1997 then you were born under
the sign of the Ox in Chinese astrology. Our Chinese menu that we pilfered from lunch today
says that you are bright, patient and inspiring to others. You can be happy by yourself, yet make
an outstanding parent. You should marry a Snake or Cock. Avoid those Sheep.

The Ox is a steadfast and solid, a born leader. It’s dependable and has what it takes to achieve
great things. They are methodical, not plunging in without considering what the right steps are to
get a project finished. They believe in doing it right the first time.

In the business world, because the Ox can be strong leader, it can also be a bit stubborn or
dogmatic. They prefer to lead and don’t like to be pushed around.

While the Ox is smart, trustworthy caring and honorable, it can also be a bit judgmental and this
characteristic can keep them from having the close friends and relationships that they desire.
Some good advice for the Ox is to learn to value qualities in others, and to listen to what others
have to say. Sometimes it pays just to say nothing.

The Ox’s daily horoscope for today: Relatives or friends may provide you with discreet and
effective help. Try to spend more time with your children and satisfy their needs. Don't forget to
play the lottery today -- you'll be then in a stream of chance. All chances will be on your side and
at the highest point; it's essential that you forge ahead courageously and methodically. The stars
will support your ambitions and will help you be recognized and appreciated in your work.

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