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India: A Rising Sun in Innovation and

Sustainability for the 21st Century

By- Ammu Sai Bhargav

Ravneet Danawade

Shlok Odugoudar

Institute Name- India International University of Legal Education and

Research (IIULER)
India’s Role in enhancing innovation and sustainability in the 21st century is multi-faceted. As
a rapidly developing nation, India is leveraging its spirit to drive innovation across various
sectors and India has made significant strides in promoting sustainability.

India’s initiatives like the International Solar Alliance mobilizes $1 trillion for solar
deployment in developing nations. As the third largest global renewable energy producer it also
aims to produce 500GW by 2030.

India not only contributes in energy but even in space technology development. The Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) which is one of the most cost effective in the world.
ISRO’s technology and satellites provide data for weather forecasting in Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Indonesia and Philippines utilise India’s data for Cyclone and
storm tracking.

As the pioneer in organic farming, India developed innovations like the System of Rice
Intensification (SRI) and neem-based pesticides over harsh chemicals. India shares its
knowledge through workshops, training programmes, and technology transfer initiatives
through platforms like International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The SRI has been successfully
adapted in over 60 nations, leading to increased food production.

India is a leading giant in the field of technology. It has developed Aadhar, which is the world’s
largest biometric ID system, and Unified Payment Interface (UPI), which is an instant real time
payment system. Kenya is collaborating with India on UPI-based mobile payments for financial
inclusion. India also leads in cutting edge fields like artificial intelligence and blockchain,
countries like the US and Japan are partnering up with Indian companies.

Overall, India's evolving role in the 21st century emphasizes a commitment to fostering
innovation while addressing sustainability challenges, contributing to a more inclusive and
environmentally conscious global landscape.

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