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Match Column A with Column B

a. Melting 4 1. Another term for melting
b. Fusion 1 2. Graph showing the
relationship between
energy and temperature
c. Melting Point 6 3. Energy needed to change
from solid state to
liquid state
d. Freezing 5 4. Change from solid to
liquid state
e. Heat of Fusion 3 5. Change from liquid to
solid state
f. Heating Curve 2 6. Particle arrangement goes
from compact to
being far apart
G. 0˚C 8 7. Boiling point of water
h. 100 ˚ C 7 8. Melting point of water
i. Heat of 9. The temperature when
Vaporization 10 liquid particles turn into gas
j. Boiling Point 9 10. Energy needed to
change liquid particles to
gas particles.

B. Multiple Choice

1. Who proposed the atomism theory?

a. Democritus

b. Aristotle

c. John Dalton

d. Socrates

2. What do you call the basic building blocks of matter? atoms electrons protons neutrons

3. Who provided the first detailed description of the atom?

John Dalton Democritus Sir JJ Thomson Ernest Rutherford

4. Which model did John Dalton propose?

a.nuclear model

b.plum pudding model

c. electron cloud model

d. solid sphere model

5. Who among the following discovered the electron?


John Dalton

c. Sir JJ Thomson

d. Ernest Rutherford

6. Which experiment led to the discovery of the electrons?

a. cathode ray tube experiment

b. gold foil experiment

c. photoelectric effect experiment

d. Schrodinger’s cat thought experiment

7. Which model did Sir JJ Thomson propose?

solid sphere model

nuclear model

electron cloud model

plum pudding model

8. Which experiment led to the discovery of the nucleus?

a. cathode ray tube experiment

b. gold foil experiment

photoelectric effect experiment

Schrodinger’s cat thought experiment

9. Which model did Ernest Rutherford propose?

nuclear model

plum pudding model

solid sphere model

electron cloud model

10. Which of the following is true regarding the nuclear model?

. The negatively charged core is surrounded by orbiting protons.

The neutral core is surrounded by orbiting protons and electrons.

The positively charged core is surrounded by stationary electrons.

The positively charged core is surrounded by orbiting electrons

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