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• Inadequate variety might result in

micronutrient deficiencies.
Soft Bland Diet:
3. Recommended Diet:
READ PPT • Well-cooked proteins (poultry, fish,
For example. Nagpabunot ka ng ngipin diba ang • Refined grains and cereals
rinerequire saatin is yung mga soft foods muna para hindi • Cooked and peeled vegetables
ma trigger yung pag bleed ng gums kung saan natanggal • Soft fruits and well-cooked/canned
ang ngipin at para na rin hindi pumasok sa loob yung options
hard food baka mag cause pa ito ng infection. • Adequate fluids

PURPOSE Dietary Guidlines a Food List

 The foods included are limited to non-  Eat three regular meals a day without snacks
stimulating, non-irritating and mildly seasoned since all food stimulates acid output.
products.  Eat foods slowly, chew well and avoid stomach
 This diet should be individualized according to distention with large quantities of food.
your appetite and food tolerance. With time and  Use milk sparingly because it stimulates gastric
recovery, you may be able to expand this diet to acid secretion.
you tolerances.  Use salt and very mild seasonings. Avoid heavy
 The bland or soft diet is designed to decrease spices such as chili peppers, black pepper, chilis
peristalsis and avoid irritation of the powder and highly seasoned foods.
gastrointestinal tract.  Dietary fiber may be added since there is no
evidence that dietary is harmful.
 Choose whole grain, enriched, or refined breads
 All nutrients are available on the Bland Diet. and cereals. Avoid large amounts of unprocessed
Texture is modified by offering items that are bran.
easily digested, moderately low in roughage and  Cook by baking, boiling, broiling, roasting,
very mildly seasoned products. stewing, microwaving or creaming. Avoid
 Tender foods are used such as cooked frying.
vegetables, canned fruits, and refined breads and  Avoid caffeinated beverages, coffee and tea
cereals. products because of the caffeine, theobromine,
 Fried foods and highly seasoned foods, pepper, and tannins.
caffeinated beverages and alcohol may cause  Citric acid juices may be irritating to some
distress and, therefore, are eliminated. individuals.
 A bland diet is designed primarily to help
 Avoid aspirin, non steroidal anti-inflammatory
patients recover from gastrointestinal conditions
or other medical circumstances in which
4. Indications
improved digestion would be essential.
 stomach or intestinal surge
 It is not especially effective as a long-term
 ulcers diseases
weight loss diet, although portion sizes are
 heartburn
strictly controlled. Many people find a bland diet
 nausea and vomiting
to be very difficult to maintain, although some
 Gastroesophageal reflux disease
find the use of acceptable spice alternatives does
 Gas and Flatulence
make it easier.
 Gastritis
 Dyspepsia
1. Nutritional Needs:
• Easily digestible proteins (lean meats,
tofu, eggs)
• Refined carbohydrates (white rice, Mechanical Diet:
pasta, soft bread)
• Limited fats (preferably healthy fats like READ PPT
olive oil)
• Cooked and peeled vegetables Ito yung diet na recommended naman sa mga taong may
• Soft fruits without seeds or skins swallowing disorders like dysphagia difficulty
• Adequate hydration (water, herbal teas, swallowing na dulot ng stroke, parkinsons disease, or
clear broths) mga may complications sa head and neck.) esophageal
2. Potential Nutritional Problems:
• Reduced fiber intake may lead to diba pag may ganitong sakit si patient sympre mg food na
constipation. madaling madurog para naman hindi siya mahirapan.
1. Nutritional Needs:
• Soft or finely chopped proteins (ground
meat, fish, eggs) Examples of nutritional problems include:
• Cooked or finely chopped vegetables •Iron deficiency anemia due to insufficient intake of iron-
• Soft fruits without seeds or skins rich foods. ito naman kulang sa iron intake
• Well-cooked grains and cereals •Obesity resulting from excessive calorie consumption.
• Adequate hydration over consumption sa mga matatabang pagkain rich in
2. Potential Nutritional Problems: •Vitamin D deficiency due to limited exposure to
• Risk of insufficient fiber intake, leading sunlight.
to constipation. •Malnutrition in undernourished individuals lacking
• Chewing difficulties may impact essential nutrients.
nutrient absorption. •Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, leading to severe
nutritional imbalances. (anorexia nervosa ito yung mga
3. Recommended Diet: taong takot tumaba) kaya linilimit nila ang mga kinakain
• Ground or finely chopped proteins withou knowing na nagiging kulang na ang body nila sa
• Cooked and finely chopped vegetables nutrients kaya naglilead ng low body weight.
• Soft fruits without seeds or skins
• Well-cooked grains and cereals
• Adequate fluids
1. Nutritional Needs:
4. Deficiencies: 1. Proteins: Crucial for tissue repair,
• Potential deficiencies in fiber, and enzyme function, and overall body structure.
chewing difficulties may affect nutrient absorption. 2. Carbohydrates: Primary energy source,
particularly important for the brain.
1. Indications 3. Fats: Provide energy, support cell
1. Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing, structure, and aid in nutrient absorption.
which can be caused by conditions such as stroke, 4. Vitamins: Essential for various
neurological disorders, or certain surgeries. biochemical processes and overall health.
2. Dental Problems: Individuals with 5. Minerals: Play crucial roles in bone
missing teeth, dental pain, or other oral issues may find it health, nerve function, and metabolic processes.
challenging to chew regular solid foods. 6. Water: Critical for hydration, nutrient
3. Postoperative Recovery: After certain transportation, and temperature regulation.
surgical procedures, a temporary switch to a mechanical 7. Fiber: Supports digestive health, helps
soft diet can aid in the healing process, especially for oral prevent constipation, and may contribute to heart health.
or throat surgeries. 8. Phytonutrients: Plant compounds with
4. Neurological Conditions: Diseases like potential health benefits, found in fruits, vegetables, and
Parkinson’s or conditions affecting muscle coordination whole grains.
may warrant a mechanical soft diet to accommodate 9. Antioxidants: Help protect cells from
swallowing difficulties. damage caused by free radicals, present in certain
5. Elderly Population: Older adults who vitamins and minerals.
may experience challenges with chewing or have reduced 10. Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 and
dental function may benefit from a mechanical soft diet. omega-6 fatty acids play crucial roles in brain function
6. Esophageal Disorders: Conditions and inflammation regulation.
affecting the esophagus, such as strictures or motility 11. Adequate Calories: Necessary to meet
disorders, may make it necessary to adopt a diet with energy requirements for daily activities and bodily
foods that are easier to swallow. functions.
7. Rehabilitation Settings: Individuals
undergoing rehabilitation or recovery from certain health
events may be placed on a mechanical soft diet as part of
a phased approach to reintroducing solid foods. 3. Recommended Diet:

1. Fruits and Vegetables:

Nutritional Problem • Include a variety of colorful fruits and
vegetables for a range of vitamins, minerals, and
READ PPT antioxidants.
2. Whole Grains:
• Choose whole grains like brown rice,
Example ng malnutrition na sakit is yung kwashiorkor at quinoa, and whole wheat for fiber, vitamins, and
marasmus. sustained energy.
1. Kwashiorkor- kulang ang protein intake ng bata 3. Proteins:
2. Marasmus- kulang ang protein, carbohydrates at fats
intake ng isang bata.
• Include lean protein sources such as 16. Hypertension: High blood pressure often
poultry, fish, beans, legumes, tofu, and nuts for muscle linked to sodium intake.
maintenance and repair. 17. Osteoporosis: Weakens bones due to
4. Healthy Fats: inadequate calcium and vitamin D.
• Opt for sources of unsaturated fats like 18. Celiac Disease: Immune response to
avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish for heart health. gluten affecting nutrient absorption.
5. Dairy or Dairy Alternatives: 19. Food Allergies and Intolerances:
• Include low-fat or alternative sources for Adverse reactions to specific foods.
calcium and vitamin D to support bone health. 20. Dehydration: Inadequate water intake
6. Limit Processed Foods: affecting overall health.
• Minimize processed and sugary foods to
reduce added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats.
7. Hydration:
• Drink an adequate amount of water
throughout the day to stay hydrated.
8. Portion Control:
• Pay attention to portion sizes to
maintain a healthy weight and balance calorie intake.
9. Moderation:
• Enjoy treats and less healthy foods in
moderation, emphasizing overall balance.
10. Meal Timing:
• Aim for regular, balanced meals to
maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.

4. Deficiencies:
• Deficiencies can vary based on specific
nutrients but may include iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12,
Vit A., depending on dietary choices.

1. Malnutrition: Inadequate or excess
intake of nutrients.
2. Vitamin A Deficiency: Can lead to
vision problems and compromised immune function.
3. Iron Deficiency Anemia: Insufficient
iron affecting red blood cell production.
4. Iodine Deficiency Disorders: Affects
thyroid function and can lead to goiter.
5. Zinc Deficiency: Impacts growth,
immune function, and wound healing.
6. Folate Deficiency: Essential for cell
division, deficiency can lead to neural tube defects.
7. Vitamin D Deficiency: Essential for
bone health and immune function.
8. Calcium Deficiency: Affects bone
health and can lead to osteoporosis.
9. Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM):
Inadequate protein and calorie intake.
10. Kwashiorkor: A form of malnutrition
characterized by protein deficiency.
11. Marasmus: Severe malnutrition resulting
from inadequate calorie intake.
12. Obesity: Excessive body fat,
contributing to various health issues.
13. Eating Disorders: Conditions like
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating
14. Cardiovascular Diseases: Diet-related
risk factors impacting heart health.
15. Type 2 Diabetes: Influenced by diet and
lifestyle factors.

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