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KE “SUPERIOR % ‘Superior Battery Manufacturing Company, Incorporated 816949 P.O. Box 1010 2518 KY Highway 910 Russell Springs, KY 42642 ‘Telephone (270) 866-6056 Fax (270) 866-8066 Miami Florida February 27/2014 To, SENCAMER Caracas, Venezuela By hereby, we cei that the lead-acid batteries with the brand name SUPERLEX manufactured by SUPERIOR BATTERY MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC. at the factory located in: Russell Springs, 2515 Hwy KY-910 KY 42642, Telephone (270) 866-6056. obtained the following results in our laboratory testing: [ACEPTACION | RENDIMIENTO | RENDIMIENTO | CAPACIDAD sara VOLTA) oe amnfiaue sanSioue | wes caRGA | case | cazre | AMES 22-50 2 OK 435 535 60 40 24-50/24R°0 2 OK 500 B15 © 50 24-60/24R-60 2 OK 650 800 0 7 24-65/24R-65 2 OK 810 996 4105 20 24-7O/26R70 2 OK 300 1107 120 5 26-50/26R-60 2 OK 500 615 70 50 27-B0/27R60 12 OK 875 1076. 320 2% ‘34-60/34R-60 12 OK 810 996 U5 88 (35-60 12 OK 625 759 a5 65 {65-60 12 OK 810 936 120 90. 78-60 2 OK 750 973 100 a 78-72 12 OK 935 1450 130 100 2670-50 12 OK 500 615 70 50 42-70 12 OK 625 769 90 66 Rsaomsaoi-so | 12 Ok 375, 464 50, 36. 18-50 | ‘Ok 810 996 10 85 Ss 81-50/51R-50 12 OK 500 615 a 45 = SHOAG1-20 | 12 OK 760 972 140 0 2 | HDA31-30 12 | OK 900 1107 165, 1a = 12 ox 70 | 972 120 90 pos Hosi-30 | az ox 900_ 1107 165 a1 | ADHD-40 2 ox 1150 1415 205 146 40LT-50 2 200 136 i — ‘ete Maer of ‘Automotive Aftermarket State of Florida (Estado de Florida) this (Este) 28, day of (de) February (Febrero), 2014. by Por)__ALIRIO R. GIMENEZ County of Miami-Dade (Condado Miami-Dade) irma) Notary Public (Nétario Puiblico) - State of Florida (Estado Florida) Amir Nicolas 1 Personally Known (Lo conozco personal | Produced Identification (Produjo Ident ‘Type of Id Produces (Identificacién presentada) —_Pasanorte No. 056659007 __. OPTIONAL (OPCIONAL) macién en esta seccion no es requerida por ley, que pueden resultar utiles alas personas que Documento y podria evitar la extraccién fraudulenta y la reinsercién de esta forma a otro documento) Description of attached Document (Descripcién del documento adjunto) Type of Document Tipo de Sonny Analisis de Baterias. Traduccién del Sello Oficial de Notario del Estado de la Florida: Notario Puiblico Estado dela Florida ESTADO DE FLORIDA Departamento de Fstado APOSTILLA (Conveneién de la Haya del 5 de Octubre 1961) Este Documento Publico: 2. Ha sido firmado por Amir Nicolas “,, 3, Actuando como 4, Conteniendo el Sello de Certificado: 5.En ‘Tallahassee, Florida 6. El Dia tres de Marzo, A.D., 2014 7. Por El Secretario de Fstado, Estado de la Florida 8.No. 2014-27421 9. Sello/Timbre: 10. Firma: (Fdo. Llegible) Seeretario de Estado suc f Bnet ma aparace nota: “una copia an blanco y negra dal documento no 25 Og Sli (En al margen izauietio det documento aparece nota: “si es fotocopiado © Squimicamente alterado, la palabra “Void” aparecers."] [En el margen derecho aparece nota: “las palabras “State of Florida” aparecan en letras pequafias a través de la caratula de este documento de 8 % X11."] [En el margen inferior del documento aparece nota: “el documento original tiene una marca linear reflectora en el papel, sosténgalo en un angulo para verificar."] Bepartment of State APOSTILLE (Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961) 1, Country: United States of America This public document 2. has been signed by Amir Nicolas 3. acting in the capacity of Notary Public of Florida 4. bears the seal/stamp of Notary Public, State of Florida Certified Tallahassee, Florida 6.the Third day of March, A.D., 2014 Secretary of State, State of Florida 8.No. 2014-27421 9. Seal/Stamp: 10, Signature: (im Oa Seeretary of State i Ra ‘contains @ true watermark, Hok = Superior Battery Manufacturing Company, Incorporated P.O, Box 1010 2515 KY Highway 10 Russell Springs, KY 42042 ¢ Telephone (270) 888-6058 49 Fax (270) 865-6066 | ‘These tests were conducted, by the specifications and requirements established in the norm, COVENIN 833:1995, with a sample size of 52 randomly selected from each type of battery. | | port Sales Superior Battery Manufacturing ~ Active Manto ‘Automotive Aftermarket Trduney Aosocelon

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