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11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Lesson 1:
Theories of the Universe
(part 1: Theories and Era’s of Big Bang)

- it is everything.
- contains all of the star systems, galaxies, gas, and dust, plus all the matter and energy that
now, plus all that existed in the past, and all that will exist in the future.
- the Universe includes all of space and time.

> Cosmology- study of universe.

> Cosmologists- the person who studies the structure and changes in the present Universe.

From smallest to largest:

 Universe
 Galaxy
 Solar system
 Star
 Planet
 Moon
 Asteroid

5 Astonishing alternative theories about the universe:

Creation myths
symbolic narrative of the beginning as understood by culture. Universe is
created in 6 days.

1. Religious Cosmology
- explains the origin, history and evolution of the universe based on the creation
mythology of
a specific tradition.
- example: Christians, their knowledge about the beginning of the universe began from one
the books included in the (GENESIS):
 Hebrew Bible
 Christian Old testament
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Scientific Theories

2. Big Bang Theory (great explosion and expansion)

- is a scientific theory that explains how the universe began.
- describes that the universe is expanding, having originated from an infinitely tiny,
infinitely dense point around 13.8 billion years ago.
- there was only pure energy compressed in a single point called singularity.
- this singularity then underwent cosmic inflation.

> Singularity- an intensely hot and infinitely dense point, a few millimeters wide.
- supercharged black hole.
> Cosmic inflation- caused the universe to expand and cool down (rapid expansion)

Four fundamental forces:

 Gravity/Gravitational Force
- attraction between bodies.
- weak, long-ranged, and attractive force which binds the solar system.

 Electromagnetic force
- binds atoms into force.
- long-ranged force that binds atoms.

 Strong nuclear force

- binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.
- short-range (10-13cm) attractive force which bonds the nucleus.

 Weak nuclear force

- breaks down atom’s nucleus and produces radioactive decay.
- short-ranged force present in radioactive decay.

Era’s of the Big Bang:

 Radiation Era – epoch

o Planck epoch- superforce
o Grand uniform epoch- strong force separates
o Inflationary epoch- size increased
o Electroweak epoch
o Quarck epoch
o Hadron epoch
o Lepton and nuclear- helium
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

 Matter Era – epoch

o Atomic epoch- recombination
o Galactic epoch- hydrogen
o Stellar epoch- star

After the Big Bang:

 the universe was unimaginably hot and dense.
 as the universe expanded, it became less dense and began to cool.

3. Steady State Theory (unchanging/constant)

- the universe is unchanging in time and in space.
- density is constant over time (not changing).
- has no beginning and end in time.
- by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, and Hermann Bondi.
- unchanging evidences: flatness, monopole, horizon.

4. Inflation Theory (rapid expansion)

- the size of universe drastically increased.
- universe expanded rapidly.
- underwent a phase of extraordinary expansion.

5. String Theory
- theoretical framework in which the point-like particles are replaced with one-dimensional
objects called string.
- describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other.
- the strings can be closed as in loop, open as a single strand.
- free to vibrate at different modes.
- consistent with quantum gravity.

> String- fundamental block

> Theory of Everything (TOE)- it has the potential to unite all four forces in a single
mechanical framework that would link all the physical aspects of the universe.
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

6. M-Theory
- Multiverse Theory states that there are multiple universes, and that sum of all of
(energy, matter) is found in the multiverse.
- each multiverse has its own Laws of Physics.
- the unknown theory of everything which would combine all five Superstring theories and
the Supergravity at 11 dimensions together (higher dimensions)
- one or both ends of the strings are attached to a sheet on branes.

7. Oscillating Universe
- undergoes periods of expansion.
- curvature resulted.
- contraction is due to gravity in a perpetual cycle of Big Bang and Big Crunch.

The Big Bang and Big Crunch:

11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Characteristics of the universe (era):

 Big Bang - Infinitely Small, infinitely dense, and infinitely hot “something as singularity.
 Plank Time - Earliest known time that can be described by modern physics.
 Gravity separates - Unified forces (grand unified theory).
 End of GUT - Strong force separates , unified force consists of electromagnetic and weak
 Inflation - the size of the universe drastically increased.
 End of unified forces - Electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces separate.
 Heavy Particle - Proton and neutron in full swing.
 Light Particle - Electron and Positrons form.
 Nucleosynthesis - Helium, Deuterium, an a few other elements form.
 Recombination - Matter and Radiation separate.
 Galaxy Formation - Galaxies and other large structures form in the universe.

Big Bang and Inflation Theory:

Big Bang Theory: limitations Inflation Theory: solution to the

(Unresolved problems) unresolved problem of the Big Bang

Flatness - revealed that the geometry of the Flatness - the surface that we see is
universe is almost flat. obviously curved. It would appear flat even
though it is still a sphere.

Monopole - predicted the heavy production Monopole - allows the existence of the
of heavy stable magnetic monopoles monopoles as long as they were produced
however no magnetic monopoles have been prior to the inflationary epoch.
Horizon - distant regions in opposite Horizon - it assumes a burst of exponential
directions of the sky are so far that they expansion, the distant regions were actually
could never have been in casual contact with much closer to each other prior to inflation.
each other.
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Lesson 1:
Theories of the Universe
(part 2: M-THEORY, The Multiverse & Parallel Universe)

 Multiverse
- other universe
- universe is just one of the many bubbles in the multiverse.
- it includes bubble, quantum mechanics, extra dimensions.

 Parallel Universe
- copy of our universe
- many worlds which exist in parallel at the same time as our own.
- also called alternate universe, parallel world, parallel dimension, alternate reality.

Multiverse Models:

1. Bubble Universe
- our universe is a swelling bubble.

2. Membranes/Extra Dimension
- additional space or time dimensions beyond the (3 + 1) typical of observed spacetime.
- 5-Dimensional space, with several four-dimensional universe-"lines" arranged in a stack
in a 5
dimensional space.

3. Many worlds/Quantum Mechanics

- a philosophical position about how the mathematics used in quantum mechanics relates
to physical reality.

I hope you’re doing good
Religious Cosmology today. You can do it,
Scientific Theory Steady State Theory

Big Bang Theory InflationTheory

explosion expansion Oscillating Universe
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Lesson 1.2:
Theories of the Solar System

Solar System
- the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it (planets, sun, moon,

Definition of terms:

 Vortex- a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind

 Collision- an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.
 Comet- cosmic snowballs of frozen gasses, rock, and dust that orbit the sun.
 Nebula- a visible, thinly spread cloud of interstellar gas and dust.
 Asteroid- a small rocky body orbiting the sun.
 Galaxy- a gravitationally-bound system of stars, stellar remnants gas and dust, and dark
 Frostline- indicates the transition from the warm inner regions to the cool
outer regions.
 Accretion- is a process where microscopic solid particles condense to form a large mass
which becomes planets.

Theories on the Origin of the Solar System:

1. Vortex Theory (Rene Descartes)

- the Solar System was formed into bodies with nearly circular orbits because of whirlpool-
motion in the pre-solar materials.
- In his theory, the entire universe was filled with elements of different sizes which shifted
around each other.

> Heliocentrism
- the center is the sun, which is made up of the smallest kind of elements and the bigger
ones sift out and circle around it.
- Descartes agrees that all of the planets, including earth, move around the sun.
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

2. Encounter Hypothesis
- a rogue star passed close to the sun and stripped materials (hot gases) from both sun and
the rogue star.
- hot gases continued to spin in the same direction as the sun, and coalesced into
smaller lumps which formed the planets.
- explain why all planets revolve the same direction and why inner planets are denser than
outer ones.

> Collision Theory (Buffon)

- planets were formed by the collision of the sun with a giant comet.
- resulting debris formed into planets that rotate in the same direction as they revolved
around the sun.

> Tidal Theory

- the passage of a massive star past the Sun would raise a huge solar tidal bulge from
which matter would escape in the form of a filament.

3. Nebular Hypothesis
- the entire solar system started as a large cloud of gas that contracted due to self-gravity.
- the hypothesis could not account for why 99% of Solar System’s mass is in the sun, but
99% of its angular momentum is in the planets.

*Conservation of angular momentum

- requires that a rotating disk forms with a large concentration at the center, which
would start as the protosun, while planets would begin forming within the disk.
* Nebula
- a spinning cloud cloud of gas and dust.

> Kant-Laplace Nebular Theory

- It suggested that a great cloud of gas and dust, called a nebula, began to collapse
because of gravitational pull.
- spinning cloud flattens with a bulge at the center.
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Steps of Nebular Hypothesis:

a) The gas and dust cloud

collapsed due to the force of
gravity. The center
compressed enough to
become a protostar, leaving
the outer material suspended
around the center.

b) As the cloud continues to

shrink, its rotational speed
increases and becomes a
rapidly rotating disk.

c) According to SNT, the

formation of planets involves > Planetesimals- formation of grain-sized particles
different stages, in contrast to which would later grow to km in diameter.
the single process of nebular
> Protoplanets (massive objects)- formation of
more massive objects from planetesimals.

d) Finally, the Solar System is composed of only solid, protoplanetary bodies and gas giants.
Eventually, after millions of years, the Solar System ended up with planets that had stable

4. Protoplanet Hypothesis
- present working model on the formation of the Solar System.
- built on main concepts of the nebular hypothesis and concepts based on new knowledge
on fluids and states of matter.
- according to this, the solar system began with a fragment from an interstellar cloud
composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of the light elements.

* Planetesimals
- small bodies of rock and/or ice that form by accretion in the protoplanetary disks of
protostellar systems.
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

- they grew in size due to the gravitational attraction they exerted on to one another,
forming moon-sized bodies that would later become planets.

> Terrestrial Planets- formed near central portion of the solar nebula, where temperatures
were high enough to vaporize all compounds in dust.

> Gas giants (Jovian Planets)- formed in the outer disk which remained relatively cooler,
allowing them to be rich in volatile, icy and gaseous materials.

Steps of Protoplanet Hypothesis:

a) The gas and dust collapsed due to the

force of gravity.

b) It’s rotational speed increased.

c) According to SNT, the formation of

planets involves different stages.
(planetesimals and protoplanets)

d) Now, the solar system is composed of

solid protoplanetary bodies and gas
(protostar- sun)

How are terrestrial and Jovian planets form?

 Terrestrial Planets (inner)

- these are earth-like planets.
- sometimes referred to as the inner planets.
- composed mostly of dense, rocky and metallic materials
> Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars

 Jovian Planets (outer)

- these are Jupiter-like planets.
- made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.
- sometimes referred to as the outer planets/ Gas Giants/ Ice Giants.
> Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune
11 STEM - Queen of Angels - Princess Lovi Ricarro

Steps in the formation of Terrestrial Planets:

o ➔ Condensation of gasses to form rocky particles.

o ➔ Formation of clumps from rocky particles.
o ➔ Accretion of clumps.
o ➔ Formation of planetesimals from clumps.
o ➔ Growth of planetesimals to limiting size.
o ➔ Formation of the Terrestrial Planet

Steps in the formation of Jovian Planets:

o ➔ Condensation of gasses to form ice particles.

o ➔ Formation of clumps from ice particles.
o ➔ Accretion of clumps.
o ➔ Formation of planetesimals from clumps.
o ➔ Accretion of planetesimals
o ➔ Formation of the Jovian Planets

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