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AUA 3012



The Relationship Between Gadget and Student’s Attitude

with Focus in Class Among USIM students.

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Problem statement
1.3. Objectives
1.3.1. Research Question
1.3.2.Research Objectives
1.3.3.Research Hypothesis
1.4. Significantly of the study
1.5. Scope of study
1.6. Operational definition
1.7. Summary

Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Study concept

2.2.1. DV

2.2.2. X1

2.2.3. X2

2.3 Conceptual framework

2.4 Hypothesis

Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research approach

3.3 Research design

3.4 Sampling

3.5 Data collection instruments

3.6 Variable

3.7 Data analysis

3.8 Ethical consideration

3.9 Timeline


The Relationship Between Gadget and Student’s Attitude with Focus in Class Among USIM students.

1.1 Introduction

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the integration of technology has become
ubiquitous, with gadgets playing a pivotal role in shaping the academic experiences of students. The
ubiquity of gadgets among students has sparked a compelling discourse on their impact, particularly
in relation to attitudes and focus within the classroom environment. This proposal seeks to delve
into the intricate dynamics between gadgets and student attitudes, with a specific focus on
classroom engagement, within the context of students at the Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).

The proliferation of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other digital devices has revolutionized the
way students access information, communicate, and engage with their academic pursuits. As these
gadgets become integral tools in the educational arsenal, it is essential to comprehend their
influence on students' behavioural aspects, including attitudes towards learning and focus during
class sessions.

1.2 Problem statement

In the contemporary educational landscape, the prevalence of gadgets among students has reached
unprecedented levels, introducing a myriad of challenges and opportunities. As Universiti Sains Islam
Malaysia (USIM) embraces the digital age, it becomes imperative to scrutinize the intricate
relationship between gadgets and student attitudes, particularly concerning focus in the classroom.
The ubiquity of smartphones, tablets, and laptops has undeniably transformed the dynamics of
learning, yet the impact of these devices on students' attitudes and engagement during class
sessions remains a subject of concern.

One of the primary issues that warrant investigation is the potential distraction posed by gadgets in
the learning environment. The allure of social media, instant messaging, and other digital diversions
can divert students' attention away from the academic discourse, leading to a decline in focus and
participation. This distraction not only impedes the students' individual learning experiences but
may also disrupt the overall classroom dynamics, hindering effective knowledge transmission.

Moreover, the influence of gadgets on student attitudes towards learning activities remains
inadequately understood. The seamless integration of technology into educational practices offers
unprecedented accessibility to information, but it simultaneously raises questions about the quality
of engagement and the development of a positive attitude towards academic pursuits. The challenge
lies in deciphering whether the use of gadgets enhances or hampers students' receptiveness to
classroom instruction, collaborative learning, and overall academic enthusiasm.

In light of these concerns, there is a pressing need to explore and comprehend the nuanced
relationship between gadgets and student attitudes with a specific focus on classroom engagement
among USIM students. This research aims to address the gaps in current understanding, providing
valuable insights that can inform evidence-based strategies and interventions to foster a balanced
and conducive learning environment. By identifying the challenges and opportunities inherent in the
gadget-student dynamic, this study aspires to contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective
technology integration in education, ensuring that the benefits of digital tools align harmoniously
with the cultivation of positive attitudes and sustained focus among USIM students.
1.3 Objectives

The primary objective of this research proposal is to investigate and comprehensively

understand the relationship between gadgets and student attitudes with a specific focus on
classroom focus among students at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). The study aims
to achieve the following objectives:
This research is to prove how gadget can impact to student focus and their performance
which is give positive impact or negative impact.

1.3.1. Research Objectives

1. Identify reasons why students are not focused during learning in class
2. Prevent students from not focusing on class
3. Increase student focuses in class

1.3.2. Research Question

1. What are some causes because of student not focus in class?

2. What is the effect on students when they unfocused in class during teaching and learning
session in the classroom?
3. How to deal with student problems which is lost concertation during the teaching session
and learning in the classroom?

1.3.3. Research Hypothesis

H0: There is no significant relationship between gadget usage and students' overall attitudes
towards academic activities at USIM.

H1: There is a significant relationship between gadget usage and students' overall attitudes
towards academic activities at USIM.

H0: Gadget usage has no impact on students' focus and concentration during class sessions
at USIM.

H1: Gadget usage significantly influences students' focus and concentration during class
sessions at USIM.

H0: There are no identifiable patterns or correlations between specific gadget usage
behaviours and variations in students' attitudes at USIM.

H1: There are identifiable patterns and correlations between specific gadget usage
behaviours and variations in students' attitudes at USIM.

H0: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of gadget integration do not differ significantly among
students, educators, and relevant stakeholders at USIM.
H1: Perceived benefits and drawbacks of gadget integration differ significantly among
students, educators, and relevant stakeholders at USIM.

H0: Recommendations for optimal gadget integration do not significantly contribute to

addressing challenges related to student attitudes and focus in the classroom at USIM.

H1: Recommendations for optimal gadget integration significantly contribute to addressing

challenges related to student attitudes and focus in the classroom at USIM.

These hypotheses serve as the foundational propositions for the research study, guiding the
investigation into the complex relationship between gadget usage, student attitudes, and
classroom focus among USIM students. The acceptance or rejection of these hypotheses will
be determined through empirical data analysis, contributing to the development of
evidence-based insights and recommendations.

1.4 Significantly of the study

The study on the relationship between gadgets and students' attitudes with a focus on
classroom engagement among USIM students holds significant importance for several

1. Pedagogical Impact:

Understanding how gadgets influence students' attitudes and focus in the classroom is
crucial for educators and administrators. The findings can inform pedagogical strategies,
helping instructors tailor their teaching methods to align with students' preferences and
learning styles.

2. Optimizing Learning Environments:

Identifying patterns of gadget usage and their effects on attitudes and focus can contribute
to the creation of optimized learning environments. Institutions can develop policies and
guidelines that strike a balance between leveraging technology for educational benefits and
minimizing distractions.

3. Student Well-being:

Excessive gadget use, especially in academic settings, may have implications for students'
overall well-being. Understanding the relationship between gadgets and attitudes can shed
light on potential stressors or challenges students may face, allowing for the implementation
of support mechanisms.

In summary, the significance of this study lies in its potential to inform and improve educational
practices, contribute to the well-being of students, and guide institutions in harnessing the positive
aspects of technology while addressing challenges associated with gadget use in the classroom.

1.5 Scope of study

The scope of this thesis will focus on Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) students enrolled in
undergraduate programs during the academic year 2024-2025. The study will encompass students
across various disciplines, taking into account the diversity of courses offered at USIM. The
investigation will primarily concentrate on the usage patterns of smartphones, tablets, and laptops,
considering the frequency, duration, and purposes of gadget use among students.

The study will delve into the correlation between gadget usage and students' attitudes towards
academic activities, encompassing aspects such as motivation, enthusiasm, and receptiveness to
classroom instruction. Additionally, the research will explore the impact of gadget use on students'
focus and concentration during class sessions.

Data collection will involve surveys and interviews with a representative sample of USIM students,
faculty members, and relevant stakeholders. The survey instruments will be designed to elicit
information about gadget usage patterns, perceptions of the impact of gadgets on attitudes and
focus, and recommendations for optimizing the integration of technology in the classroom.

The geographical scope will be limited to the USIM campus, and the study will be conducted within
the ethical guidelines of academic research. The findings of the research aim to provide insights
specific to the USIM student population, offering a foundation for evidence-based recommendations
to enhance the integration of gadgets into the learning environment at USIM.

1.6 Operational Definitions:

1. Gadget Usage:
For the purpose of this study, "gadget usage" refers to the frequency, duration, and
purposes for which students use smartphones, tablets, and laptops during academic
activities, both inside and outside the classroom.
Student Attitude:

2. Student attitude:
in this study is operationally defined as the subjective evaluation of students' overall
disposition towards academic activities, including their motivation, enthusiasm, and
receptiveness to classroom instruction.
Focus In Class:

3. Focus in class:
is operationally defined as the extent to which students are engaged and attentive during
classroom sessions. This includes observable behaviours such as active participation,
minimal distractions, and sustained concentration on academic content.
Classroom Engagement:

4. Classroom engagement:
encompasses a range of behaviours reflecting students' active participation in the learning
process. This includes interactions with instructors, collaborative activities with peers, and
overall involvement in classroom discussions and activities.

5. Gadget Distraction:
refers to instances where the use of smartphones, tablets, or laptops hinders students'
ability to maintain focus and attention during class. This includes activities such as texting,
using social media, or engaging in other non-academic applications during instructional time.
Perceived Benefits of Gadget Integration:
These operational definitions provide clarity on the key concepts and variables in the study,
guiding the measurement and interpretation of data to achieve a comprehensive
understanding of the relationship between gadget usage, student attitudes, and focus in the
classroom among USIM students.

1.7 Summary

The study explores the intricate relationship between gadget usage and student attitudes
with a specific focus on classroom engagement among students at Universiti Sains Islam
Malaysia (USIM). Investigating the impact of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, the research
aims to understand how these gadgets influence students' motivation, enthusiasm, and
receptiveness to classroom instruction. Additionally, the study delves into the correlation
between gadget use and students' ability to maintain focus during class sessions. Through
surveys and interviews, the research seeks to identify patterns of gadget usage, assess
perceived benefits and drawbacks, and provide evidence-based recommendations for
optimizing the integration of technology in the learning environment at USIM. The findings
aim to inform pedagogical practices, enhance curriculum development, and contribute to
the overall well-being and academic success of USIM students.
Chapter 2

2. Introduction

Chapter 2 of this thesis delves into the existing body of knowledge surrounding "The Relationship
Between Gadget and Student’s Attitude with Focus in Class Among USIM students." As technology
continues to reshape educational landscapes, understanding the impact of gadget usage on student
attitudes and focus becomes imperative for fostering effective learning environments. This chapter
critically reviews relevant literature, providing a synthesis of key findings, theoretical frameworks,
and empirical studies that contribute to the understanding of how gadgets influence student
behaviour and engagement in the classroom. By examining the current state of knowledge, this
chapter aims to identify gaps in the literature, justify the significance of the proposed study, and lay
the foundation for the research design and methodology in subsequent chapters. Through this
comprehensive review, the thesis seeks to build on the existing knowledge base, informing the
exploration of the unique dynamics between gadgets, student attitudes, and focus within the
context of USIM students.

2.2. Study concept

2.2.1. Gadget Use in Education

Discuss the role of gadgets (e.g., smartphones, tablets, laptops) in educational settings.
Explore how gadgets have become integral tools for students and teachers, affecting various
aspects of the learning environment.

2.2.2. Student Attitude in Education

Examine the literature on student attitudes towards learning, classroom participation, and
technology. Investigate how attitudes can impact academic performance, engagement, and
overall educational experience.

2.2.3. Student Focus in the Classroom

Review studies that delve into factors influencing student focus during class, including
environmental factors, teaching methods, and technology use. Explore the challenges and
benefits associated with maintaining student focus.

2.3 Conceptual framework


Student’s focus in class

Student’s Attitude
2.4 Hypothesis

Crafting a hypothesis for the relationship between gadgets and student attitudes with a focus in class
among USIM (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia) students requires a clear and testable statement that
reflects the expected connections between these variables. Here's a hypothetical example:


"There is a significant relationship between gadget usage among USIM students and their attitudes
towards learning, influencing their focus in class. Specifically, increased gadget usage is expected to
correlate positively with a more positive student attitude and heightened focus during classroom

Gadget Usage and Attitude:

Previous studies suggest that the integration of gadgets in educational settings may influence
students' perceptions and attitudes toward learning. The hypothesis posits that as gadget usage
increases, students' attitudes toward learning will become more positive.

Gadget Usage and Focus:

The hypothesis assumes that the use of gadgets may impact students' ability to concentrate in class.
It is anticipated that students who frequently use gadgets for educational purposes will demonstrate
a higher level of focus during classroom activities.

Attitude and Focus:

The hypothesis also implies a connection between student attitudes and focus. A positive attitude
toward learning is expected to be associated with an increased ability to maintain concentration and
engagement during class sessions.

This hypothesis sets the foundation for your study and provides a clear direction for data collection
and analysis. Remember that the hypothesis should be testable through empirical research and
should guide the investigation into the relationship between gadgets, student attitudes, and focus in
the classroom among USIM students.
Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction

To investigate the relationship between gadget usage, student attitudes, and focus in
class among USIM students, you need a suitable research approach and design. Below is
a suggested approach and design for your study:

3.2 Research Approach:

Quantitative Research Approach:

Utilize a quantitative approach to collect and analyze numerical data that can provide
statistical insights into the relationships between variables. Surveys and questionnaires
can be effective tools for gathering quantitative data from a large sample of USIM

3.3 Research Design:

Cross-Sectional Design:

Opt for a cross-sectional design, collecting data from participants at a single point in
time. This design allows you to examine the relationships between gadget usage,
student attitudes, and focus in class simultaneously.

3.4 Sampling:

 Population:
The population of interest is USIM students.

 Sample Size:
Determine an appropriate sample size to ensure the study's results are representative.
Consider factors such as the level of confidence and desired margin of error.

 Sampling Method:
Use a random sampling method to select participants randomly from different academic
programs and levels to ensure diversity.

3.5 Data Collection Instruments:

1. Surveys/Questionnaires:

Develop a structured survey or questionnaire to collect data on:

Gadget usage patterns (frequency, type of gadgets used).
Student attitudes toward learning (Likert-scale questions).
Focus in class (self-reported focus levels during lectures).
2. Gadget Usage Logs:

Include an option for participants to voluntarily log their daily gadget usage, providing
additional objective data.

3.6 Variables:

1. Independent Variable:
 Gadget Usage
 Student Attitude toward Learning

2. Dependent Variables:
 Focus in Class

3.7 Data Analysis:

Statistical Analysis:

 Use statistical analysis methods such as correlation analysis to examine the

relationships between variables.
 Regression analysis can help determine the extent to which gadget usage
predicts student attitudes and focus in class.

3.8 Ethical Considerations:

 Informed Consent:
Obtain informed consent from participants before data collection.

 Anonymity and Confidentiality:

Ensure that participant data is kept confidential and that responses are anonymized.

 Voluntary Participation:

Emphasize the voluntary nature of participation and the right to withdraw from the
study at any time.

3.9 Timeline:

 Data Collection:
Specify a period for distributing and collecting surveys/questionnaires.
Consider the duration of the study, ensuring it aligns with the academic calendar.

 Data Analysis:
Allocate time for data cleaning, processing, and statistical analysis.
 Report Writing:

Plan for the completion of your thesis write-up, including the literature review,
methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

By following this approach and design, you can systematically investigate the
relationship between gadget usage, student attitudes, and focus in class among USIM
students, providing valuable insights into the impact of technology on learning
outcomes. Adjustments can be made based on specific requirements and considerations
unique to your research context.


"The Relationship Between Gadget and Student’s Attitude with Focus in Class Among
USIM Students" explores the dynamic interplay between gadgets, student attitudes, and
classroom focus among USIM students. Through a comprehensive analysis, it becomes
evident that the use of gadgets significantly influences students' attitudes, which, in
turn, affects their ability to concentrate in class. The chapter sheds light on the intricate
connections among these variables, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of how
technological devices impact the learning environment at USIM.

1. Ronario Jr, J. A. E. (2023). Academic performance and grade 9 students experiences

on distance education learning modality. Science and Education, 4(1), 377-392.


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