Hoogendoorn, S., Hoogendoorn, R., Wang, M., & Daamen, W. (2012)

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Modeling Driver, Driver Support,

and Cooperative Systems with

Dynamic Optimal Control
Serge Hoogendoorn, Raymond Hoogendoorn, Meng Wang,
and Winnie Daamen

Previous work proposed an optimal control framework for modeling that drivers choose their headway to avoid collisions, and stimulus–
driver behavior. Drivers were assumed to minimize the predicted sub- response models describe the reaction of drivers as a function of, for
jective effort of their control actions, taking into account the anticipated example, relative speed.
actions of other drivers. The framework was generic. Several assumptions Safe-distance and stimulus–response models, however, are rather
and simplifications had to be made; this factor hampered the applicability mechanistic; the only human element in most of these models is a
of the framework. One of these assumptions was that the behavior of finite reaction time. In the real world, a driver cannot adequately
other vehicles in the flow was stationary during the prediction horizon. observe a stimulus lower than given values (perceptual thresholds),
Furthermore, the resulting model was computationally complex. A new cannot precisely evaluate a situation to determine the required response
approach based on the generic optimal control framework is proposed because of observation errors, and cannot precisely manipulate the gas
for modeling and computing driving behavior. The model can deal with and brake pedals. Furthermore, because of the need to distribute
the dynamics of the vehicles to which a driver reacts. At the same time, his attention among different tasks, a driver will not be permanently
the computational complexity is small and does not increase exponentially occupied with the car-following task. These considerations have
with the complexity of the prediction model or with the size of the control inspired a different class of car-following models, the psycho-spacing
vector. The mathematical solution approach is presented and illustrated models. Michaels (6) and Leutzbach and Wiedemann (7) provided the
with several examples. Face validity of the model is shown, and an appli- basis for the first psycho-spacing model by using theories borrowed
cation of the theory in the field of automated vehicle guidance is dis- from perceptual psychology. In these models, car-following behavior
cussed. In particular for these applications, the proposed optimization is described on a relative speed–headway distance plane. Since their
approach allows for the computation of cooperative driving strategies introduction, interesting new approaches have been proposed (8–11).
that minimize a generic range of objective functions. The improvements
in performance made by cooperation are substantial, as illustrated by
several examples. Lane Changing

The first theoretical framework on lane changing was developed by

Mathematical models of longitudinal driving tasks (e.g., speed choice Gipps, who proposed a structure that leads to the decision of whether
and car following) and lateral driving tasks (e.g., lane changing, a driver will change lanes (12). According to the framework, this
merging, and overtaking) describe and predict traffic flow operations. decision depends on, for example, the location of permanent obstruc-
This paper focuses on the mathematical modeling of car following by tions, the presence of transit lanes, and the distance from the driver’s
use of an optimal control framework. intended turn.
More recently, Kesting et al. proposed a theory in which lane
changes depend on the possibility for a driver to improve accelera-
Theory and Models tion (13). Their generic approach presented by utility functions for
the different lanes also incorporates a politeness factor. This factor
Car Following represents the effect a lane change would have on the acceleration
of other drivers.
Existing car-following models can be divided into three broad classes Choudhury presented a decision model for drivers with latent plans
(1): safe-distance models (2, 3), stimulus–response models (4, 5), (not observable plans related to the chosen target or tactic of the driver)
and psycho-spacing models (6, 7). Safe-distance models assume (14). In this framework, separate models are given for freeway lane
selection, freeway merging, and lane selection on urban arterial
Department of Transport and Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo­ roads. The latent plan for a merging vehicle consists of three phases
sciences, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, (normal state, courtesy merging state, and forced merging state),
Netherlands. Corresponding author: S. Hoogendoorn, s.p.hoogendoorn@tudelft.nl. connected through a decision tree. A vehicle starts in the normal state
and can transit to other states under certain conditions. Each state has
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2316, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
its own gap acceptance characteristics. In the normal state, the exist-
D.C., 2012, pp. 20–30. ing gaps are considered and evaluated if they are acceptable, where
DOI: 10.3141/2316-03 acceptable is defined as larger than the critical gap. The critical

Hoogendoorn, Hoogendoorn, Wang, and Daamen 21

gaps are assumed to follow lognormal distributions, the mean gap give priority to safe driving, whereas others prefer driving at a high
a function of explanatory variables. speed, accepting smaller headways and an increased risk).

Toward a Joint Modeling Approach Driving Objectives

Hoogendoorn and Hoogendoorn proposed a different approach, in It is assumed that the objective of drivers is a subset of the following:
which car following and lane changing can be considered jointly in
a single decision framework (15). That work built on the work of 1. To maximize safety and minimize risks,
Hoogendoorn and Bovy (16) and resembled the work of Toledo 2. To minimize lane changing maneuvers,
et al. (17). In comparison with the latter work, in which discrete 3. To maximize travel efficiency (restricting deviations from the
choice theory was used to compare short-term plans, the framework desired driving speed),
proposed in the present paper describes car following and lane 4. To maximize smoothness and comfort, and
changing as an optimal control task. The main theoretical assump- 5. To minimize stress, inconvenience, fuel consumption, accel-
tion is that drivers minimize the predicted subjective effort of their erations, and decelerations.
control actions, taking into account the anticipated actions of other
The significance of each of these objectives will differ among indi-
drivers. With a control action decided on, the control will be applied
viduals, who are limited by the capabilities of their vehicles, such
at (possibly nonequidistant) discrete time instants tk, similar to the
as maximum speed and braking.
approach of Wiedemann (18). The framework provides a mathe-
An operational model for driving behavior that is based on these
matical formalization of the theory put forward by Stanton (19) and
conceptual notions is derived in this paper. Effectively, this implies
Minderhoud (20).
that the control objectives are formalized into a cost function J (pre-
The work presented in this paper extends earlier work (15). Some
dicted disutility). It is assumed that a driver tries to minimize this
of the major assumptions that were needed to derive car-following
laws are removed (i.e., the assumption that during the prediction
period, a driver assumes that the acceleration of all other drivers is
constant and equal to zero). Furthermore, to calculate optimal control
Behavioral Assumptions
laws, the earlier approach required solving an n + 1 dimensional
partial differential equation, where n is equal to the number of ele- Underlying the mathematical model is a behavioral theory that
ments in the vector describing the state of the considered driver describes how drivers are assumed to act and to react to other drivers
(usually two times the number of vehicles to which the driver reacts). on the road (referred to as the opponents). These assumptions pertain
This leads to a computationally complex (and for large states, even to the way drivers scan their environment and act on their observa-
unfeasible) problem. tions, given their control objectives. The following is an overview
Both issues are resolved in this paper. The resulting mathematical of the main behavioral assumptions:
problem and solution algorithm can be solved efficiently and for more
complex, dynamic situations. That is, the main contribution of the 1. Drivers minimize the generalized predicted costs of their control
paper is not in proposing yet another car-following paradigm, but actions. These generalized costs reflect the different (and subjective)
rather in showing how the previously proposed approach can be control objectives (e.g., risk, travel time, stress, smoothness).
generalized and numerically solved in a computationally efficient 2. Drivers reconsider their operational control decisions at
way. The generality and computational efficiency of the approach (possibly nonequidistant) discrete time instants tk based on
is such that the framework can be used for human drivers and for – Observations of the prevailing traffic conditions and
joint optimization of the cooperative car-following behavior in – Predictions of the impact of their control actions, possibly
a platoon. including the expected reactions of other drivers (Item 4).
First, the main theoretical assumptions used to derive the model are 3. Drivers anticipate the behavior of other drivers by predict-
described. Then the optimal control formulation for the car-following ing their driving behavior. However, drivers have limited prediction
task is formulated, and several applications of the approach are given. possibilities. This is reflected by discounting the costs over both time
Finally, application of the framework to driving support systems and space.
(autonomous and cooperative) is exemplified. 4. Drivers will minimize the predicted cost stemming from
– Not driving at the desired state, described by, for example, the
free speed, the desired distance, and the desired lane;
Driving and Effort Minimization – Driving too close to other drivers;
– Accelerating and braking; and
Several authors have proposed a utility (or cost) optimization model to – Changing lanes (lane switching costs).
conceptually model execution of the driving task (19, 20). Examples 5. Observing, decision making, and maneuvering take time and
of use of optimal control theory to model the driving tasks are also are prone to errors.
available (21). In particular, this approach has been adopted to accu- 6. Control objectives may change over time (adaptation effects).
rately describe driving behavior (22, 23). The driving process, its
parameters, and the resulting control decisions will differ between All these behavioral assumptions are supported by empirical
drivers because of differences in control objectives, preferences, evidence. However, it is beyond the scope of this paper to provide
vehicle characteristics, and so forth. Differences in driving style are a complete overview of all literature in favor of these assumptions.
reflected by preferences for desired driving speed, desired comfortable The focus here is on the assumption of minimizing effort and how
deceleration levels, and minimum gap distances (e.g., some drivers this can be formalized to yield a microscopic driver behavior model.
22 Transportation Research Record 2316

Driving as Optimal Control Cycle where

It is assumed that decisions to adapt speed or to change lanes are t= time instant,
made at discrete time instants tk with k = 1, 2, . . . , K. Assume that vi(t) = speed of vehicle vi at t,
at each of these instants tk, driver i has information on the positions vi−1(t) = speed of vehicle vi−1 at t,
ui(t) = acceleration at t of driver i,
and speeds of all cars influencing his behavior. This information stems
ui−1 = acceleration of leader, and
from (erroneous) observations made by the driver, used in conjunction
vj, rj = speed and position of driver j = i − 1, i.
with the experience of the driver, mental model, and so forth. From this
conjunction an estimate of the current state of the system is formed. It is assumed that from the perspective of driver i, his state is fully
The estimate of the state of the system at tk is used as the starting described by the distance headway si and the relative speed Δvi.
conditions for the (conditional) predictions of the evolution of the
It is assumed that the driver has a mental model that allows Car-Following Cost Formalization
him to make such a prediction, given the potential control decision
(longitudinal acceleration or changing lanes). He will then choose For the car-following task, the cost J of car following is described,
the control decision that minimizes the predicted effort (or cost or given that the acceleration ui = {ui(t)| t ≥ tk} is applied, with the
disutility) and apply this control. This decision is reconsidered when following function:
new information regarding the state of the system becomes available tk + T

(i.e., at tk+1). J ( t k , x ( t k ) ui ) = ∫ e − ηt L ( t , x ( t ) , u ( t )) dt
t = tk

+ e − η( tk +T )φ ( t k + T , x ( t k + T )) (4)
Car Following as Deterministic
Optimal Control where
u = acceleration;
The behavioral assumptions discussed in the previous section are
T = terminal time (i.e., end of planning period in optimization
used to derive a mathematical modeling framework. First, a generic
car-following model is derived. The car-following task is formulated
x = state of system from perspective of driver i, which in this
as a deterministic optimal control problem to show the mathematical
case equals distance si and relative speed Δvi;
model and discuss how the model can be solved with Pontryagin’s
ui = control (acceleration and braking);
minimum principle (24).
L = running costs describing cost per time unit incurred during
infinitesimal period [t, t + dt);
η > 0 = discount factor (25), which describes that future costs
Mental Model for State Predictions have less weight than current costs; and
ϕ = terminal cost or cost at end of control horizon.
A driver is assumed to use an internal mental model for determin-
ing appropriate control decisions. Experience and knowledge have The cost function J(tk, x(tk)) describes the expected cost given
given the driver skills for performing the driving task, therefore the current state of the system x(tk) (as perceived by the driver), the
the assumption of subjective optimal behavior appears justified. control actions of the driver, and the evolution of the system, start-
Optimization, however, includes the limitations of the driver for ing from time tk onward. At time tk+1, the decision will be reassessed
observation, information processing, internal state estimation, and with the most current observations or estimates of the system state
processing times and reaction times. Moreover, the process includes (at time tk+1). Compared, for instance, with the work of Burnham et al.
the driving strategy. (21), here nonquadratic running cost specifications are allowed, which
For the car-following task, the following kinematic equations, permits inclusion of more-realistic car-following behavior.
describing the dynamics of the distance si (t) of driver i at instant t, The rolling horizon optimal control problem is described by the
are used: following mathematical program:

d u[*tk ,tk + T ) = arg min J ( t k , x ( t k ) ui ) (5)

si ( t ) = ∆vi ( t ) = vi −1 ( t ) − vi ( t ) (1)
subject to
x = f (t, x, u) with x ( t k ) = x k (6)
d dt
∆vi ( t ) = ui −1 ( t ) − ui ( t ) (2)
dt with x = (si, Δvi) and f determined by Equations 1 and 2; that is,
subject to the initial conditions  vi −1 ( t ) − vi ( t )
f = 
si ( t k ) = ri −1 ( t k ) − ri ( t k ) ui −1 ( t ) − ui ( t )

and For notational simplicity, in the remainder of the paper tk = 0

without loss of generality. Furthermore, the index i is dropped from
∆vi ( t k ) = vi −1 ( t k ) − vi ( t k ) (3) the notation.
Hoogendoorn, Hoogendoorn, Wang, and Daamen 23

Solving Optimal Control Problem 4. Solve the costate dynamic equation

with Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
d (i ) ∂H ∂φ
A well-known approach for solving the optimal control problem −
λ =
( ( ) )
t, x (i ) , u* t, x (i ), Λ(i −1) , x (i ) λ (i ) ( T ) =
( )
T , x (i ) ( T )
is the minimum principle of Pontryagin (24). The approach entails (12)
defining the Hamiltonian H as follows:
backward in time.
H ( t , x , u, λ ) = L ( t , x , u ) + λ i f ( t , x , u ) (7) 5. Smoothly update the effective costates Λ(i):

Λ(i ) = (1 − α ) Λ(i −1) + αλ (i ) (13)

with L = e−ηtL and where λ = λ (t) denotes the so-called costates or
shadow costs of the state x. These costs reflect the relative extra cost
6. If ∈ = ||Λ(i) − λ(i)|| < ∈max, then stop; otherwise set i: = i + 1 and
in making a small change δx on the state x(t). go to Step 3.
The Hamiltonian is used to derive the following necessary condition
for the optimal control u*(t) (the stationarity condition): The key is in choosing α such that the scheme will converge and
will converge as fast as possible. Although important, a thorough
H ( t , x , u*, λ ) ≤ H ( t , x , u, λ ) ∀u (8) investigation into good choices for α is beyond the scope of this paper.

In nearly all cases, this requirement will allow the optimal control
u* to be expressed as a function of the state x, the costate λ, and the Examples
time t.
Furthermore, for the costates λ, the costate dynamics can be This section illustrates the workings of the approach with simple
determined as car-following examples. This section does not develop better car-
following models per se; the objective is to show some of the key
d ∂H ∂L ∂f features of the approach.
− λ= = +λi (9)
dt ∂x ∂x ∂x
Model Verification
subject to the terminal conditions at t = T (i.e., at the end of the
control horizon), For all examples, the model has been (loosely) verified to ensure that
it acts according to expectations. This was also achieved by comparing
∂φ the performance J of the controller to a simple car-following law
λ (T ) = ( T , x ( T )) (10) u = c1 (x2 − s*) + c2x2. For all tested values of c1 and c2, it turned
out that the proposed control law yielded a substantially better per-
formance than the simple feedback control law, indicating that the
with φ ( T , x ( T )) = e − ηT φ ( T , x ( T )) .
optimization procedure functions well and optimal car-following
The remaining problem is to solve this set of ordinary differential laws are correctly computed.
equations. The main issue is that although for the state x the initial
conditions x(0) = x0 are known, for the costate λ, the terminal condi-
tions λ(T) = λT at t = T are known. This makes the resulting set of Basic Car-Following Behavior
differential equations difficult to solve.
The state of the system is defined as before, that is, x = (s, Δv). The
state dynamics are given by the simple kinematic equations shown
Iterative Numerical Solution Algorithm before. It is assumed that the considered driver predicts the dynamics
of State and Costate Equations of the system by making some assumption on speed profile of the
leader during the prediction horizon. This prediction is not neces-
A new solution approach is used to solve the preceding problem. sarily accurate compared with the realized profile; it is the expected
This approach is based on iteratively solving the state dynamic profile on which the considered driver (the follower) will anticipate
equation forward in time and subsequently solving the costate and base his response. However, for illustration, it is assumed that the
equation backward in time. The following program summarizes the follower has perfect knowledge for the considered planning horizon.
algorithm: The running cost is defined as follows:

1. Choose 0 < α < 1, set the iteration number i = 1, and set the 1 β β
L = u 2 + 1 ( x1 − s * ) + 2 x 22
stopping criterion ∈max. 2 2 2
2. Set Λ(0)(t) = 0 for 0 ≤ t ≤ T.
3. Solve the state dynamic equation where u is the acceleration of the follower; η = 0, that is, cost dis-
counting is not considered for now. For simplicity, ϕ = 0 was chosen
d (i )
( ( ))
x = f t, x (i ), u* t, x (i ), Λ(i −1) , x (i ) ( t k ) = x k (11) as the terminal cost.
The running cost specification shows that there are three cost
components, between which there will be some trade-off: (a) the
forward in time. driver aims to minimize acceleration, (b) the driver aims to maintain
24 Transportation Research Record 2316

a distance headway close to some desired distance headway s*, and This completes the specification of the model. Next, the model is
(c) the driver aims to minimize the relative speed. The parameters tested in a specific test case scenario. In this scenario, it is assumed that
β1 and β2 describe, respectively, the cost weights of the cost of not a driver is following a vehicle at a distance of 100 m and with a relative
driving at the desired distance and the cost of having a nonzero speed speed of 0 m/s2. The desired distance headway is assumed to be 75 m.
difference with the leader. As will be shown, these weights strongly The follower expects its leader to decelerate with an acceleration of
determine the behavior of the model. −3 m/s2 between 1 and 3 s and to accelerate again between 5 and 7 s
For this simple running cost function, the stationarity condition with an acceleration of 2 m/s2. The prediction horizon is 10 s.
(Equation 8) can be used to find the following expression for the First considered is the resulting behavior for β1 = 0.1 and β2 = 1.
optimal control: Figure 1 shows the resulting behavior of the follower. The evolution
of the state x and the costates λ is shown in Figure 1, a and b, and
u* = λ 2 (15) the resulting speeds of the leader and the follower, and the applied
accelerations, are shown respectively in c and d.
In other words, the optimal control law, minimizing the objective In this case, the driver makes a trade-off between driving at the
function, equals the marginal cost of State 2 (the relative speed with desired distance s* and maintaining a relative speed around zero while
respect to the leading vehicle). also not allowing for accelerations that are too large. The resulting
It is now easily shown that the following costate dynamics are behavior is very smooth. The computation scheme converged quickly,
obtained: in just a few iterations (about 400 with a computation time of less
than 0.25 s).
Figure 2 shows the same experiment but now with β2 = 100. In this
d ∂H
λ1 = − = − β1 i ( x1 − s * ) (16) case, the importance of the relative speed is much greater than the
dt ∂x1 other two cost components. As a result, the driver is mainly trying to
minimize the differences in speed relative to the leading vehicle at
and the expense of not maintaining the desired distance headway or not
applying high accelerations.
d ∂H For the final example shown in Figure 3, β1 = 1 and β2 = 1, meaning
λ2 = − = − β 2 i x 2 − λ1 (17)
dt ∂x 2 that the desired distance headway is now much more important. In this
case, the driver mainly cares about maintaining the desired distance
Since ϕ = 0, one gets λ1(T) = λ2(T) = 0. headway s* and cares far less about the other cost components.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 1   Example solution of Optimal Control Problem 1 with  1 = 0.1 and  2 = 1.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 2   Example solution of Optimal Control Problem 1 with  1 = 0.1 and  2 = 100.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 3   Example solution of Optimal Control Problem 1 with  1 = 1 and  2 = 1.

26 Transportation Research Record 2316

Alternative Car-Following Model Figure 4 shows the predicted response of the driver if β1 = 0.1 and
β2 = 1. The driver decides to reduce his speed, thereby incurring the
Another example uses the desired speed v0 of the driver instead of cost of not driving at the desired speed and applying acceleration,
the speed difference with the predecessor. The following running to increase the distance headway. The driver does this in such a way
cost specification is used: that overall average costs are minimized.

1 β β
L = u 2 + 1 ( x1 − s * ) + 2 ( v 0 − vl + x 2 )
2 2
2 2 2 Toward Realistic Car-Following Model

Here v0 − vl + x2 = v0 − vf, where vf is the speed of the follower and Example specifications have been shown for the running costs that
vl is the speed of the leader. lead to different car-following behaviors. The goal was not to come
Again, u* = λ2. For the costate dynamics one gets up with a validated car-following law, but the results show that the
generated car-following behavior is face valid. The results shown
here show the intended car-following behavior of a driver for the con-
d ∂H
λ1 = − = − β1 i ( x1 − s * ) (19) sidered prediction horizon [tk,tk + T). Because the driver will reassess
dt ∂x1 the control decisions before the end of the prediction horizon T, based
on current situations and observations, the control signal most likely
and will not be fully executed. This means that the feedback loop that is
considered within the modeling approach ensures that, for instance,
d ∂H
λ2 = − = − β2 i (v 0
− vl + x 2 ) − λ 2 (20) inaccurate predictions, which are likely because the follower has
dt ∂x 2 limited prediction capabilities, will not be as harmful as in a situation
in which only feedforward control is applied.
since ϕ = 0, λ1(T) = λ2(T) = 0. Accurate modeling of the driving task requires careful specification
The example considers a driver who is initially following at a of the state x, the state dynamics f, and the running cost L. Furthermore,
distance of 50 m, whereas his desired distance is 75 m. The desired calibration and validation requires careful tuning of the model param-
speed of the driver is equal to the initial speed of the driver and of eters (e.g., weights in the running cost). The framework presented in
the leader, namely, 30 m/s. The prediction horizon T is again 10 s. the earlier work and generalized here to include the time component

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 4   Example solution of Optimal Control Problem 2 with  1 = 0.1 and  2 = 1.
Hoogendoorn, Hoogendoorn, Wang, and Daamen 27

is, however, flexible and generic (15). This allows relatively straight- Application to Design of Cooperative Systems
forward inclusion of factors deemed relevant in modeling of driving
behavior, such as consideration of multiple leaders and indifference The application of the approach is not restricted to the design of auton-
bounds. omous controllers. The flexibility in the state and state dynamics
Generalization of the framework to multiple lanes was discussed definition allows definition of a joint control problem, in which mul-
in the earlier work (15); the same approach can be applied here, with- tiple vehicles in the flow are simultaneously controlled, such that
out modification. The generalization entails computing the expected some joint objective is optimized.
optimal cost for driving on different lanes, given the predicted traf- In an example platoon of three vehicles, the leader vehicle is a
fic situation on these lanes. A lane change is performed when the human driver whose behavior is exogenous. The two following
expected cost of the target lane is higher than the expected cost on the vehicles are automated vehicles that can exchange information and in
current lane, with consideration of some nonnegative lane switching doing so cooperate to optimize some joint objective function J.
cost (15). The framework presented earlier for modeling car-following
behavior can be used to describe such a system mathematically.
It is assumed that one overall objective J needs to be optimized
Application to Advanced Driver and that the two following vehicles will cooperate. The resulting
Assistance Systems and Cooperative challenge is thus to find which control law u* will yield this optimal
System Design
The state x of the system is defined by the distance headways
This paper proposes a new approach for modeling car-following and the relative speeds, in line with the preceding examples: x =
behavior that is based on behavioral assumptions supported by (s1, s2, Δv1, Δv2). Here, sj is the distance between vehicle j and j + 1,
literature. The idea is that drivers aim to minimize the generalized and Δvj is the relative speed of vehicle j with respect to vehicle j + 1.
predicted cost of their control actions. The cost reflects different The state dynamics are easily derived and equal to
control objectives, as illustrated by the examples in the previous
section.  x3 
Compared with earlier work by the authors, this paper proposes  
d  x4 
 = f (t, x, u)
a solution approach that allows expected dynamic changes to be x= (221)
included. That is, if a driver expects a certain dynamic speed profile of  al − u1 
the leading vehicle, or if he expects that the leader will change lanes or  
 u1 − u2 
leave the freeway by using an off-ramp, the driver will include these
predictions in choosing a car-following (and lane changing) strategy.
Because human drivers are generally assumed to be good at antici- where u1 and u2 are the accelerations of the first and second followers
pating traffic conditions but are known to be poor responders, this and where al is the acceleration of the leader.
generalization is expected to substantially improve modeling of car For the cost specification, a specification similar to the first example
following. presented in this paper is used:
The proposed approach, however, has other possible applications.
The proposed framework, the optimal control formulation, and the
proposed solution algorithm can be applied to the design of automated
L = ( u12 + u22 ) + 1
(( x − s * ) + ( x − s * ) ) + β2 ( x
2 2 2
3 + x 42 ) (22)

vehicle guidance, advanced driver assistance systems, and driver

support systems, both for autonomous systems (such as adaptive This running cost specification shows that the aim is to minimize
cruise control) and for cooperative systems. the joint cost of acceleration, not driving at the desired distance
headway, and having a nonzero relative speed. The weights β1 and
β2 again reflect the relative importance of the different factors. It is
Application to Adaptive Cruise Control Design also assumed that ϕ = 0.
These specifications can be used to define the Hamiltonian H
Wang et al. used optimization to design an adaptive cruise control and use it to derive the optimal control and the costate dynamics.
system, called the Eco-ACC system, that regulates longitudinal For optimal control, the stationarity conditions ∂H/∂u = 0 are used
vehicle behavior to minimize fuel consumption or carbon dioxide to find
emissions while maximizing travel efficiency, safety, and driving
comfort (22).
u1* = λ 3 − λ 4 (23)
The algorithm they presented is computationally complex, and
the approach is unable to easily capture the dynamics of the leading
vehicle in the approach. This holds in particular when the approach and
will be extended to control multiple vehicles in the flow jointly.
The solution approach discussed here can be applied straightaway u*2 = λ 4 (24)
to solving these issues, yielding an algorithm that not only can include
the expected dynamics of the leader vehicle (e.g., known to the fol- Equation 23 shows that Follower 1 determines his control action
lowing vehicle through vehicle–vehicle communication) but that also based on his own marginal cost of the relative speeds, as well as on the
is sufficiently efficient computationally to be used online. The flex- marginal cost of Follower 2. Not being able to improve the situation
ibility in choosing the control objective allows the designer to specify for Follower 1, Follower 2 considers only his own marginal cost of the
multiple objectives (efficiency, safety, comport, livability, etc.) and relative speed. The optimal control law of the first follower captures
the trade-off between these objectives. the cooperative nature of the controller.
28 Transportation Research Record 2316

Derivation of the costate equations is straightforward and yields Figure 5 shows the results. As expected, the behavior of Follower 1
the following equations: is the same as in the previous example. Follower 2 reacts on the
behavior of Follower 1 and optimizes the situation accordingly.
d ∂H In the cooperative case, the situation is quite different. In the non-
λj = − = − β1 i ( x j − s * ) for j = 1, 2 (25)
dt ∂x j cooperative case, Follower 1 initially increases speed substantially
to decrease the distance headway from 100 m as quickly as possible;
and this decrease is now substantially less. The reason to do this is to
ensure that Follower 2 can maintain a distance headway, which is
d ∂H closer to the desired distance headway of 75 m, and the incurred
λj = − = − β2 i x j − λ j−2 for j = 3, 4 (26)
dt ∂x j costs are thus (relatively) small. Figure 6 shows these results.
Computation of the value of the objective function shows the
This completes the model specification for the cooperative system difference. In the cooperative case, the total cost is equal to 284.3.
formulation. The main difference is in the specification of the optimal In this case, Follower 1 incurs a cost of 143.9, and Follower 2 incurs
control law for the first follower, which takes into account the cost a slightly higher cost of 140.3. In the noncooperative case, the total
incurred by the second follower. cost equals 294.3, where Follower 1 incurs a cost of 133.9, while
The functioning of this controller can be shown with a simple Follower 2 incurs a cost of 160.4. The cooperative case yields a
example. Again, β1 = 0.1 and β2 = 1. The acceleration behavior of substantial improvement, in particular for Follower 2.
the leader is equal to the behavior in the first example. Initially, both More substantial improvements are achieved when the conditions
followers have a distance headway of 100 m and relative speeds of for Follower 2 are worse. Suppose that the initial distance headway of
1 m/s. The desired distance headway equals 75 m. Follower 2 is 150 m, and all other conditions are the same. Applying
In the noncooperative case, Follower 1 does not consider the noncooperative control provides a total cost of 1687.3, and Follower 1
incurred cost of Follower 2, and Follower 2 is convinced to optimize still incurs a cost of 133.9, while Follower 2 now incurs a cost of
his performance on the basis of the behavior of Follower 1. 1553.4. In the cooperative case, the total cost can be reduced to 1486.6;

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 5   Example solution of optimal control problem with  1 = 0.1 and  2 = 1 for noncooperative system.
Hoogendoorn, Hoogendoorn, Wang, and Daamen 29

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 6   Example solution of optimal control problem with  1 = 0.1 and  2 = 1 for cooperative system.

the first follower now incurs a cost of 261.1, while Follower 2 has a An important application of the optimal control framework is in
substantially reduced cost of 1225.6. automated guided vehicles or driving support systems, both autono-
As the example shows, the cooperative approach can be applied mous and cooperative. The proposed algorithm is used to compute
successfully to improve the total conditions for the platoon. Because the control signals, and then optimal control laws can be derived to
the approach is generic, many types of objective functions can be used, optimize a range of objective functions. The algorithm is sufficiently
including livability and sustainability (22). efficient to be applied in real time, allowing for applications in real-life
The approach yields results sufficiently quickly that it can be applied controllers. This holds for the simultaneous and cooperative control of
in a real-time setting. Compared with the situation in which the control multiple vehicles in the flow, which is a promising application for the
is one-dimensional (only the behavior of a single follower is consid- approach, as shown by the examples in the paper.
ered), the computational performance of the situation in which the This paper focused on the generic framework, rather than on
control is two-dimensional is only slightly worse. The approach thus application of the framework to specific situations. Future research
appears to be applicable for simultaneously controlling multiple will apply the framework to designing realistic car-following strat-
vehicles in a traffic stream in a cooperative way. egies, calibrated and validated with empirical data. This research
entails specifying the required state, the state dynamics, and, espe-
cially, the running cost function. Also, the approach for modeling
Conclusions and Future Work lane changes needs further specification.
Along with modeling of car following, application of the frame-
This paper proposed a new approach to modeling driving behav- work to optimal cooperative car following will be investigated in
ior based on the generic optimal control framework. The model the future. The examples shown here are promising and justify further
is dynamic and the computational complexity is relatively small, research. In particular, the resulting computational complexity appears
compared with previous approaches. Several application examples to be only slightly worse in the case of joint control of multiple
verified the approach and illustrated its function. These applications vehicles, compared with isolated control. Detailed analysis of this
showed that the resulting car-following models are face valid. Various computational complexity, however, was beyond the scope of this
extensions of the modeling approach were also discussed. paper but will be made in the future.
30 Transportation Research Record 2316

Acknowledgment Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1999, Transportation

Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2007,
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16. Hoogendoorn, S. P., and P. H. L. Bovy. Generic Driving Behavior
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