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1 - C: I would never have found it.
2 - D: I wouldn't buy very expensive things.
3 - I: You won't have enough room for them in your wardrobe.
4 - G: I would have looked for some other shoes.
5 - B: We'll contact you about our latest collections.
6 - H: I would have realized they weren't the right size.
7 - A: I'd enjoy shopping more.
8 - F: We'll deliver them to you free of charge.
9 - E: It would be easier to take these trousers back.

1. If they'd given me a discount, I would have been satisfied.
2. If you place your order before 20th December, you'll receive it before Christmas.
3. What would happen if nobody bought anything, apart from essentials, for weeks or
4. I'll be very surprised if I find something in my size in the sale.
5. If my parents hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to afford a laptop.
6. I don't think I would have signed the contract if they had explained the charges more
7. Unless we all refuse to pay these prices, companies will continue to charge them.
8. If fashions didn't change so often, I wouldn't want to buy so many new clothes.
9. If the shops didn't regularly offer big discounts, they wouldn't sell very much.
10. If you stay away from the shops, you won't want to buy anything.

1. If I knew how to sew, I would make my own clothes.
2. I'll wear your jumper if you wear mine.
3. If we'd got to the sale early, we would have found what we were looking for.
4. If I don't find what I want in the charity shops, I'll look in the high-street shops.
5. If you hadn't told me about that website, I wouldn't have used it.
6. People come here to shop because we have lots of great shops.
7. We won't be able to afford a holiday if we don't save €100 every month.
8. If he hadn't spoken out about the economic problems, we wouldn't have become aware of
9. If they didn't charge a booking fee, the tickets wouldn't cost €30 each.

1. as long as
2. as long as
3. Even if
4. unless
5. as long as
6. as long as
7. unless
8. even if

1. We'd buy less if we didn't see so many adverts and believe them all.
2. I wouldn't ask you to lend me money unless I really needed it.
3. If only I had read these reviews before ordering this hairdryer!
4. No correction needed.
5. If we miss the bus, we'll have to walk, so let's leave now.
6. You'll have a great time camping even if it rains occasionally.
7. I wish I hadn't chosen History as one of my subjects as I'm not very interested in it.
8. I wouldn't have become an actor if my parents hadn't encouraged me.

6 Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.
A: What do you think of our new apartment? Do you like it?
B: Yes, it’s really nice. It’s got lots of big windows, so 1 if it isn’t sunny, you’ll get lots of light
in here. And I like your new
A: Do you? I don’t! I wish my parents 2 bought it, but it was a bargain and they couldn’t resist
it! If 3 it was a
different colour. But I don’t like that yellow. I 4 have gone for blue if it had been up to me.
B: Maybe you could put something over it ... Did you get anything new for your bedroom?
A: Yes, a second-hand wardrobe. It’s quite small, but as long as I 5 buy lots of clothes, it’ll be
fine. Come and have a
look and tell me what you think. I don’t know where to put my desk.
B: Well, if your bed was against the other wall, you 6 have more space for your desk.
A: I don’t think the bed would fit there, 7 I chopped the end off!
B: I think it would fit 8 you moved those boxes. You could keep them on top of the wardrobe
9 that they
weren’t too heavy. Shall we try?
A: OK! If anything goes wrong, 10 say it was your idea!
B: Thanks!

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