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Sample Table of Correlations

Table 1

Summary of Intercorrelations, Means, and Standard Deviations for Age, Family Annual
Income, Number of Siblings, and Emotional Quotient
Variable M SD Age FAI NoS EQ
1. Age 19.29 1.36 1 .02 0 -.14
2. Family Annual 26488.57 18029.50 1 .02 .23
3. Number of 2.8 2.2 1 -.5.5
Siblings (NoS)
4. Emotional 3.07 .40 -.080
Quotient Level

Table 1 presents a summary of intercorrelations, means, and standard deviations for

the variables namely Age, Family Annual Income, Number of Siblings, and Emotional
Quotient Level. The mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) for Age are 19.29 and 1.36,
respectively. The intercorrelations between Age and other variables are as follows: with
Family Annual Income (r =.02), Number of Siblings (r =0), and Emotional Quotient Level (r
=-.14). Family Annual Income has a mean of Php26,488.57 with a standard deviation of
Php18,029.50. The intercorrelations for Level of Emotional Quotient with profiles variables
are: Age (r = -.14), Family Annual Income (r = .23), and Number of Siblings (r = -.5.5).

The mean and standard deviation for Number of Siblings are 2.8 and 2.2, respectively.
Intercorrelations with other variables are as follows: Age (r =1), Family Annual Income (r =
.02), and Emotional Quotient Level (r = -.). Emotional Quotient Level has a mean of 3.07 and
a standard deviation of 0.40. The inter-correlations for Emotional Quotient Level with other
variables are: Age (r =-14), Family Annual Income (r = .23), and Number of Siblings (r =

Furthermore, there is no correlation exist between EQ and Profile variable. This

means that whatever the family income, age,number of siblings does not correlated in the
level of quotients. This finding supports the findings of Garcia AMC. et al. (2021), that this
study analyzes the relationships between emotional intelligence profiles and both self-concept
and self-esteem of identified gifted study in regular Spanish schools and non-identified peers.


Garcia AMC.. (2022). Emotional intelligence of students based on birth order. International
Journal of Enviromental research.

Janessa Mae Ramos
Dexter John Pascua
Princess Carolino

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