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Exploring Biomass Pyramids Progress Report

Name: Arshman Haider

Progress Report
Exploring Biomass Pyramids
Field Study I
Study site selected: Ante Verde I

Biomass pyramid hypothesis: Square pyramid

Biomass pyramid hypothesis explanation:
Because I can see catfish swimming around. There is not a big amount of them but
enough of them. There is also algae seen which is the green part over which they are

Algae scraped: 0.16 g

Pool's estimated total algal biomass: 8.07 g

Estimated biomass of catfish: 0.81 g

Estimated number of adult catfish: 10

Observed number of adult catfish: 10

Observed biomass of adult catfish: 10.5 g
Observed biomass pyramid: Square pyramid
Observed biomass pyramid explanation:
The producers which is mainly algae is very small and don't have much mass. The fish
also may die quickly due to their short lifespans. They may also reproduce quickly
becuase of this reason.

Biomass pyramid over time: Inverted pyramid

Biomass pyramid over time explanation: There are in total 10 fish and since they grow
at 0.03 g per day that means that the fish in total nead 0.3 grams of algae per day to
continue growing. But since the algae grows at 0.1 g per day, it is not enough for the
fish. So the fish will be either be half full grown and the other a little less grown or some
of them will die while the others get their total amount of food or sometimes even more.

Field Study II
Open canopy hypothesis: Algal standing crop is directly proportional to percent open
canopy Published Fall of 2017

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Exploring Biomass Pyramids Progress Report

Algal standing crop hypothesis: Bat Rocks

Bat Rocks estimated algal biomass: 0.21 g

Cess estimated algal biomass: 0.21 g
Did this match your prediction: Yes

Light availability hypothesis explanation:

Catfish in a pool with higher light availability will eat more and show increased growth
compared to catfish with less light availability.
Bat Rocks observed number of adult catfish: 174
Cess observed number of adult catfish: 82
Light result explanation:
Increased sunglight leads to essential algae growth. Since the fish living in the area
have more food, they will grow and reproduce more efficiently compared to fish in a low
sunlight availability area. Published Fall of 2017

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