Module 6 Assignment

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Module 6 Assignment

The United States of America was established as a sovereign state on July 4, 1776, with

the Declaration of Independence. Prior to this, the colonies were under British rule. The colonists

had some rights, but they were also treated unfairly. The British took over the colonies and

established them as their own. The United States got independence through a combination of war

and diplomacy (Rabkin, 2004). There were several battles fought, including the famous Battle of

Bunker Hill, but ultimately it was diplomacy that won the day. The United States was able to

negotiate a peaceful separation from Great Britain, which was essential in ensuring that the new

nation got off to a good start.

The Constitution was written by the Founding Fathers, who were the leaders of the

American Revolution. The Americans did not argue amongst themselves about the Constitution.

They were united in their belief that the Constitution was a necessary step in forming a more

perfect union. The system of government in the United States is a representative democracy

(Rabkin, 2004). The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and it

establishes a federal system of government. The national government is composed of three

branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The President is the head of the

executive branch, and the Congress is the legislative branch. The Supreme Court is the highest

court in the judicial branch.

The Constitution provides for a system of checks and balances, so that no one branch of

government has too much power. For example, the President can veto legislation that the

Congress passes, but the Congress can override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote. The

Constitution also provides for a system of federalism, so that power is divided between the

national government and the state governments.


The United States has a capitalist economy, which means that the means of production are

privately owned and operated for profit. The government does not directly control the economy,

but it does regulate it to protect the rights of workers and consumers, and to promote the general

welfare. The economy of the United States is highly productive, and it is the world’s largest

economy by nominal GDP.

The main argument for statehood is that it would allow for more democratic

representation. Currently, the United States is divided into 50 states, each with its own

government. If the country were divided into smaller states, each state would have a greater say

in the national government. This would give people more power to shape their own government

and make it more responsive to their needs.



Rabkin, J. A. (2004). The Case for Sovereignty: Why the World Should Welcome American

Independence. In Google Books. American Enterprise Institute.




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