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Republic of the Philippines

Isabela State University
Cauayan City, Isabela

Midterm Examination in
Data Science Analytics



YANUARIA, APRILENE D. Year and Section:______BEED-3A__________

I. Provide the necessary requirement for each item. Complete the tables below by writing the
mean(M), standard deviation(SD), and Descriptive Interpretation(DI) for each scale item.
Interpret the results as well. One point for each correct M, SD, and DI. Refer to the rubric
below for the score of your results interpretation. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT OF

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Average Novice
Content Demonstrates a Demonstrates an Demonstrates Demonstrates
thorough adequate awareness of the minimal
understanding of understanding of context and awareness of the
the context and the context and purpose of the context and
purpose of the purpose of the essay purpose of the
essay essay essay
Content Uses content that Uses content that Uses content that Uses appropriate
Development is appropriate explores the is appropriate and relevant
and relevant to ideas within the and relevant to content to
the main topic context of the the development develop the main
main topic and exploration idea in some
of the main topic parts of the
Organization There is a There is an There is an The
specific pattern organizational organizational organizational
of an pattern that is pattern that is pattern is
introduction, clearly intermittently minimally
topic observable observable observed within
development in within the within the the
the body and a communication communication communication
well-defined of the essay of the essay of the essay
Evidence There is a There is a There is an There is an
skillful use of consistent use of attempt to attempt to use
high quality and high quality and present high sources to
relevant sources relevant sources quality and support the ideas
in the in the relevant sources in the essay
development of development of in the
ideas within the ideas within the development of
context of the context of the ideas within the
topic topic context of the
Mechanics Delivery is well- Delivery is Delivery is Delivery is not
done through the properly done understandable coherent and
use of excellent though there are but there are there is a large
grammar, minimal lapses some number of
appropriate word in grammar, grammatical grammatical
use and appropriate word lapses, lapses,
punctuation. use and inappropriate inappropriate
punctuation. word use and word use and
punctuation. punctuation
Page 1 of 2
Table 1

Level of Emotional Quotient According to Emotional Self-Awareness, Emotional Expression, and

Emotional Awareness of Others


Scale 1: Emotional Self-Awareness M SD Descriptive Interpretation

I can manage my feelings 2.7 0.75 ModeratelyWell
I’ve learned a lot about myself listening to 2.71 0.87 ModeratelyWell
my feelings
I am aware of my feelings most of the time 2.94 0.78 ModeratelyWell
I can tell when I am getting upset 2.73 0.88 ModeratelyWell
I enjoy my emotional life 2.7 0.89 ModeratelyWell
People who show a lot of emotion scare me 2.57 0.94 ModeratelyWell
I often wish I were someone else 2.73 0.96 ModeratelyWell
I put attention to my physical state to 2.57 0.86 ModeratelyWell
understand my feelings
I accept my feelings as my own 2.70 0.92 ModeratelyWell
Scale 2: Emotional Expression
I let other people know when they are doing 2.80 0.88 ModeratelyWell
a good job
I let others know what I want and need 2.84 0.88 ModeratelyWell
My closest friends would say I express my 2.81 0.95 ModeratelyWell
appreciation for them
I keep my feelings to myself 2.63 0.94 ModeratelyWell
I let people know when uncomfortable 2.56 0.91 ModeratelyWell
feelings get in the way of our work
I have trouble reaching out to others when I 2.66 1.02 ModeratelyWell
need help
When interacting with others, I can sense 2.64 0.89 ModeratelyWell
how they feel
I would do anything to avoid looking 2.64 0.93 ModeratelyWell
foolish to my peers
Scale 3: Emotional Awareness of Others
I can recognize emotions in others by 2.70 0.87 ModeratelyWell
watching their eyes
I find it difficult to talk to people who do 2.67 0.81 ModeratelyWell
not share my views
I rarely hardly have the urge to tell someone 2.71 0.84 ModeratelyWell
I think about how others might feel before I 2.84 0.77 ModeratelyWell
give my opinion
No matter with whom I am speaking, I am 2.83 0.74 ModeratelyWell
always a good listener
I can see the mood of the group when I walk 2.74 0.86 ModeratelyWell
into the room
I can get new people I meet to talk about 2.69 0.91 ModeratelyWell
I am good at reading between the lines 2.66 0.88 ModeratelyWell
when someone is talking
I can usually see how others feel about me 2.54 0.96 ModeratelyWell
I can sense someone’s feeling even if it is 2.61 0.91 ModeratelyWell
I change my emotional expression 2.61 0.92 ModeratelyWell
depending upon the person I am with
I can feel when someone close to me is 2.69 0.88 ModeratelyWell
Note: M= 2.70, SD=0.03

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Table 1 shows the mean, standard deviation, and descriptive interpretation of respondents' emotional
quotients (EQs) according to the eight EQ dimensions. The EQ dimensions are: Emotional literacy, Emotional
awareness of others, Emotional quotient competency, and Emotional values and attitudes. Table 1 represents
first dimension which is compose of 3 scales namely; Emotional Self-Awareness, Emotional Expression and
Emotional Awareness of Others

The table shows that respondents' EQs are generally moderate. The highest mean EQ scale is (M = 2.94,
SD = 0.78) I am aware of my feelings most of the time, followed by (M = 2.84, SD = 0.88) I let others know
what I want and need , (M = 2.84, SD = 0.77) I think about how others might feel before I give my opinion. The
lowest mean EQ scale is (M = 2.56, SD = 0.91) I let people know when uncomfortable feelings get in the way
of our work. In general, The first dimension had (M= 2.70, SD= 0.03)

According to the findings of this survey, respondents have a general awareness of their own emotions as
well as the emotions of others. They can also efficiently manage their emotions and form great relationships
with others. However, in terms of letting people know when uncomfortable feelings get in the way of their
work, there is space for development.

To support this findings, An Article Feel Your Feelings: How to Deal With Uncomfortable Emotions
(2020 ), This year has brought a lot of new difficulties and uncertainty into our lives. Along with it, we likely
have experienced a range of uncomfortable or negative emotions. Some of our emotions can be short-lived, like
a flash of annoyance, or more long term, like enduring sadness. When these feelings come up, we may
immediately want to either deny them or not acknowledge them at all. This is a psychological defense that we
use to protect ourselves and block out any anticipated pain. However, we do more harm to ourselves by not
fully processing our feelings and it isn’t a productive way to cope. That’s why it’s still important to work
through and deal with uncomfortable emotions. So why do we have such an issue with confronting our
emotions? A lot of it can be attributed to a larger cultural problem. We live in a culture that traditionally resists
and fears emotions. Additionally, there is an often negative view towards those who are vulnerable and express
how they feel because it is perpetuated as “being weak” or “too sensitive.” However, those harmful claims are
not true. Feeling our feelings and owning our emotions is one of the strongest things we can do.


Feel Your Feelings: How to Deal With Uncomfortable Emotions Eugene Therapy › Blog


Scale 4: Intentionality M SD Descriptive Interpretation

I can easily shut out destructions when I need to 2.73 0.95 ModeratelyWell
I finish most things that I start 2.70 0.82 ModeratelyWell
I know when to say no when I must 2.74 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I know how to reward myself after accomplishing a 2.86 0.75 ModeratelyWell
I can put aside short-term rewards for long term 2.86 0.84 ModeratelyWell
I can completely focus myself on a task when I 2.87 0.78 ModeratelyWell
need to
I do things I later regret 2.71 0.97 ModeratelyWell
I accept responsibility for managing my emotions 2.74 0.85 ModeratelyWell
When faced with problems, I like to deal with it as 2.56 0.99 ModeratelyWell
soon as possible
I think about what I want before I act 2.66 0.93 ModeratelyWell
I can postpone my personal gratification for a 2.71 0.89 ModeratelyWell
greater goal
When I am in a bad mood, I can talk myself out of it 2.73 0.95 ModeratelyWell
I get angry when I am criticized 2.76 0.84 ModeratelyWell
I do not know the source of my anger in situations 2.74 0.85 ModeratelyWell
Scale 5: Creativity
I’ve suggested innovative projects for any 2.73 0.80 ModeratelyWell
I participate in the sharing of information and ideas 2.71 0.89 ModeratelyWell
I fantasize with the future to help me figure out 2.74 0.94 ModeratelyWell
Page 3 of 2
where I am going
My best ideas happen when I am not really thinking 2.61 0.94 ModeratelyWell
about them
I’ve had brilliant ideas that came to me in a flash 2.64 0.91 ModeratelyWell
and were carefully formed
I have a good sense of when new ideas will succeed 2.53 0.91 ModeratelyWell
or fail
I am fascinated by new and unusual ideas 2.69 0.93 ModeratelyWell
I’ve implemented innovative projects for my 2.54 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I get excited for new ideas or solutions 2.57 0.94 ModeratelyWell
I am good at brainstorming on a problem to 2.76 0.89 ModeratelyWell
generate options
Scale 6: Resilience
I can bounce back after feeling disappointed 2.74 0.91 ModeratelyWell
I can accomplish what I need to if I put my mind to 2.70 0.94 ModeratelyWell
Obstacles or problems in my life have resulted in 2.77 0.89 ModeratelyWell
unexpected changes for the better
I find it easy to wait patiently when I need to 2.90 0.84 ModeratelyWell
There is always more than one right answer 2.89 0.79 ModeratelyWell
I know how to satisfy all parts of myself 2.77 0.84 ModeratelyWell
I am not one to procrastinate 2.61 0.92 ModeratelyWell
I am afraid to try something again when I have 2.63 0.90 ModeratelyWell
failed at it before
I decide certain problems are not worth worrying 2.50 0.94 ModeratelyWell
I relax myself when tension builds up 2.60 0.98 ModeratelyWell
I can see the humorous side of the situation 2.67 0.94 ModeratelyWell
I often put things aside for a while to get a 2.76 0.89 ModeratelyWell
perspective on them
When I encounter a problem, I focus on what I can 2.77 0.84 ModeratelyWell
do to solve it
Scale 7: Interpersonal Connection
I feel uncomfortable when someone gets too close 2.83 0.90 ModeratelyWell
to me emotionally
I have several friends I can count on in times of 2.83 0.90 ModeratelyWell
I show a lot of love and affection to my friends and 2.70 0.89 ModeratelyWell
When I have problem, I know how to go to or what 2.63 0.89 ModeratelyWell
to do to solve it
My belief and values guide my daily action 2.60 0.94 ModeratelyWell
My family is always there for me when I need them 2.76 0.89 ModeratelyWell
I doubt if my classmates/friends really care about 2.74 0.86 ModeratelyWell
I have a difficult time making friends 2.67 0.85 ModeratelyWell
Scale 8: Constructive Discontent
I can disagree effectively to bring about change 2.87 0.90 ModeratelyWell
I would not express my feelings if I believed they 2.79 0.96 ModeratelyWell
would cause disagreement
When it comes right down to it, I can only trust 2.87 0.92 ModeratelyWell
myself to get things done
I remain calm even in a situation when others get 2.96 0.89 ModeratelyWell
It is better not to stir up problems if you can avoid 2.83 0.80 ModeratelyWell
doing so
I have a hard time getting consensus from my work 2.73 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I solicit feedback from my peers on my performance 2.59 0.94 ModeratelyWell
I am good at organizing and motivating groups of 2.56 0.91 ModeratelyWell
I enjoy the challenge of facing and solving problems 2.61 0.94 ModeratelyWell
at work
Page 4 of 2
I enjoy criticism with an open mind and accept it 2.54 0.99 ModeratelyWell
when it is adjusted
I let things build up to a crisis point before talking 2.69 0.97 ModeratelyWell
about it
When I make a critical comment; I focus on the 2.71 0.78 ModeratelyWell
behavior and not the person
I avoid confrontations 2.74 0.96 ModeratelyWell
Note: M=2.70, SD=0.31

Table 2 shows the mean, standard deviation, and descriptive interpretation of respondents' emotional
quotients (EQs) according to the eight EQ dimensions. The EQ dimensions are: Emotional literacy, Emotional
awareness of others, Emotional quotient competency, and Emotional values and attitudes. Table represents
second dimension which is compose of 5 scales namely; Intentionality, Creativity, Resilience, Interpersonal
Connections and Constructive Discontent.

The table shows that respondents' EQs are generally low to moderate. The highest mean EQ scale is (M
= 2.96, SD = 0.89) I remain calm even in a situation when others get angry, followed by (M = 2.90, SD = 0.84)
I find it easy to wait patiently when I need to, (M = 2.89, SD = 0.79) There is always more than one right
answer. The lowest mean EQ scale is (M = 2.50, SD = 0.94) I decide certain problems are not worth worrying
about. In general, The second dimension had (M= 2.70, SD= 0.31)

According to the findings of this study, respondents had a solid awareness of their Emotional Quotient
Competency in terms of Intentionality, Creativity, Resilience, Interpersonal Connections, and Constructive
Discontent. Avoiding confrontations , on the other hand has room for progress.

According to a study, These prevalent personality characteristics must be considered when attempting to
address stress issues with pilots. Communicating the relevant facts without excessive reliance on psychological
terms may be beneficial in countering prevailing attitudes of invulnerability, denial, and defensiveness. Survey
research has indicated that pilots harbor a dislike for a psycho therapeutic approach to problem-solving (Byrnes
and Black, 1993).The cognitive behavioral approach to manage stress over psychodynamic approaches, perhaps
because of the problem-oriented logic inherent in cognitive behavioral precepts (Banken and Mahone, 1991:
Aifken et al., 1971). In this way, stress management interventions would be mission-relevant. This could
theoretically help to reduce resistances and increase the direct relevance of efforts to operational
readiness. The present study constitutes the initial step in this direction.

Assessment of Aircrew Stress.
Defense Technical Information Center (.mil) › sti › pdf › ADA331652 PDF
by LC Katz · 1997 · Cited by 4


Scale 9: Compassion M SD Descriptive Interpretation

I look on the bright sides of things 2.57 0.88 ModeratelyWell
I love my life 2.66 0.78 ModeratelyWell
I know I can find solutions to difficult problems 2.57 0.83 ModeratelyWell
I believe things usually work for the best 2.60 0.97 ModeratelyWell
I am continually frustrated in my life because of bad 2.71 0.97 ModeratelyWell
I like who I am 2.86 0.89 ModeratelyWell
I see challenges as opportunities for learning 2.86 0.97 ModeratelyWell
Under pressure, I am confident I will figure out a 2.74 0.94 ModeratelyWell
Scale 10: Outlook
Sometimes I have the right answer without having the 2.66 0.90 ModeratelyWell
My hunches are usually right 2.67 0.79 ModeratelyWell
I visualize my future goals 2.77 0.87 ModeratelyWell
can see the finish product or picture before it is 2.74 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I believe my dream even when others can’t see or 2.64 0.83 ModeratelyWell
Page 5 of 2
understand it
When faced with a tough choice, I follow my heart 2.67 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I pay attention when things don’t feel quite right to 2.64 0.98 ModeratelyWell
Once I’ve made up my mind, I seldom, change it 2.60 1.03 ModeratelyWell
People say I am a visionary 2.91 0.86 ModeratelyWell
When someone presents an opinion different from 2.74 0.85 ModeratelyWell
my opinion, I have a hard time accepting
I use my gut reactions when making decisions 2.61 0.98 ModeratelyWell
Scale 11: Intuition 2.70 0.41 ModeratelyWell
People will take advantages of me if I let them 2.73 0.95 ModeratelyWell
I trust until I have reason not to 2.74 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I am very much careful about whom I trust 2.89 0.81 ModeratelyWell
I respect my peers 2.90 0.76 ModeratelyWell
People like me in my organization have gotten better 2.77 0.90 ModeratelyWell
deals than I have
The people I associate with are trustworthy 2.76 0.84 ModeratelyWell
I seem to get the short end of the stick 2.61 0.98 ModeratelyWell
Very little in life is fair or equitable 2.47 1.00 ALittle
When something isn’t working, I try to come up with 2.84 0.94 ModeratelyWell
an alternative plan
When I meet new people, I disclose every little 2.54 0.93 ModeratelyWell
personal information about myself
Scale 13: Personal Power
I can make things happen 2.70 1.01 ModeratelyWell
Fate plays a strong role in my life 2.74 0.91 ModeratelyWell
I find it useless to fight the established hierarchy in 2.53 0.94 ModeratelyWell
our organization
Circumstances are beyond my control 2.74 0.79 ModeratelyWell
I need recognition from others to make my work 3.07 0.73 ModeratelyWell
I am easy to like 2.80 0.81 ModeratelyWell
I have a hard time accepting compliments 2.66 0.96 ModeratelyWell
I can get what I want 2.61 0.84 ModeratelyWell
I feel in control of my life 2.57 0.99 ModeratelyWell
If I reflect on my life, I might find I am basically 2.41 0.99 ALittle
I feel frightened and out of control when things 2.87 0.87 ModeratelyWell
change rapidly
I enjoy taking charge of things 2.59 0.92 ModeratelyWell
I know what I want and go after it 2.96 0.88 ModeratelyWell
Scale 14: Integrity
I am willing to admit it when I make a mistake 2.93 0.80 ModeratelyWell
I feel like a fraud 2.73 0.87 ModeratelyWell
If I no longer had passion for what I’m doing, I 2.91 0.85 ModeratelyWell
would change it
My job is an extension of my personal values system 2.71 0.85 ModeratelyWell
I never tell lies 2.64 0.93 ModeratelyWell
I find myself going along with a situation even if I 2.63 0.89 ModeratelyWell
know I don’t believe in it
I exaggerate my abilities to get ahead 2.80 0.97 ModeratelyWell
I tell the truth even if it is difficult 2.80 0.89 ModeratelyWell
I have done things that are against my beliefs 2.73 0.82 ModeratelyWell
Note: M=0.21, SD=2.75

Table 3 shows the mean, standard deviation, and descriptive interpretation of respondents'
emotional quotients (EQs) according to the eight EQ dimensions. The EQ dimensions are: Emotional literacy,
Emotional awareness of others, Emotional quotient competency, and Emotional values and attitudes. Table 3
represents third dimension which is compose of 6 scales namely; Compassion, Outlook, Intuition, Trust
Radius, Personal Power and Integrity.

The table shows that respondents' EQs are generally low to moderate. The highest mean EQ scale is
(M= 3.07, SD= 0.73) I need recognition from others to make my work worthwhile, followed by (M = 2.96, SD
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= 0.88) I know what I want and go after it, (M = 2.93, SD = 0.80) I am willing to admit it when I make a
mistake. The lowest mean EQ scale is (M = 2.41, SD = 0.99) If I reflect on my life, I might find I am basically
happy. In general, The third dimension had (M= 0.21, SD= 2.75)

The results of this study suggest that respondents have a generally good understanding of their
Emotional Values and Attitudes in terms of Compassion, Outlook, Intuition, Trust Radius, Personal Power and
Integrity. However, there is room for improvement in terms of find yourself going along with a situation even if
you know you don't believe in it.

According to a research: Happiness begins with you; it is a state of mind, therefore if you think and want
to be happy, you will be! It really is that simple, yet 95% of us will never know how to achieve happiness in its
simplest form. How to be happy is without a doubt the most of second most asked question in life after what is
the meaning of life. After all, isn’t happiness what we are all looking for? Of course what is the meaning of life
is very important but knowing your purpose may not make you happy. Understanding how to be happy seems a
little bit more important to me than my purpose in life. Unless being happy is your ultimate purpose in life. You
may never find your purpose in life but finding or knowing how to be happy can make all the difference in this


Associate Professor NANCY G. DE LEON, DME

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