LEC 11 Research Ethics and Protocals

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Lec 11: Research Ethics

and Protocols
George Kimbowa

20/10/2022 GEORGE KIMBOWA 1

Uganda Research Ethics Committee
• The number of research projects involving humans as
research participants in Uganda has more than quadrupled
since 1990s.
• This increasing quest for knowledge and the search for novel
remedies to health, social & other challenges is
commendable, but could, if uncontrolled, expose research
participants to a spectrum of risks.
• It is therefore important to have in place a system that
promotes beneficial research & guards against unethical
• Oversight of research involving humans as research
participants in Uganda is done first at the organizational level
by Research Ethics Committees (RECs) & second at the
national level by UNCST in collaboration with Uganda
National Health Research Organization (UNHRO) for research
in health.
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Uganda Research Ethics Committee
• The Uganda Christian University (UCU), as a Centre of Excellence in the
Heart of Africa, has one of its core values as INTEGRITY and aims to
uphold sound moral character, as defined by Biblical principles.
• UCU therefore has Research Ethics Committee (REC) accredited by The
Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) to
review and oversee all research activities involving human subjects in her
catchment area
• (Nkumba Univerisity) NUREC was established so as to give independent
supervision, direction, and resolution (for of “approval/ recommendation/
stipulation/disapproval”) on the academic research, health research and
other specific research protocols involving human participants.
• The NUREC is an independent body that is composed of both scholarly
scientists and non-scientists that are involved in reviewing protocol from all
disciplines. This committee reviews all types of biomedical, social,
ethnographic and political science protocols/proposals.
• By practice, the committee embraces diverse backgrounds in qualification,
training and experience to achieve adequate review of science and ethics in
the stipulated protocols and research usually conducted at Nkumba
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Vision Ethics
• To ensure the highest possible ethical standards in the conduct of research carried
out in Uganda.
• To develop and implement policies which uphold and advance the current highest
standards for the ethical conduct of research involving humans and animals.
• To promote a science of ethical responsibility through education and training of the
research community.
Submitting your proposal
• Individuals/Researchers intending to submit their protocols to NUREC for ethical
review and approval should contact the NUREC Secretariat who will provide the
necessary documentation needed for submission. This includes the application
form, proposal format, fees structure, as well as other documents needed by
• NUREC is comprised of 13 active members; including a Community
Representative who devotes their time to the protection of human and vertebrate
animal research participants. The reviewers are highly qualified and experienced
researchers whose mandate is to critically review protocols submitted and ensure
the protection of research participants.
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