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AKADEMIK 2022/2023
MATA KULIAH : ENGLISH FOR Socio-Technoprenuer
HARI/TANGGAL : Kamis, 25 Mei 2023
WAKTU : 20:00-21:30

Read this text carefully

The mindset of ourselves sometime can make a paradox which often trip us up, but
embracing contradictory ideas may actually be the secret to creativity and leadership.

Working life often involves the push and pull of various contradictory demands.
Doctors and nurses need to provide highest quality healthcare at the lowest cost; musicians
want to maintain their artistic integrity while also making a sack full of cash. A teacher has
to impose tough discipline for the good of the class – such as being “cruel to be kind”.

Being dragged in two different directions, simultaneously, should only create tension
and stress. And yet some exciting and highly counter-intuitive research suggests that these
conflicts can often work in our favor. Over a series of studies, psychologists and
organizational scientists have found that people who learn to embrace, rather than reject,
opposing demands show greater creativity, flexibility and productivity. The dual constraints
actually enhance their performance. The researchers call this a “paradox mindset” – and
there never be a better time to start cultivating it.

Hey, Think like Einstein. Although this concept may sound counter-intuitive, it is
inspired by a long history of research showing that contemplation of apparent contradictions
can break down our assumptions, offering us wholly new ways of looking at the problem.

By Loizos Heracleous and David Robson

12th November 2020

Answer the questions based on the reading text above😭

1. Identify each “Part of Speech” that you found on the text above (min. 20 words)?
2. How many “Present Tenses” sentences that you found on the reading text above?
3. Make 5 sentences about Paradox mindset using “Continues Tense context” words?
4. What is the message according to your perceptions using Future Tense context,
based on the reading text above?
5. Please explain the last paragraph, you may use your idealistic context based on your
own experiences

Nama : Andrian Lubis

NIM : 2261201320
Prodi : Manajemen (S1)
Dosen : Ms. Velma Alicia

1. Here are the identified parts of speech in the text:

 Nouns (kata benda): mindset, paradox, creativity, leadership, life, demands,
doctors, nurses, healthcare, cost, musicians, integrity, sack, cash, teacher,
discipline, good, class, tension, stress, research, people, constraints, performance,
time, history, contemplation, contradictions, assumptions, ways, problem.
 Pronouns (kata ganti): ourselves, us, their, it.
 Verbs (kata kerja): make, trip, embracing, provide, want, maintain, impose,
dragged, create, suggest, work, learn, reject, show, enhance, call, start,
cultivating, showing, break, offering, looking.
 Adjectives (kata sifat): contradictory, highest, lowest, tough, cruel, greater, dual,
counter-intuitive, new.
 Adverbs (kata keterangan): sometime, actually, often.
 Prepositions (kata depan): of, to, at, for, while.
 Conjuntions (kata penghubung): but, and, than.
 Interjections (kata seru): Hey.
 Article : a, the
 Determiner : that, these, this
2. There are no sentences in the present tense in the given text because there are
statement or that is the findings of the research (continous tense context).
3. There are 5 sentences about ‘paradox mindset’:
 We are discovering that the more we are learning, the more we are realizing how
much we don’t know.
 The more you are giving, the more you are receiving.
 When we are being too harsh on children, it becomes difficult to be heard.
 Sometimes, when we are having too many choice, it is becoming more difficult to
make a decision.
 If we are expecting too much from someone, then we must be prepared to accept
4. The message, according to my perception using future tense context based on the
reading text above, is that embracing contradictory ideas and developing a paradox
mindset will be essential for fostering creativity and effective leadership in the future.
The text suggests that individuals who learn to embrace opposing demands and
contradictory concepts will experience enhanced performance, flexibility and
productivity. It implies that cultivating a paradox mindset is a valuable approach for
addressing the complexities and contradictions in various aspects of life and work. By
adopting this mindset, individuals can navigate conflicting demands and find
innovative solutions to challenges.
5. The last paragraph encourages readers to think like Einstein and embrace apparent
contradictions. It refers to the concept of contemplating contradictions as a way to
break downl assumptions and gain new perspectives on problems. The paragraph
suggests that by chellenging existing beliefs and considering conflicting ideas, we
can find innovative solutions and face chalenggers in unconventional ways. It implies
that thinking outside the box and exploring conflicting viewpoints can lead to
breakthroughs and new discoveries. The paragraph encourages readers to adopt this
mindset and approach problem-solving with an open and flexible attitude.

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