Data Repurchase Intention - Description & Questions

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Data “Repurchase intention”

Variable description:
• “Web”: The e-commerce website that participants made purchases
• “Gender”: Gender of participants (1 = Male; 2 = Female)
• “Age”: Age range of participants (1 = under 25; 2 = 25 – 30; 3 = above 30)
• “PFreq”: Purchase frequency of participants (1 = once per month; 2 = twice per
month; 3 = three times per month; 4 = four times or above per month)
• “Income”: Monthly income of participants (1 = under VND 5 million; 2 =
VND 5 million - VND 10 million; 3 = above VND 10 million)
• “Education”: Education level of participants (1 = high school; 2 = college; 3 =
university or higher)
• “TRU”: Trust in online shopping (1 = low trust, 2 = medium trust, 3 = high
• “RP”: Repurchase intention (Likert 7-point: 1= totally disagree & 7 = totally
agree) measured by 4 items (RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4 & RP5)
• “WOM” Word of mouth (Likert 7-point: 1= totally disagree & 7 = totally
agree) measured by 5 items (WOM1, WOM2, WOM3, WOM4 & WOM5)
• “IQ”: Information quality of retailing website (Likert 7-point: 1= totally
disagree & 7 = totally agree) measured by 5 items (IQ1, IQ2, IQ3, IQ4 & IQ5)

Questions: Analysing the data and interpret the results to meet the following
manager’s information needs:
1. The manager wishes to know which retailing website consumers make
purchase most frequently and least frequently.
2. In order to employ STP (segmenting – targeting – positioning), the manager
wishes to know characteristics of the e-shopper in details (level of trust, gender,
age, purchasing frequency, income and education level).
Gender --> Chart (Pie chart)

Conclusion: Most of respondents are female (72%) or Nữ nhiều gấp ba lần nam
3. Before employing data analysis, the manager wishes to check the reliability of
the scales measuring WOM, IQ and RP based on Cronbach alpha.
4. The manager wishes to identify basic statistical figures of WOM, IQ and RP
including mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, skewness and
WOM (tổng k phải WOM 1,2,3,4,5)
tạo ra variable ms WOM (tổng): transform--> compute variable

Conclusion: Những người respondents willing to say positive things about brand

5. The manager wishes to know how trust varies due to different level of age,
purchase frequency and income.
trust: DV - thang đo ordinal
age: IV

6. The manager thinks that WOM may influence heavily on consumer in online
purchase, the manager wishes to test the hypothesis stating that mean of WOM
in the population exceeds 5-mean of sample, 2 tales.
one sample t test
compare mean --> one sample t-test
7. The managers think that male and female consumer may not similar in
evaluating quality of provided information and repurchase intention. Thus, the
manager wishes to check whether repurchase intention and perceived
information quality are statistically different or not across gender.

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