AIML 2024 Simp - Watermark

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Super Important Questions - 2024

Module 5

1. What is reinforcement learning? Explain locally weighted regression.

2. Discuss KNN Algorithm in detail.
3. Write a note wrt to reinforcement learning i) Q learning ii) Learning Tasks
4. Explain Global approximation of Radial basis function with appropriate diagram.
5. Distinguish Eager Learning and Lazy Learning algorithms.

Module 4

1. Explain the Brute Force MAP learning algorithm and write a short note about EM Algorithm.
2. What is Bayes theorem and maximum posterior hypothesis? Derive an equation for MAP hypothesis
using Bayes Theorem.
3. Explain Naïve Bayes. Using Naive Bayes classifier classify the new data (Red. SUV. Domestic)
Colour Type Origin Stolen
Red Sedan Domestic Yes
Yellow SUV Imported Yes
Yellow Sedan Domestic No
Red Sedan Imported Yes
Red SUV Imported No
Yellow SUV Domestic No
Yellow Sedan Imported Yes

4. Explain Bayesian Belief Network & conditional independence with an example.

5. Discuss Minimum Description length principle in brief with equations.
6. Let us assume dangerous fires are rare (1%) but smoke is fairly common (10%) due to barbeques and
90% of dangerous fires make smokes. Find the probability fire when there’s smoke.

Module 3

1. How a single perceptron can be used to represent the Boolean functions such as AND, OR.
2. Discuss the perceptron training rule and delta rule that solves the learning problem of perceptron.
3. Explain ID3 Algorithm with an example.
4. Explain the concept of decision tree learning. Explain about the attribute selection criteria used to build
decision tree using ID3 algorithm.
5. Derive the Back propagation Rule for artificial neural networks. Why is it not likely to be trapped in
local minima?
6. Write Gradient Descent algorithm to train a linear unit along with derivation.
7. Define i) Gain ii) Entropy. Explain how it is used to build decision tree. For the transactions shown in
the table compute the following: – (a) Entropy of the collection of transaction records of the table with
respect to classification. (b) What is the information gain of A1 and A2 relative to the transactions of
the table?

Instance Classification A1 A2
1 + T T
2 + T T
3 - T F
4 + F F
5 - F T
6 - F T
Module 2:

1. List out the steps of Candidate Elimination Algorithm and its disadvantages. Explain with an example
of your choice.
2. Convert the following statements into First Order Predicate Logic (i)Everybody loves Modi (ii) Every
house is a physical object (iii) No house is a human being (iv) Every house has an owner (v) Ted owns
a car.
3. i) Mickey likes all food.
ii) Apples are food.
iii) Chicken is food.
iv)Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
v) Sue eats everything that Bill eats.
Convert the following statements into First Order Predicate Logic. Prove that Mickey likes peanuts
using backward chaining. Convert the formulas (i) into clause form. Prove Mickey likes peanuts using
4. Define Knowledge Representation. What are the techniques and approaches used for Knowledge
Representation? List out the issues of Knowledge representation.
5. Difference between (i)Training data and Testing data (ii)Supervised, Unsupervised and
Reinforcement Learning (iii) Inductive biased hypothesis space and unbiased learner (iv) Forward &
Backward reasoning
6. Find maximally specific hypothesis for training instances given below using Find- S algorithm. The
concept of the particular problem on what days does the person lines to go on walk.

Module 1:

1. Discuss the Water Jug Problem. Write the production rules and provide one solution for the Water Jug
2. Write a heuristic function for traveling salesman problems? Also briefly explain
its advantages and disadvantages of BFS/DFS Algorithms
3. Explain Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Technique with an algorithm. List its drawbacks and ways to
overcome its drawbacks.
4. Explain(usual definitions): Production system and characteristics (with def), Problem
characteristics(with def), AI techniques (define AI), Turing test, Control strategy, Hill Climbing and its
5. Discuss the tic-tac-toe problem/8 Puzzle problem in detail and explain how it can be solved using AI
6. Explain problem reduction with respect to AND OR graph with suitable example.
7. Explain AO & AO* algorithm with example.
8. What is constraint satisfaction? Solve the crypt arithmetic problem given below:

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