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Gas turbine and jet propulsion Worksheet and Assignment I (15%)

1. Air has a velocity of 1000km/h at a pressure of 6.81kN/m 2 in vacuum and a

temperature of 47℃ . Compute its stagnation properties.
2. Air flowing with a velocity of 600 m/s, a pressure of 60 kPa, and a temperature of
260K undergoes a normal shock. Determine the velocity and static and stagnation
conditions after the shock and the entropy change across the shock.
3. A converging-diverging nozzle has an exit-area-to-throat area ratio of 2. Air enters
this nozzle with a stagnation pressure of 1000 kPa and a stagnation temperature of
500 K. The throat area is 8 cm 2. Determine the mass flow rate, exit pressure, exit
temperature, exit Mach number, and exit velocity.
4. At some section in the convergent-divergent nozzle, in which air is flowing, pressure,
velocity, temperature and cross-sectional area are 200 kN/m 2, 170 m/s, 200°C and
1000 mm2 respectively. If the flow conditions are isentropic, determine: (i) Stagnation
temperature and stagnation pressure, (ii) Sonic velocity and Mach number at this
section, (iii) Velocity, Mach number and flow area at outlet section where pressure is
110 kN/m2.
5. A steady stream of air passes through a normal shock which stands ahead of the
engine inlet of a supersonic airplane flying at Mach 2 at 12 km. Find the properties of
the air at the inlet and exit of the normal shock wave.

Submission date: 17/07/2013 E.C

The main components of Gas Turbine Engine

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