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(Cf. Ps 139)
Some days in life, things do not happen the way you want them to be. They fall apart and you
start to worry: you feel discouraged, lonely and frustrated with yourself, thinking there is no
other way to straighten things up. It is okay not to feel okay sometimes, but whenever you
find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come already.
When you feel like giving up, remember that you have held on for so long in the first place.
God gave you this life because he knew you were strong enough to live it accordingly by his
grace. Please stop doubting your capacity to make it. You are good enough to be the best of
who and what you were created to be. Just keep trying each new day with growing
enthusiasm. Never give up on yourself because the very fact that you are still alive is an
indication and a sign that God has not yet given up on you. You’re braver than you believe
and stronger than you know. You’re smarter than you think and more capable than you may
have ever dreamt of. God loves you more than you can ever imagine. How we know and
understand ourselves(self-knowledge) is critically very important, but there is something
even more important and necessary to be able to live a whole hearted life that goes beyond
self- knowledge: and that is Self-Love. We must learn to love the self that we know, if not,
we will always feel less worthy and we will focus on our weaknesses more than the beauty of
our strengths that God has bestowed on us. self-esteem is valuing of yourself and you cannot
esteem something you do not love. This is the starting point of change and improvement in
everyone’s life. Let the fears of possible future failures and difficulties not frighten you. Let
the errors and failures of the past not pull you back because in actual fact, you have none of
them and can control none of them. What you have and can control is your present, your now,
your today. With your choices and decisions of today, you can learn from and correct the
mistakes of the past. With your present, you can plan and work for a better future. Live the
present. The power of the “Now” is that each “Now” that you have is an opportunity to
restart. Sometimes, we have to learn how to forgive ourselves, pick up ourselves and restart
again. Like the prodigal son, we must be able to say with conviction, “I will leave this place
and return/go back to my father”(Lk 15:18) trusting that God is always ready to welcome us
and walk with us when we truly turn back to him and abandon ourselves in his hands. You as
much as anyone else in the whole world deserve your own love and affection. You cannot
give what you do not have. Learn to love and accept yourself despite your weaknesses and
limitations while working hard to be better, then you will learn to love others even in their
weaknesses and limitations. If we loved people because they were perfect and void of
mistakes and weaknesses, then no one will deserve to be loved not even you. Always bear
this in mind.

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