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Levels of Hospital  Produce a two-way channel of
Level 1(Primary) communication
 They need assistance depending on the
Description: Emergency Hospital
size of the hospital
Clinical Services: General Medicine,  Appoints heads
Pediatrics, Non-surgical Gynecology, Minor
Standing Committees
Other Services: General Administrative
Service, May Provide Ancillary Service The executive committee
(Pharmacy, Clinical laboratory, 1st level
 The hospital committee
- deals with personnel appointments
Nursing Care: Provide for patients who  Finance committee
required MINIMAL CATEGORY of supervised - hospital budget, room rates and
care for more than 24 hours other financial matters
 Committee on public relations
Level 2 (Secondary)
- educates the community on the
Description: Non-departmentalized hospital value of the hospital
Clinical Services: Level 1, Surgery,
Duties of Governing Board
Other Services: Appropriate administrative
 Responsible for the selection of
service & ancillary services
competent personnel including the
Nursing Care: Level 1, Moderate/ Partial medical staff
Organization and Administration
Level 3 (Tertiary)  Governing body of the hospital
 Composed of the president or chair,
Description: Departmentalized hospital vice-chair, secretary and treasurer
Clinical services: Level 2, Specialty care clinic  Where the administrator, director,
superintendent, medical director, chief
Other Services: Same as level 2 administrative officer must report
Nursing Care: Level 2, Total and Intensive Fundamental Function of Hospitals
Care  Patient Care- toward a specific patient
Level 4 (Quaternary)  Education- healthcare professionals and
Description: Teaching and training hospital  Research- advancement of medical
Clinical Services: Level 3, Subspecialty knowledge and improvement of hospital
Other Services: Same as Level 2  Public health- assist the community in
Nursing Care: Level 3, Continuous & Highly Ithe incidence of illness and improving
Specialized Care the general health of the population

Different Departments in the Hospitals
 Department which services involve
Diagnostic Services
primarily the professional care of the
patient  Determines the causes of illness or
 Department which deal with the injury Includes:
business management or 1. Medical Laboratory
administrative side of the hospital 2. Medical Imaging
3. Emergency Medicine
Common Categorical Grouping:
1. Administrative Services Support Services
2. informational Services
 Provides support for entire hospital
3. Therapeutic Services
4. Diagnostic Services Includes:
5. Support Services 1. Central Supply
2. Biomedical Technology
Administrative Services 3. Housekeeping & Maintenance
 Hospital Administrators Traditional Organizational Chart
- CEO, Vice Presidents), Executive
Assistants, Department Heads
 Business people who "run the hospital"
 Oversee budgeting and finance
Informational Services
 Document and process information
1. Admissions
2. Billing & Collection
3. Medical Records Pyramid
- Demonstrates a Symbolic
4. Computer Information Systems
Organizational Structure of a
5. Health Education
6. Human Resources
Therapeutic Services
 Provides treatment to patients Includes
following departments:
1. Physical Therapy
2. Occupational Therapy
3. Speech/Language Pathology
4. Respiratory Therapy
5. Medical Psychology
6. Social Services
7. Pharmacy
8. Dietary Services
9. Sports Medicine
10. Nursing

The Medical Staff
 Physicians are independent agents
taking care of their patients and they
utilize the hospital, its departments,
facilities and services to care for these
Duties of the Medical Staff
 Providing professional care of the sick
and injured in the hospital
 Maintaining its own efficiency
 Participating in the educational program
of the hospital
 Advisory and assisting the administrator
and governing board regarding medical
Two Main Types of Hospital Staffs
 Open staff
 Close staff

Categories of the Medical Staf

Courtesy Staff
 desire the privilege of attending private
patients but does not desire active staff
Resident Medical Staff
 provide service in exchange for
education and experience
Active Staff
 concerned with regularly patient care o
most actively involved in the hospital
Associate Staff
 junior/ less experienced member’s or
first step to active membership
Honorary Medical Staff or Retired
 honored of outstanding contribution
Consulting Medical Staff
 specialist who are recognized by
passing a specialty board of national
organization of their specialty


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