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age-related health concerns.

GERIATRIC CARE TEAM shows that geriatric medicine is one of
Geriatric Care the least common specialties for
• is a specialty healthcare that centers its young doctors to choose. But the
service provision to the aging doctors who choose it more frequently
population, particularly to frail older see themselves as compassionate
persons. caretakers and are less concerned
• It aims to promote Quality Of Life by with prestige or high pay.
preventing and / or treating diseases to
achieve optimal level of function.

WHOM ARE THE MEMBERS OF THE What is Occupational Therapy?
GERIATRIC CARE TEAM? • Occupational therapy is a type of health
1. GERONTOLOGISTS are health care care that helps to solve the problems that
professionals who may have patients, but they interfere with a person’s ability to do the
aren’t medical doctors. things that are important to them –
‘Gerontologist’ is simply a catch-all term for experts everyday things like:
in the field of gerontology – the scientific
• Self-care - getting dressed, eating,
study of aging and its effects on medical treatment
moving around the house,
and well- being. But what do gerontologists
• Being productive - going to work
do? They’re specialists who address the unique
or school, participating in the
health concerns older adults face in fields
community, and
like dentistry, psychology, nursing and social work.
• Leisure activities - sports,
gardening, social activities.
Why is gerontology important?
Gerontologists, especially those who have earned
• Occupational therapists work with elderly
care certifications from state and federal bodies,
patients and teach them exercise and
are a crucial part of the senior care ecosystem.
rehabilitation techniques that make
Since most doctors don’t specialize in serving
completing daily tasks, such as
older adults, these professionals support and
dressing, eating, and bathing, much
inform the work your doctor does to keep you
easier. Occupational therapists help
healthy. They also do research that leads to more
patients improve their fine and basic motor
effective, compassionate and comfort-
skills, strength, dexterity, and their range of
minded care.

Physical therapists are highly trained
❖ What’s the difference between a gerontologist
health care professionals, with an expertise in
and a geriatrician?
movement and exercise.
▪ A geriatrician is a medical doctor who
• Physical therapy training includes
specializes in caring for older adults.
assessment, exercise prescription,
Once they’ve finished medical school
and progression, all with
and residency, would-be geriatricians
appropriate monitoring. All these
must become board-certified in
skills can be utilized for older adults
internal or family medicine. They are
before injury happens.
then required to complete a geriatric
medicine fellowship at an accredited
facility and pass the Geriatric Medicine • More importantly, a physical
Certification Examination. therapist can assess results
against important thresholds
▪ When you go to a geriatrician, you related to falls, disability, and
benefit from their education in even mortality.
preventing, diagnosing and treating
home (physical, emotional, social,
5. SPEECH THERAPY economic) is provided by family caregivers.
• Speech therapy helps individuals express • Caregivers providing care to “high-
themselves and assists them with the struggle need” older adults—those who have at
to speak through a stutter or other on-going least two self-care needs or dementia—are
situations. more likely to help with a wide variety
of services for older adults.
• Speech therapy is often a necessary task for
seniors after undergoing debilitating events
such as a stroke or dementia. No matter how
old you are, communicating clearly is important 8. INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAMS
for individuals of all ages. This includes seniors • Interdisciplinary teams are essential in the
whose speech can be affected by their age or care of patients with life-threatening illnesses
illness. and their families. Interdisciplinary approaches
to care also assist the professional in
preventing stress and burnout. Obstacles to
• Speech therapy is a very common form of post-
effective interdisciplinary team function include
acute care in assisting patients in achieving frequent change in team composition, as well
improved quality of life and communication. as role conflict or blurring.

• The goal of speech therapy for seniors is • Building or strengthening teams depends on
to increase functional communication, careful selection of members, interdisciplinary
cognitive skills and teach safe swallowing education, and team training in communication
by introducing diet modifications and techniques and conflict resolution, as well as
special feeding techniques. ASC's speech appropriate institutional support.
therapy programs may include muscle
retraining, compensatory strategies and use of • The interdisciplinary team is distinct from
communication devices. the multidisciplinary team, in which
interactions among the perspectives of each
are less clearly emphasized. Palliative
care has strongly emphasized the
interdisciplinary team, and most palliative
care services honor this by holding regular
6. GERIATRIC CASE MANAGER interdisciplinary team meetings. A chance to
• The job duties of a geriatric case manager share perspectives is essential in translating
include teaching family members how to the comprehensive assessment into high-
help elderly relatives, providing in-home quality care. The family meeting may also be a
health care evaluations, and coordinating setting in which valuable perspectives and
health care services for elderly patients. exchanges can occur so that the assessment
is both comprehensive and, to whatever level
What is the main function of case manager? is appropriate, shared by all relevant parties.
• Case Manager duties include assessing,
planning, implementing, monitoring and
evaluating actions required to meet the
client's health and human services needed.

What do you think is the role of a family in the
care of older adults?
• Family caregivers play a key role
in delaying and possibly preventing
institutionalization of chronically ill
older patients. Although neighbors and
friends may help, about 80% of help in the

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