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A house of bricks and stone stands strong,

While a home's foundation is love alone.

Shelter from rain, a house will provide,

But a home brings solace when tears collide.

A place to stay, a house does become,

Yet a home invites laughter and endless fun.

Cold and bare, a structure defined,

But a home overflows with care entwined.

Eating and sleeping, a house's role,

While a home preserves memories that console.

A physical space, a house may be,

But a home grants grace and helps us see.

Bought and sold, a house can be changed,

But a home's value is far beyond arranged.

Residence defined, a house resides,

But a home sparks life where joy abides.

A mere building, a house may be known,

But a home brings happiness and freedom sown.

So let's not confuse the two as we roam,

For a home is where our hearts find their true home

1.What is the main idea of the poem?
2.Give atleast 3 differences between a house and a home according to the poem?
3.What emotions are associated with a home?
4.What message does the poem convey about the importance of a home in our lives?
5How does the poem describe a house as a physical structure?

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