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ESL Language


Unit 1
What was he doing when you cooked?


• To connect ideas or actions happening at the same time in simple past and
continuous tenses, using “When” and “While.
• To ask questions in simple past and continuous tenses, using the time clauses
“When” and “While.
• To answer questions in simple past and continuous tenses, using the time
clauses “When” and “While.
• To identify the indefinite pronouns in English.
• To tell a story in past tense, using the indefinite pronouns in English.
-. To connect ideas or actions -. Past Continuous What was he doing when you/she/they -. Past
happening at the same time in cooked/watched TV/slept? -. Where was
Tense vs. Simple Continuous.
simple past and continuous he/were you/were they while you
Past Tense. were/she was/he was cooking/watching Simple Past.
tenses, using “When” and
TV/sleeping. -. I was/She/He was/They -. Time
were sleeping/watching TV/cooking,
-. To ask questions in simple -. When and While Clauses:
when the phone rang. -. While she/he/I
past and continuous tenses, . When and
was watching TV/cooking/sleeping. -. Did
using the time clauses “When” -. Indefinite Pronouns. you/she/he see/hear/feel While. -.
and “While. anything/anyone/anybody? /Did you go
-. Sequence Adverbs Indefinite
-. To answer questions in anywhere? -. I/She/He/They didn’t
(First, Then, Next, Pronouns.
simple past and continuous see/hear/ anything/anyone. -.
After that, Before that, I/She/He/They saw/heard
-. Sequence
tenses, using the time clauses
“When” and “While. Finally). something/someone/ somebody strange. Adverb
-. To identify the indefinite -. Nothing/No one/Nowhere/Someone/
Something/Someone/ Anyone/Anybody/
pronouns in English.
-. To tell a story in past tense,
using the indefinite pronouns
in English.
Everyone/Everywhere. -.
First/Then/Next/Before that/After
What was he doing when you cooked?

Fill in the blanks. Complete the story. Use the phrases from the box

“It was a cold night in February. My husband was working in Colorado, when
_________________. While _____________________, my sister was staying with me
and my little son ______________________, at home. That night, I was sleeping, when
______________________. At first, I thought, It was my sister
_____________________. I shouted: ________________________?”, but
______________. Then, I turned the light on, expecting to see my sister. When
_________________, __ ___________________________________. It wasn’t my
sister! Instead at the foot of the bed, there was a woman wearing a black veil. While,
___________________, she extended her arms towards my baby. My baby was
already standing on his mattress, while she was trying to reach for him”.
➢ Who was only 2 years old.
➢ I heard something in my bedroom.
➢ He was in Colorado.
➢ Is anyone there?
➢ Who was sleeping in the next room.
➢ It happened.
➢ I was looking at her.
➢ I turned on the lights.
➢ Nobody answered.
➢ I saw someone standing next to my son’s crib.
2. Answer the questions about the story.

a. When did the story happen?

b. What was the weather like?
c. Where was her husband?
d. Who was staying with her?
e. What did she hear?
f. What did she see?
g. What was the woman doing?
h. What was the baby doing?

1. Listen to this witness in a trial. Write “T”, for “True” and “F” for “False”. Correct the “False”
statements. (Audio CD Track 1).

a. Samantha was at home, when the burglar came in. _____.

b. She was shopping, when someone broke into her house. _____.
c. Her husband was sleeping at home, while she was at work. _____.
d. Her husband didn’t hear anything. ______.
e. Her 2 children were at home, when the burglar was in the house.
f. The children saw someone in their bedroom. _______.
2. Now, listen again and write a short summary about what happened.


1. Listen to the conversation and role play it with two partners. (Audio CD Track 2).

Judge: Mr. Collins, call your next witness, please!

Prosecutor: Yes, sir. The state calls Marilyn Thomas.
Prosecutor: Ms. Thomas. Where were you this Monday morning?
Ms. Thomas: I was at the bank. I was cashing a check, when someone wearing a blue
jacket came in.
Prosecutor: And what was this man doing, while you were cashing your check?
Ms. Thomas: At the beginning, he wasn’t doing anything wrong, but 5 minutes later, he
took out a gun and asked the teller to give him all the money and put it into a bag.
Prosecutor: Do you recognize that man here?
Ms. Thomas: Sure, he’s sitting right over there.
Prosecutor: Thank you, Ms. Thomas. No further questions.
2. Answer the questions about the conversation above.

a. What happened?
b. When did it happen?
c. What was the man wearing?
d. What was Ms. Collins doing, when the man got in the bank?

Time clauses
Same time events

❖ When Susan called, he was watching his baby.
❖ Ronny picked up his cell phone, when you called.

When is followed by a clause with an activity that

(1) is a short interruption, or
(2) occurs at nearly the same time or shortly after the first activity.
A non-progressive verb form is more commonly (but not always) used
for activities of short duration. It can be followed by a sentence in a
simple tense, the verb BE, or in a continuous tense.

❖ While Susan was talking, he was holding his baby.

❖ John slept, while I was cooking.
❖ While she was at work, the children were playing in the park.

While is followed by a clause with a same-time (simultaneous) activity and

includes a verb expressing duration. The while-clause often expresses a
background activity to the focus-activity in the main clause. While is generally
used with the verb BE and continuous tenses only.
1. Fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences, using “When”, or “While”.

a. My brother was eating, ____________ Liz called.

b. __________ Danny was dancing, his sister played the guitar.
c. I was working, _________ my boss entered.
d. Jane and Jules practiced with their pianos, ___________, you
played the drums.
e. My mother was cooking lunch, ___________ I was sleeping in
my bedroom.
Simple past: actions that finished

Simple past: Answers

1) Subject

2) Verb in past (Regular / Irregular )

3) Complement

4) Time expression

I failed the test last year.

Verb in past (Regular / Irregular )

Regular = ED Irregulars = X

Go= went / Gone

Work = Worked Run = Ran /
Play = Played Runned / Ran
Study = Studied Buy = Bought / Bought
Cook = Cooked Drive = Drove / Driven
Dance = Danced Drink = Drank / Drunk
Listen = Listened Cut = Cut / Cut
Read = Read / Readed
Hit = Hit / Hit
Sit = Sat / Sitten
See = Saw / Seen
Say = Said / Said
Indefinite Pronouns

Notice: An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount . It is
vague and "not definite". Some typical indefinite pronouns are:
all, another, any, anybody/anyone, anything, each, everybody/everyone, everything, few,
many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody/someone

Sequence adverbs can connect ideas or actions in a story , when telling a story,ñ they help
you follow the sequence of the events . Some of them are: First, Firstly, Second, Secondly,
Then, Next, Before that, After that, At the end, and Finally.
2. Listening. Listen to Joel telling a story. Complete with the indefinite pronouns
you hear. (Audio CD Track 3)

“He was driving _______________________ near Surrey. There was

______________________ on the road, he was alone. He saw
_____________________ far in the distance. It was a cottage. He
heard _____________________ approaching to the door. A strange
man opened the door, When he was in his room, he Heard
__________________ strange in the corridor. He shouted: “Is
___________________ there?”, but __________________
answered. He saw ____________________ wearing a cloak and with
large teeth”.
3. Choose the correct indefinite pronoun.

a. Don’t blame yourself for that mistake! (Nobody/Anybody/

Everybody) is perfect.
b. There is (someone/somebody/something) in your bag. I think its
a bug!
c. I will search you and find you
(somewhere/something/everywhere). You can’t escape from me.
d. (No one/Everyone/Anyone) is safe from this flu. It’s really
e. Look! I found (someone/somewhere/something) interesting
about your country in this book.
f. I don’t want (something/anything/everything) to drink.
4. Underline the correct word.

a. I was overtaking a truck, (when/while) I Heard a loud thump.

b. We were watching a movie, (while/when) the screen went blank.
c. (When/While) she was packing the bags, I was looking for our
d. We were complaining about the weather, (while/.when) the sun
broke through the clouds.
e. Do not disturb me! (When/While) I’m listening to music.
f. He was cancelling his flight, (when/while) we called him.
5. Fill in the blanks. Complete with the correct tense of the verb in parentheses.

a. When he _______________ (be) young, he used to smoke a lot.

b. While, I _______________ (take a bath), the phone rang three times.
c. Peter listened to a very interesting radio program, while he
________________ (drive).
d. Who did you meet when you _________________ (arrive) to the
e. While I ________________ (speak), they were thinking of something
6. Answer the following questions. Give complete answers.

a. Did you go anywhere on your last vacations?

b. Did you see anyone in class yesterday?
c. Do you have anything in your bag?
d. Is anyone wearing a yellow blouse in class?
7. Ask questions to these answers.

a. ____________________________________________________?
He was singing, while Sara played the guitar.
b. ____________________________________________________?
No, I wasn’t driving.
c. ____________________________________________________?
Yes, I saw someone in the dark wearing a hat.
d. ____________________________________________________?
No, there was nothing in the fridge.
8. Order the events. Organize the events from 1 to 6.

_____ Then, He saw someone standing in the middle of the

_____ First, He was driving on a lonely road.
_____ She was wearing a wedding gown and crying.
_____ Finally, she vanished and he woke up. It was a
_____ After that He stopped the car.
_____ He asked her what was wrong, but she didn’t answer.

1. Read the following excerpts from some famous books. Find out what
book it is. Write the name and the author of the book from the box.

Harry looked nothing like the rest of the family. Uncle Vernon was large and neck
less, with an enormous black mustache; Aunt Petunia was horse-faced and bony;
Dudley was blond, pink, and porky. Harry, on the other hand, was small and
skinny, with brilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that was always untidy. He wore
round glasses, and on his forehead was a thin, lightning-shaped scar. On their last
evening, Mrs. Weasley conjured up a sumptuous dinner that included all of Harry’s
favorite things, ending with a mouthwatering treacle pudding. Fred and George
rounded off the evening with a display of Filibuster fireworks; they filled the
kitchen with red and blue stars that bounced from ceiling to Wall for at least half
an hour. Then it was time for a last mug of hot chocolate and bed.
Tittle: __________________________________.
Autor: __________________________________.
I parked in front of the first building, which had a small sign over the door
reading front office. No one else was parked there, so I was sure it was off
limits, but I decided I would get directions inside instead of circling around in
the rain like an idiot. "I'm Isabella Swan," I informed her, and saw the
immediate awareness light her eyes. I was expected, a topic of gossip no doubt.
Daughter of the Chief's flighty ex-wife, come home at last. When I went back
out to my truck, other students were starting to arrive. I drove around the
school, following the line of traffic. I was glad to see that most of the cars were
older like mine, nothing flashy.
Tittle: _______________________________
Autor: _______________________________
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a
good fortune must be in want of a wife. Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however,
with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject, was
sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr.
Bingley. They attacked him in various ways—with barefaced questions,
ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises; but he eluded the skill of
them all, and they were at last obliged to accept the secondhand intelligence
of their neighbour, Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favourable. Sir
William had been delighted with him.
Tittle: ______________________________.
Autor: ______________________________.
Top floor," Ullman said briskly. "The attic. Absolutely nothing up there now but bric-a
brac. The Overlook has changed hands several times since World War II and it seems
that each successive manager has put everything they don't want up in the attic. I want
rattraps and poison bait sowed around in it. Some of the third-floor chambermaids say
they have heard rustling noises. I don't believe it, not for a moment, but there mustn't
even be that one-in-a-hundred chance that a single rat inhabits the Overlook Hotel."
Jack, who suspected that every hotel in the world had a rat or two, held his tongue.
"Of course you wouldn't allow your son up in the attic under any circumstances."
"No," Jack said, and flashed the big PR smile again.
Tittle: ______________________________.
Autor: ____________________________

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

2. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.
3. The Shining by Stephen King.
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling.
2. Answer these questions about the excerpts.

a. In excerpt 1, what did Dudley look like?

b. What were Fred and George doing while Harry was having dinner?
c. In excerpt 2, where did she park?
d. Did anyone else park there, too?
e. What happened when she went out to her truck?
f. In excerpt 3, Did Mrs. Bennet have any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley
from her husband?
g. In excerpt 4, what did the chambermaids hear?

1. Write a story about something strange that happened to you, or that you heard.
Use WHEN and WHILE, Sequence Adverbs and the indefinite pronouns.

UNIT I Name: _____________________
REVIEW EXERCISES I.D: __________________________.
Do the following exercises, Course: _______________________.
and hand the pages to your teacher.
Teacher: ______________________.

I. Unscramble the words to make sentences.

1. anyone/see/I/didn’t/there.
2. taking a shower/the phone/Peter/rang/When/was/.
3. had/strange/She/something/her/in/eyes.
4. at school/while/working/Their father/were/was/the children.
II. Complete the sentences with an indefinite pronoun.

1. ___________ will clean up the bathroom today.

2. ___________ loves to eat fast food.
3. ___________ terrible happened last night on the motorway.
4. ___________ came late at the meeting.
5. Sonia said ___________ to her parents about it.
6. Has ___________ seen my English dictionary?
7. ___________ at the wedding could kiss the new couple.
8. I called her but ___________ answered the phone.
9. She felt ___________ strange in the car park.
10. I don’t want to go ___________ with you.
11. You put ___________ away.
12. My parents packed ___________ in their suitcases.
III. Connect the sentences using When or While.

1. We were waiting at the bus stop. We saw an accident.

2. Peter was studying. His friend called.
3. David had a terrible accident. He was repairing the roof.
4. Mr. Smith arrived home at 9 o’clock. His wife was preparing the dinner.
IV. Answer these questions. Give complete answers.

1. Did you see anyone in your bedroom last night?

2. What were you doing last week while I was explaining the lesson?
3. Did you go anywhere last Saturday?
4. What was your mother doing when your father worked?

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