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By Asst. Prof.

Rahul Das
 Set is a type of sequence of elements that do
not allow duplicate values.
 Syntax: set_name={s1,s2,....,sn}
 Indexing is not possible in Set. Thus
subscript operator does not work on set.
 Slicing operator also does not work on set.
 Set is Mutable
 S={10,20,30}
 S={} #is not a set but a dictionary
 S=set() #creating empty set
 Creating set from other sequence
 add() : This method is used to add elements
on a set.
◦ Add method randomly adds element in an index
◦ Adding duplicate value will make no changes in the
existing set.
 update: This method returns the union of the
set and a sequence that was passed as
◦ Update method can take more than one sequence
of different type as an argument.
 discard(): Removes the item passed as
◦ If item not found in the set, it does not give error
 remove(): This function also removes the item
passed as argument.
◦ If item not found in the set, it does gives error
 intersection(): This method is used to find
Intersection between two set.
 union(): This method is used to find union
between two set. Works same as update
 clear(): To remove all element from the set
 issubset()
 issuperset()
 pop()
 copy()
 Write a Python script to count the distinct
elements of a List using a set.

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