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Famous Mathematician

Pierre De Fermat – Probability, analytic geometry,

optics and calculus, Founder of modern of number
theory, Fermat Primes, Fermat Theorem.
Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz – German
Mathematician, Invented calculus independently
from Isaac Newton. Developed linear systems,
Geometry Calculus and topology.
Isaac Newton – Most influential scientist of all time.
His book Principia Mathematica consider most
scientific book in the century. Invented calculus
from Leibniz. Generalized the binomial theorem for
many exponents. Newtons Identities and Method,
Solution to Diophantine equation
Rene Descartes – French Mathematician and
Philosopher. He invented the cartesian coordinates.
Foundation of Analytic Geometry. Developed the
rules of sign
Euclid – Greek Mathematician often referred to as
the founder of geometry. Elements of Euclid.
Srinivasa Ramanujan – on of India’s greatest
mathematical geniuses. He made substantial
contributions to the analytical theory of numbers.
He also worked on elliptical functions and infinite
Archimedes – was Greek mathematician, engineer,
inventor and astronomer. He is considered,
considered to be the greatest mathematician of
ancient history. Modern calculus, found the area of
a circle, surface area, and volume of a sphere, area
of an ellipse, the area under a parabola, the area of
a spiral, the volume of a segment of a paraboloid of
revolution. Deriving a approximate value of pie.
George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann – one of the
most prominent mathematician in the 19 century.
Riemann Geometry, Riemann Surfaces, and
Riemann Integrate, Riemann the hypotheses.
Carl Friedrich Gauss – was known as the Prince of
Mathematics. Gauss Method. At the age of 22 he
made several important contributions in major
areas of mathematics most notably in number
theory. He went to prove the fundamental theory of
Leonhard Euler – the king of mathematicians.
Introduced mathematical notation. His notation
included, functions as f(x), shorthand trigonometric
functions. The Greek letter Sigma for summation
and the letter I for imaginary number root -1.
Symbol of pi.

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