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I. Demographic profile of the respondents

[ ] Male [ ] Female
15-16 []
17-18 []
19 and above []
II. What is your purpose in using Facebook?
Educational []
Socialization []
Entertainment [ ]
Communication [ ]
Gathering information [ ]
III. How many hours do you spent using Facebook in a day?
1 hour [ ]
2 hours [ ]
3 hours [ ]
4 hours [ ]
5 hours and above [ ]
IV. What is the negative influence of Facebook usage in your academic performance?
Lower grade point average []
Disturbance in daily routine activities []
Poor study habits []
Distraction []
V. What is the positive influence of Facebook usage to your academic performance?
Collaboration []
Obtain extra information []
Better understanding of discussion []
Use in Learning Management System []
VI. What recommendations can you give in order to manage or regulate the use of Facebook?

For each individual question can you please write in your answers in the space provided below the

1. What is your purpose in using Facebook?

2. How many hours do you spent using Facebook in a day?

3. what is the negative influence of Facebook usage to your academic performance?

4. what is the positive influence of Facebook usage to your academic performance?

5. what recommendations can you give in order to manage or regulate the use of Facebook?

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