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, January 1S, 2024

Dear Sarita,
Mark and I are so happy to invite you to come to Canada to visit us. This occasion will be wonderful for everybody,
especially, because it will be the first time for you to visit th is beautiful country.
It's been really long since I last saw you, and as you weren't able to attend our wedding last June, we hope you can
make it this year so we can spend some time together and you can enjoy a little of the culture of Canada.
I th ink it's a great idea to come In April or May when winter is going away, however, Halifax has a nice weather and
it's not so cold.
Even though you are going to pay for all your travel expenses you are so welcome to stay in our place and we will
provide you with some accommodations, food and basic needs so you don't need to worry about that.
I can't wait to meet you here and hope everything will be fine withyour visa application.


Name: Sarita Maria de Lourdes Godoy ZUi'iiga

008: October 21, 1963
Address: Clemente Bclllen 1819 y Esmeraldas

Relationship: sister
Propose of the trip: Family visit
How long she pl•ns to stay in Canada? April 20/2024 - May l l/2024 (3 weeks)
Where will she stay? At 54 A Convoy Ave. Halifax. NS
Where the person plans to leave? May 11/2024


Name: Yolanda Godoy Zuniga Phone: (403) 614-5543

Immigration Status: Canadian Citizen
008: February 10, 1960
Address: S4 A Convoy Ave. Halifax, NS
Job Tille: O.ikl caregiver Monthly salary: 3,700 CAD
Employers: Myuran Thana (902) 402-8466 Tasha Kulai (902) 293-9319

Name of Husband: Mart< Graves 008: July 5,1967 Phone: (403) 963-1739

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