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Chapter 4: The Treasure Within

Class 8 English

MCQ Questions

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Question 1: What is the full form of HC?

A. Hafeez Contractor B. Hafeez Khan C. Hafeez Hussain D. Hafeez


Answer: A

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Question 2: What is the full form of BR?

A. Best Result B. Bad Result C. Bright Result D. Bad Record

Answer: B

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Question 3: What did Hafeez have nightmares about?

A. Failing his exams B. Not getting a job C. Being poor D. All of the above

Answer: D

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Question 4: Since when did the nightmares stop?

A. After he started drawing B. After he joined Jai Hind College C. After he
got a job as an architect D. After he became famous

Answer: A

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Question 5: What was Hafeez's passion?

A. Drawing B. Sports C. Music D. Studies

Answer: A

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Question 6: What was Hafeez's weakness?

A. Mathematics B. English C. Science D. All of the above

Answer: D

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Question 7: Who was Hafeez's mentor?

A. Mr. Gupta B. Mrs. Gupta C. Ms. Bela D. Hafeez's father

Answer: C

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Question 8: What was Ms. Bela's advice to Hafeez?

A. To focus on his studies B. To pursue his passion for drawing C. To find

a job that he was good at D. All of the above

Answer: B
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Question 9: What is the message of the story?

A. That it is important to follow your dreams B. That it is okay to fail C.

That it is important to have a mentor D. All of the above

Answer: D


I hope these MCQ questions help you to revise the chapter "The Treasure
Within" from Class 8 English. Good luck!

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