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5. Fill in the blanks choosing the right word.

1. Out of ... out of mind (cite , site. sigh t). 2. Do not look a gift ... in the mouth {horse, hoarse).
3. It never rains, but it ... (pours, paws).4. No ... without sweat (sweet, suite). 5. Do not run with
the ... and hunt with the hounds (hair. hare). 6. All is ... in love and war (fare,fair ). 7. Fame is
chiefly a matter of ... at the right moment (die , dye).8. When two people ride the .... one must
ride behind (hoarse . horse)
ЖАУАБЫ: 1. Out of sight out of mind 2. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth. 3. It never rains,
but it pours. 4. No sweet without sweat. 5. Do not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 6.
All is fair in love and war. 7. Fame is chiefly a matter of die at the right moment. 8. When two
people ride the horse one must ride behind.

6. Give antonyms to the following words. Group them into antonyms of the same root (a) and
antonyms of different roots (b).
Happy- sad (adj). Careful - careless(adj). dwarf - giant(adj). Obedience - disobediance (n ).
Criticism - heedlessness (n).
Above - below (a d v). Regular - irregular (adj). Asleep - awake (adj), back-forward (adv).
Polite-rude(ad j).
Triumph- defeat(n), hope - disbelief (n). Artistic - unimaginative (adj). Appear - disappear (v),
prewar - postwar (adj), far - near (adv).
Logical - illogical (adj), love - hatred (n). Known -unknown (adj).

7. Segment the following words into morphemes. Define (a) the semantic types and (b) the
structural types of morphemes constituting the given words.
M o d e l: aimless
The word aimless can be segmented into two morphemes: aim - less.
a) semantically aim - is a root-morpheme; -less is an affix.
b) structurally aim - is a free morpheme; -less is a bound morpheme
Postman, shorten, destabilize, sympathy, fruitfulness, maltreatment, disaffected, overrule,
photographic, half-eaten, theory, rent-free.
The word Postman can be segmented into two morphemes: post- + man-.
Semantically post- and man- are root-morphemes.
Structurally post- and man- are free morphemes.

The word shorten can be segmented into two morphemes: short- + -en.
Semantically short- is a root-morpheme; -en is an affix.
Structurally short- is a free morpheme; -en is a bound morpheme.
The word destabilize can be segmented into two morphemes: de- + stabilize-.
Semantically de- is an affix; stabilize- is a root-morpheme.
Structurally de- is a bound morpheme; stabilize- is a free morpheme.

The word sympathy can be segmented into one morpheme: sympathy-.

Semantically sympathy- is a root-morpheme.
Structurally sympathy- is a free morpheme.

The word fruitfulness can be segmented into three morphemes: fruit- + -ful + -ness.
Semantically fruit- is a root-morpheme; -ful and -ness are affixes.
Structurally fruit- is a free morpheme; -ful and -ness are bound morphemes.

The word maltreatment can be segmented into the morphemes: mal- + treat- + -ment.
Semantically mal- and treat- are root-morphemes; -ment is an affix.
Structurally mal- and treat- are free morphemes; -ment is a bound morpheme.

The word disaffected can be segmented into two morphemes: dis- + affected-.
Semantically dis- is an affix; affected- is a root-morpheme.
Structurally dis- is a bound morpheme; affected- is a free morpheme.

The word overrule can be segmented into two morphemes: over- + rule-.
Semantically over- is an affix; rule- is a root-morpheme.
Structurally over- is a semi-bound morpheme; rule- is a free morpheme..

8. Define which words have been combined to form the following computer terms. Give their
Netiquette, emoticon, netizen, technophobe.
Netiquette. This term is formed from the two words network and etiquette. This is the behavior
of people in communication in social networks.
Emoticon. This is the image that people use to express their emotions on social media.
Netizen is human and internet user.
Technophobe is human who dislike or afraid to use the electronics, technology.

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