Essay On Ibu Kathy

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Essay on Ibu Kathy’s Lecture

Oleh Kartika Kusworatri (Ika, Jakarta)

Nurturing Life Forces of The Children

The first lecture in the last WECE seminar 4 is given by Ibu Kathy who explains about what
role we as an adult play to keep the life forces in the children. When Ibu Kathy explained to
us about this topic, I reflected back to myself, what picture did my child see on me? What
did I do so that he became who he is now. What kind of human being my child would be?
Can I bring back my child’s life forces if I took it away from him by being mean to him and not
supporting his soul’s growth? And then, it hurts my feeling, knowing that perhaps, in some
ways I was not worthy enough as mother.

I remember one verse Ibu Kathy always delivered to us:

Once, in olden times, there lived in the souls of the Initiates, Powerfully the thought
that by nature, every human being is ill.
And Education was seen as a healing process
which brought to the child as it matured
the Health to be a true Human Being.

I listened and listened to this verse again and again, then feel amazed on how deep this
verse means. In the middle of my guilty feeling for being not-so-good mother, Ibu Kathy give
this verse repeatedly, exactly what I need to hear. Every one of us need a healing, but how? I
believe that education should be a healing process, not only for the child, but for everyone,
by being a true Human Being.
One day after come back home from 9-days in Yogyakarta for seminar 5, I came to realize,
that I, a mother of one boy, also need to be humanize myself by forgiving what I did to my
child in the past, by letting go feeling of guilty, and by being ready to a new day.

I might be waste one or two years of my parenting journey, but I still have much time to heal
myself, so that my child’s life forces will grow stronger.

Thank you, Ibu Kathy.

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