Respiratory Therapy

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Table of contents

ASSESSMENT OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ...................................................... 3–1

Cardinal Symptoms ..................................................................................................... 3–1
Medical History (Specific to Respiratory System) ................................................... 3–2
Family History (Specific to Respiratory System) ..................................................... 3–2
Personal and Social History (Specific to Respiratory System) ............................. 3–2
EXAMINATION OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ...................................................... 3–2
General Appearance ................................................................................................... 3–2
Vital Signs ..................................................................................................................... 3–2
Inspection ...................................................................................................................... 3–2
Palpation ....................................................................................................................... 3–3
Percussion .................................................................................................................... 3–3
Auscultation .................................................................................................................. 3–3
Acute Cough ................................................................................................................. 3–3
Chronic Cough ............................................................................................................. 3–3
Less Common Causes ................................................................................................ 3–3
Cough and Sputum Production .................................................................................. 3–3
Dyspnea ........................................................................................................................ 3–4
Hemoptysis ................................................................................................................... 3–4
Wheeze ......................................................................................................................... 3–4
Chest Pain (Pleuritic) ................................................................................................... 3–4
Chest Pain (No pleuritic) ............................................................................................. 3–4
COMMON PROBLEMS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM........................................ 3–5
Chronic Asthma ............................................................................................................ 3–5
Acute Asthma Exacerbation........................................................................................ 3–8
Mild Asthma Exacerbation .......................................................................................... 3–8
Moderate Asthma Exacerbation ................................................................................. 3–9
Severe Asthma Exacerbation ..................................................................................... 3–9
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ................................................................ 3–10
Acute COPD Exacerbation ....................................................................................... 3–13
Acute Bronchitis ......................................................................................................... 3–14
Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) ................................................................ 3–15
EMERGENCIES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM .................................................. 3–18
Pneumothorax ............................................................................................................ 3–18
Acute Foreign-Body Obstruction of an Airway ....................................................... 3–20
Pulmonary Embolism ................................................................................................ 3–21
Inhalation of Toxic Materials ..................................................................................... 3–22
SOURCES ......................................................................................................................... 3–24
Respiratory System 3–1


The following characteristics of each symptom should SHORTNESS OF BREATH

be elicited and explored: – Exercise tolerance (number of stairs client can
– Onset (sudden or gradual) climb or distance client can walk)
– Chronology – Shortness of breath at rest
– Current situation (improving or deteriorating) – Inability to converse in phrases or complete
– Location sentences
– Radiation – Marked increase in respiratory effort, use of
– Quality accessory muscles or retraction
– Timing (frequency, duration) – Orthopnea (number of pillows used for sleeping)
– Severity – Association with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
(waking up out of sleep acutely short of breath;
– Precipitating and aggravating factors
attack resolves within 20 to 30 minutes of sitting
– Relieving factors
or standing up)
– Associated symptoms
– Timing
– Effects on daily activities
– Severity (for example, marked tachypnea)
– Previous diagnosis of similar episodes
– Previous treatments CHEST PAIN
– Efficacy of previous treatments – Onset (sudden or gradual)
– Location
– Referral pattern
Characteristics of specific symptoms should be
elicited, as follows. – Quality
– Timing
COUGH – Severity
– Quality (for example, dry, hacking, loose, – Aggravating and relieving factors
productive) – Associated symptoms.
– Severity
– Timing (for example, at night, with exercise, in
cold air, inside or outside) – Timing (for example, at rest, at night, with
– Aggravating/relieving factors exercise)


– Colour – Cyanosis
– Amount (in teaspoons, tablespoons, cups) – Fever
– Consistency – Fatigue
– Purulence, odour, foul taste – Anorexia
– Time of day worse – Diaphoresis
– Weight loss
– Amount of blood
– Frank blood or mixed with sputum.
– Association with leg pain, chest pain, shortness of
3–2 Respiratory System


– Smoking history (number of packages/day, number – Others at home with similar symptoms
of years) – Allergies, hypersensitivity
– Frequency of colds or asthma and treatment used. – Asthma, lung cancer, TB, cystic fibrosis
– Other respiratory illnesses (for example, nasal – Heart disease
polyps, chronic sinusitis)
– Bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), tuberculosis (TB)
(disease or exposure), cancer, cystic fibrosis HISTORY (SPECIFIC TO
– Seasonal allergies, exposure to environmental RESPIRATORY SYSTEM )
irritants or allergies to drugs such as acetylsalicylic – Exposure to secondhand smoke
acid (ASA) – Occupational or environmental exposure to
– Medications such as angiotensin-converting respiratory irritants (for example, mining, forest-
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, ß-blockers, ASA, fire fighting)
steroids, nasal sprays, antihistamines – Exposure to pets
– Admissions to hospital for respiratory illness, any – Crowded living conditions
intubation needed
– Poor personal or environmental cleanliness
– Date and result of last Mantoux test and chest x-ray
– Institutional living
– Vaccination history (for example, pneumococcal,
– Injection drug use
annual influenza)
– Alcohol abuse
– HIV risks


Examination of the ear, nose, throat and VITAL SIGNS

cardiovascular system should also be carried out
because of the interrelatedness between these systems – Temperature
and structures and the functioning of the lower – Pulse
respiratory tract. – Pulse oximetry
– Respiratory rate

– Acutely or chronically ill

– Degree of comfort or distress
– Degree of sweatiness – Colour (for example, central cyanosis)
– Ability to speak a normal-length sentence without – Shape of chest (for example, barrel-shaped, spinal
stopping to take a breath deformities)
– Colour (for example, flushed, pale, cyanotic) – Movement of chest (symmetry)
– Nutritional status (obese or emaciated) – Rate, rhythm and depth of respiration
– Hydration status – Use of accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoid
– Intercostal/substernal indrawing
– Evidence of trauma
– Chest wall scars
– Clubbing of the fingers
Respiratory System 3–3

– Tracheal position (midline) – Assist client to breathe effectively
– Chest wall tenderness – Listen for sounds of normal air entry before trying
– Chest expansion to identify abnormal sounds
– Tactile fremitus – Degree of air entry throughout the chest (should be
– Spinal abnormality equal)
– Nodes (axillary, supraclavicular, cervical) – Quality of normal breath sounds (for example,
– Masses bronchial, bronchovesicular, vesicular)
– Subcutaneous emphysema – Length of inspiration and expiration
– Wheezes: continuous sounds, ranging from a low-
pitched snoring quality to a high-pitched musical
PERCUSSION quality; may be inspiratory, expiratory, or both;
– Resonance (dull or hyperresonance) may clear with coughing; may be present only on
– Location and excursion of the diaphragm forced expiration
– Crackles: discrete, crackling sounds heard on
inspiration; may clear with coughing
– Pleural rub: a creaking sound from pleural
irritation, heard on inspiration or expiration



– Infection: viral or bacterial, upper or lower – Carcinoma of the upper or lower respiratory tract
respiratory tract – Interstitial lung disease
– Asthma – Medications (for example, ACE inhibitors)
– Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis – Chronic lung infections (for example,
– Bronchogenic carcinoma bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, TB, lung abscess)
– Foreign-body inhalation – Occult left heart failure
– Esophageal reflux with aspiration – Thyroid disorders
– Left-sided heart failure – Disorders of the pleura, pericardium, diaphragm,
CHRONIC COUGH causes – Idiopathic (psychogenic)
– Pressure from an external mass (for example,
COMMON CAUSES thyromegaly, aortic aneurysm)
– Smoking
– Exposure to environmental irritants (secondhand COUGH AND SPUTUM PRODUCTION
smoke) causes
– Postnasal drip – Acute bronchitis
– Post viral airway inflammation – Pneumonia
– Asthma – Asthma
– COPD or chronic bronchitis – TB
– Gastroesophageal reflux with aspiration – COPD
– Lung tumours – Bronchiectasis
– Lung abscess
– Lung cancer
3–4 Respiratory System


– Pneumonia
– Pneumothorax
– Pleurisy
– Pneumonia
– Pleuritis associated with connective tissue diseases
– Interstitial lung disease (for example, sarcoidosis)
– Pneumothorax
– Lung cancer
– Hemothorax
– Pulmonary emboli or infarction
– Empyema
– Cardiac failure, congestive heart failure
– Pulmonary infarction
– Anxiety with hyperventilation
– Neoplasm of lungs
– Tuberculosis
– Bronchitis
– Bronchiectasis – Pericarditis
– Cystic fibrosis – Trauma
– Tuberculosis – Post-myocardial infarction (Dressler’s syndrome)
– Bronchogenic cancer
– Pneumonia, necrotizing form (caused by Klebsiella)
– Chest wall contusion
– Pulmonary contusion
– Fractures of ribs, sternum
– Pulmonary embolism
– Inflammation of chest wall muscles
– Systemic lupus erythematosus
– Primary pulmonary hypertension
– Herpes zoster neuropathies
– Mitral stenosis
– Bone tumors
– Cardiac failure, congestive heart failure
– Vascular anomalies (for example, aneurysm) GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES
– Chest trauma – Liver abscess
– Inhalation of toxic material – Pancreatitis
– Bleeding disorders – Subdiaphragmatic abscess


– Psychoneurosis
– Acute bronchitis
– Bronchopneumonia (due to aspiration)
– Lung neoplasm obstructing a bronchus.
– Pulmonary emboli – Pulmonary embolism
– Foreign-body aspiration – Primary pulmonary hypertension
– Acute congestive heart failure (rare) – Disease of the aorta
– Dissecting aortic aneurysm
Respiratory System 3–5


– Myocardial infarction
– Angina – Reflux esophagitis, ulceration
– Cardiomyopathies (myocarditis) – Esophageal motility disorders (for example,
– Mitral valve prolapse. alhalasia)
– Esophageal perforation or rupture
– Esophageal spasm
– Esophageal neoplasm
– Esophageal diverticula
– Gastric or duodenal ulcer
– Cholelithiasis, cholecystitis
– Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplasm



A disorder of the airways characterized by paroxysmal – Positive family history

or persistent symptoms (including dyspnea, – Frequent, severe viral infections of the lower
chest tightness, wheeze and cough) with variable respiratory tract in infancy
airflow limitation, airway inflammation and airway – Overcrowded housing
hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli. – Dust/mold/poor status of housing (for example,
exposed walls, insulation, increased humidity)
– Unknown in many cases DETERMINING SEVERITY
– Allergic airway hyperreactivity to airborne pollens, The severity of asthma is determined by the frequency
molds, house dust mites, animal dander, feather and chronicity of symptoms, the presence of persistent
pillows airflow limitations and the medication needed to
– Nonallergic asthma triggered by drugs (such as maintain control of the condition. Severity is best
acetylsalicylic acid [ASA], nonsteroidal anti- evaluated after an aggressive trial of therapy with
inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], ß-blockers and inhaled corticosteroids (see Table 1, “Characteristics
angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors), of Various Forms of Chronic Asthma”).
smoke and other occupational inhalants, dietary
sulfites (found in foods such as dried fruit, beer and
wine), industrial and environmental substances.
– Common trigger factors: intercurrent respiratory
tract infections, cold air, exercise, emotional stress,
sinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
3–6 Respiratory System

Table 1 – Characteristics of Various Forms of Chronic Asthma

Controlled Asthma Partly Controlled Asthma Uncontrolled Asthma
Daytime symptoms (wheeze, cough, Daytime symptoms > 2 times weekly Three or more features of partly
dyspnea) twice or less weekly controlled asthma present in any given
No night-time symptoms/awakenings Any night-time symptoms/awakenings
No limitations of activities Any limitation of activities
PEFR and FEV1 > 80% of predicted PEFR < 80% of predicted or personal
best (if known)
No exacerbations One or more exacerbations per year One exacerbation in any week
Need for rescue medication twice or Need for rescue medication more than
less weekly twice a week
PEFR = peak expiratory flow rate; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in the first second.
Note: Cough at night or during times of emotional stress or physical activity may be the only sign of asthma.


– Mechanical airway obstruction (foreign body) Goals of Treatment
– Severe allergic reaction
– Maintain normal activity
– Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
with chest infection – Prevent symptoms
– Congestive heart failure – Maintain normal pulmonary function
– Pulmonary edema – Prevent exacerbations
– Inhalation of toxic material – Avoid side effects of therapy (given that side effects
may lead to poor adherence to treatment plan)
– Laryngeal dysfunction
– Cough secondary to drugs such as ACE inhibitors Appropriate Consultation

COMPLICATIONS Consult a physician for all previously undiagnosed

cases. The timing of this consult depends on the
– Severe acute attack: hypoxia, respiratory distress
severity of the client’s symptoms (whether the client
which may progress to respiratory failure,
requires immediate pharmacologic treatment).
atelectasis, pneumothorax, death.
– Chronic: interference with activities of daily living, Ideally, a physician should review the client at least
COPD annually once stable, and more often if symptoms are
not well controlled.
Adjuvant Therapy
Objective measurements are needed to confirm a
diagnosis of asthma and to assess severity in all – Administer annual influenza vaccine and other
but the most minimally symptomatic clients. The influenza vaccines according to the current flu
following tests should be carried out (these tests season (for example, H1N1 vaccine)
should be ordered by the consulting physician). – Administer pneumococcal vaccine
– Arrange baseline pulmonary function tests Nonpharmacologic Interventions
– Determine peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
– Recommend that client avoid known precipitating
– Arrange histamine or methacholine challenge test
factors such as environmental allergens and
– Arrange allergy testing2 occupational irritants
– Offer counselling for smoking cessation (if
– Recommend that client avoid NSAIDs and
ASA products
Respiratory System 3–7

Client Education Initial recommended doses of inhaled corticosteroid

– Discuss diagnosis and expected course of illness for mild to moderate asthma (dosing depends on
– Counsel client about appropriate use of patient presentation and may need to be increased or
medications (dose, frequency, side effects) decreased accordingly). Examples:
– Advise client on proper use of delivery device, fluticasone (Flovent), 250–1000 µg daily, divided bid
aerochamber/spacer as appropriate or
– Teach client how to monitor for symptoms and how
beclomethasone (QVAR) 200–500 µg daily, divided
to use peak flow meter (if deemed beneficial to
managing symptoms)
– Advise client on an action plan to increase Once best results are achieved (symptoms are
medication from maintenance level at first sign of controlled), the dose of inhaled steroid is reduced
exacerbation to identify the minimum dose required to maintain
– Educate about acute exacerbation symptoms and control.
presenting to clinic immediately Inhaled steroids are safe for use during pregnancy
– Counsel client on how to minimize local side and lactation, but the lowest dose possible to maintain
effects (oral candidiasis) by careful rinsing of the control of asthma is recommended.
mouth and gargling
Long-Acting ß2-Agonists
Pharmacologic Interventions3 The long-acting ß2-agonists (for example, salmeterol,
formoterol) can be used as an additional treatment for
Recommended Drug Treatment
people whose asthma is not adequately controlled with
for Chronic Asthma
optimum inhaled steroids, particularly when there are
Inhaled corticosteroids nocturnal symptoms.
For example, fluticasone (Flovent), beclomethasone
Combination inhalers containing both an inhaled
corticosteroid with a long-acting ß2-agonist are
+ available, for example, Advair. These combinations
Long-acting 2-agonists must be ordered by a physician.
For example, formoterol (Oxeze) or salmeterol Short-Acting ß2-Agonists
(Serevent), if symptoms are not controlled with an
Short-acting ß2-agonists are the drugs of choice
inhaled corticosteroid, especially at night
to relieve asthma symptoms that break through
+ maintenance therapy. They are most effective
Short-acting 2-agonists for preventing and treating exercise-induced
bronchospasm. Their use should be limited to urgent
salbutamol (Ventolin), prn for breakthrough
relief of acute symptoms. Inhaled steroids are
indicated if short-acting ß2-agonists are needed more
+ than 2 times a week to control acute symptoms.
Oral steroids salbutamol (Ventolin), 100 µg/puff, 1 or 2 puffs
For example, prednisone q4h prn

(used to treat acute exacerbations [i.e., PEFR Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (LTRA)
< 60% of predicted] when response to an increase in Leukotriene receptor antagonists such as zafirlukast
inhaled steroid is inadequate)
(Accolate) or montelukast (Singulair) have anti-
Inhaled Corticosteroids inflammatory properties but are not as effective in
improving symptoms as inhaled corticosteroids.
Inhaled corticosteroids are the best agents for bringing
and keeping asthma under control, and their use may Mild asthmatics who refuse or cannot take inhaled
improve the overall prognosis for clients with this corticosteroids may try an LTRA. They may also
condition. be considered as alternatives to increasing doses of
inhaled corticosteroids in patients not controlled on
low-moderate doses or may be used with higher doses
of inhaled corticosteroids for symptom control.
3–8 Respiratory System


Anticholinergic drugs (for example, ipratropium
bromide [Atrovent]) are not routinely indicated HISTORY
in asthma. They are of greatest value in treating
– Exertional dyspnea, no acute distress
older patients and patients with a combination of
– Cough
asthma and COPD. They are also an alternative for
clients who get tremors and tachycardia when using PHYSICAL FINDINGS
salbutamol (Ventolin). During acute exacerbations
they are used as an adjunct to optimal doses of short- – Respiratory rate normal or minimally elevated
acting ß2-agonists. – Heart rate < 100 bpm
– Low-pitched wheezes (inspiratory or expiratory,
Monitoring and Follow-Up or both)
– Follow up every 3–6 months once stabilized – Forced expiratory volume in the first second
– Assess adherence to the medication regimen (FEV1) and PEFR > 60% predicted or best
– Review inhaler technique periodically – PEFR > 300 L/min
– Watch for complicating conditions such as GERD, – Good response (usually) to short-acting ß2-agonists
sinusitis, nasal polyps
– Bone densitometry is suggested in patients who
require high doses of inhaled corticosteroids or Appropriate Consultation
have risk factors for osteoporosis. Patients with
Consult a physician as necessary for advice regarding
personal or family history of glaucoma requiring
adjustments to current medications.
high-dose inhaled corticosteroids should have
IOP checked soon after starting therapy and Pharmacologic Interventions
periodically thereafter. Greater than 1000 µg/
day of beclomethasone, 500 µg/day of fluticasone – If client uses inhaled steroids regularly as
or equivalent is considered high-dose inhaled prescribed, during an exacerbation the dose may
corticosteroid.3 Review strategies to reduce need to be increased to 2–4 times the usual
environmental allergens if applicable (for example, – If client has not been taking prescribed asthma
reduce dust mites, stop smoking, minimize medications recently, restart usual dose
humidity, remove furred pets) – Bronchodilation as necessary to reduce
salbutamol (Ventolin), by metered-dose inhaler
Consult physician regarding referral to a respiratory (MDI) with Aerochamber, 1 or 2 puffs q4h prn, to a
specialist for adults when more than 1000 µg daily of maximum of 2–4 puffs q4h (higher doses may be
inhaled beclomethasone, 500 µg/day of fluticasone or needed in more severe exacerbations)
equivalent is required on an ongoing basis. The nebulized form offers no advantage over an MDI
Consider referral to a pulmonary rehabilitation with AeroChamber or dry powder inhalers.4 However,
program (if available) for clients whose activities of nebulizers are sometimes used in patients who
daily living are significantly compromised by poorly remain symptomatic despite maximal treatment with
controlled symptoms despite adequate therapy and handheld inhalers.
adequate compliance with the treatment plan.
Monitoring and Follow-Up
Advise follow-up in 24 hours if symptoms are not
Exacerbations should be treated promptly to reverse
For exercise or cold-induced asthma:
the symptoms and prevent them from becoming
severe. salbutamol (Ventolin), 1 or 2 puffs 10–15 minutes
before exercising or going out in the cold air
The findings depend on the acuteness and severity of
the attack, which can range from mild to very severe.
Respiratory System 3–9

MODERATE ASTHMA EXACERBATION People with steroid-dependent asthma and those who
are already receiving inhaled steroids should also
HISTORY receive oral steroid therapy.
– Dyspnea at rest Monitoring and Follow-Up
– Congested cough
PEFR and FEV1 should be checked frequently to
– Tightness of the chest
evaluate response to bronchodilator therapy.
– Nocturnal symptoms
– ß2-agonists needed > q4h Client may be discharged after the initial emergency
treatment if there is good response and there has been
PHYSICAL FINDINGS no attack within the previous 24 hours.
– Appears short of breath
– Respiratory rate elevated
– Heart rate > 100 bpm Consult for medevac if, after treatment, the FEV1
reading is < 60% predicted value or there has been
– Some use of accessory muscles of respiration
another attack within the previous 24 hours.
– Audible wheeze
– High-pitched wheezes in all lung fields (inspiratory
or expiratory, or both) SEVERE ASTHMA EXACERBATION
– FEV1 and PEFR 40% to 60% predicted or best
– PEFR 200–300 L/min
– ß2-agonists provide only partial relief – Acute respiratory distress
– Agitated, diaphoretic
MANAGEMENT – Difficulty speaking (unable to complete sentences)

Appropriate Consultation PHYSICAL FINDINGS

Consult physician as soon as possible after initiating – Heart rate > 110 bpm
emergency treatment. – Marked use of accessory muscles of respiration
– Blood pressure elevated
Adjuvant Therapy
– Breath sounds decreased in intensity
Start oxygen by non-rebreather mask; titrate flow to
– Diffuse, high-pitched wheezes (inspiratory or
keep oxygen saturation > 94%.
expiratory, or both)
Pharmacologic Interventions5 – FEV1 and PEFR: unable to perform test or < 40%
predicted or best
salbutamol (Ventolin) by MDI and AeroChamber,
100 µg/puff, 4–8 puffs q15–20min, 3 times – PEFR < 200 L/min
– Oxygen saturation < 90%
(additional doses as per physician consultation)
– No pre-clinic relief afforded by ß2-agonists
Caution: Beware of the “silent chest” (poor air entry,
ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) by MDI and
no wheezing) in a patient with a history of asthma
AeroChamber, 20 µg/puff, 4–8 puffs q15–20min,
3 times who presents in acute respiratory distress. Such a
person is status asthmaticus, which is the most severe
(additional doses as per physician consultation) and dangerous form of asthma.
*NB: the MDI form of ipratropium bromide contains
soy lecithin and is contraindicated in people with MANAGEMENT
peanut allergy
This is respiratory emergency, think of ABC – airway,
± breathing and circulation.
prednisone (Prednisone), 40–60 mg PO Initiate oximetry and cardiac monitoring (if available).
(additional doses as per physician consultation)
3–10 Respiratory System

Adjuvant Therapy Patients at Risk of Relapse

– Start oxygen by non-rebreather mask – Previous near-death episode
– Titrate flow to keep oxygen saturation > 94% – Recent emergency room visit for acute
– Start intravenous (IV) therapy with normal saline;
run at 250 mL/h for the first hour – Frequent admissions to hospital, past intubations
– Aggressive fluid administration can help liquefy – Dependent on steroids and recent use of oral
bronchial secretions and replace insensible losses steroids
with tachypnea and dyspnea (unless otherwise – History of sudden attacks
contraindicated) – Allergic or anaphylactic triggers
– Recent attack of prolonged duration
Appropriate Consultation – Poor understanding of illness and poor adherence
Consult a physician as soon as possible after initiating to therapy
emergency treatment. – No removal of environmental triggers

Pharmacologic Interventions
salbutamol (Ventolin) by MDI and AeroChamber, 100
µg/puff, 4–8 puffs q15–20min, 3 times. PULMONARY DISEASE
(additional doses dependent on response and A functional disorder of the lung characterized by
physician consultation) progressive and persistent airflow obstruction and
+ actual destruction of lung tissue.
ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) by MDI and CAUSES
AeroChamber, 20 µg/puff, 4–8 puffs q15–20min, 3
times. – Usually, a combination of factors
(additional doses as per physician consultation)
Risk Factors
*NB: the MDI form of ipratropium bromide contains
– Smoking
soy lecithin and is contraindicated in people with
peanut allergy – Second-hand smoke
+ – Severe viral pneumonia early in life
– Aging
methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) 60–80 mg IV or
prednisone 40–60 mg PO – Genetic predisposition
– Air pollution
(additional doses as per physician consultation)
– Occupational exposure to respiratory irritants
Monitoring and Follow-Up
Assess response to medication by continuously
monitoring oxygen saturation and by measuring Most clients with COPD have a combination of
PEFR and vital signs frequently. Also monitor work chronic bronchitis and emphysema. However, one
of breathing and mental status. Patient may tire with pattern is predominant: people with COPD either
respiratory effort and require assisted ventilation with tend to have more cough and sputum production and
Ambu bag. less shortness of breath (chronic bronchitis) or tend
to have more shortness of breath and less cough and
Referral sputum production (emphysema).

Medevac as soon as possible.

Respiratory System 3–11

Chronic Bronchitis – Tactile fremitus decreased

Chronic productive cough that is present for at least – Chest excursion decreased
3 months each year, for 2 years in a row. Initially, – Hyperresonance
cough and sputum are present only in the morning – Decreased diaphragmatic excursion (chronically
(especially in the winter). Eventually the symptoms hyperinflated lungs)
are present throughout the day and throughout the – Air entry reduced
year. There are frequent episodes of acute chest – Breath sounds distant (if barrel chest is present)
infections superimposed on the chronic condition. – Scattered wheezes and crackles may be present
Emphysema – Decreased FEV1 on peak flow testing

Chronic shortness of breath, initially with exercise. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS

Cough is only a minor problem and sputum
– Bronchitis (acute)
production is limited. The shortness of breath
– Bronchiectasis
gradually becomes worse until the person is short
of breath even at rest. – Asthma
– Bronchogenic carcinoma
HISTORY – Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
– Client almost always a smoker
– 40 years of age or older
– Frequent chest infections – Acute bronchitis
– Weight loss and fatigue (in the advanced stages ) – Pneumonia
– Shortness of breath – Pulmonary hypertension
– Cough with sputum (clear, white, yellow-green) – Cor pulmonale (right heart failure)
– Wheeze – Respiratory failure
– Polycythemia (abnormally high hemoglobin)
Physical findings vary, depending on extent of disease
and whether exacerbation is acute. Baseline chest x-ray, non-urgent consult with
physician to arrange for baseline pulmonary function
The upper respiratory tract (for example, ears, nose testing.
and throat) and the cardiovascular system should
be examined, and neuromental status should be MANAGEMENT
determined (to check for hypoxia).
Goals of Treatment
– Temperature may be elevated with acute infection
– Heart rate may be elevated – Reduce or eliminate dyspnea
– Respiratory rate elevated, depth of respiration may – Reduce sputum production
be decreased – Improve exercise tolerance
– Expiratory phase may be prolonged – Prevent progression of disease
– Oxygen saturation may be reduced – Reduce frequency and severity of exacerbations
– Client may appear thin or wasted – Keep oxygen saturation > 90%
– Degree of respiratory distress varies
Appropriate Consultation
– May be using accessory muscles of respiration
– Cyanosis may occur Consult a physician for previously undiagnosed
clients, those whose symptoms are not controlled
– Clubbing of fingers may be present
with their current therapy and those with an acute
– Chest diameter may increase (“barrel chest”) exacerbation.
– Breathing may be pursed-lipped
– If hypoxia is significant, confusion, irritability and
diminished level of consciousness may result
3–12 Respiratory System

Nonpharmacologic Interventions If persistent dyspnea:

Client Education LAAC (long-acting anticholinergic), for example,

tiotropium (Spiriva) and a short-acting ß2-agonist
– Early public education about the hazards of (SABA), for example, salbutamol (Ventolin) PRN
smoking can prevent COPD
– Counsel client about smoking cessation (if
applicable) LABA (long-acting ß2-agonist), for example,
salmeterol (Servent) and a short-acting
– Recommend adequate hydration (6–8 glasses of
bronchodilator (SABD), for example, ipratropium
fluid per day; there is no evidence that drinking bromide (Atrovent) PRN
more than this quantity is of any benefit)
– Recommend increasing room humidity (client Moderate Disease < 1 acute exacerbation of chronic
should keep a pot of water on the stove, especially obstructive pulmonary disease per year, use:
in the winter) LAAC (long-acting anticholinergic), for example,
– Recommend adequate nutrition: frequent, smaller tiotropium (Spiriva) or a LABA (long-acting ß2-
meals high in protein and calories agonist), for example, salmeterol (Servent)
– Recommend an exercise program (for example, and
walking) to improve general fitness and sense of SABA (short-acting ß2-agonist), for example,
well-being salbutamol (Ventolin) PRN
– Recommend a weight-loss program (if applicable)
If persistent dyspnea:
– Discuss natural history, expected course and
prognosis of disease LAAC (long-acting anticholinergic), for example,
tiotropium (Spiriva) and a LABA (long-acting ß2-
– Counsel client about appropriate use of agonist), for example, salmeterol (Servent)
medications (purpose, dose, frequency, side effects)
– Counsel client about proper use of inhaler
– Perform chest physiotherapy (deep breathing SABA (short-acting ß2-agonist), for example,
salbutamol (Ventolin) PRN
and coughing, pursed-lip breathing, abdominal
breathing, and postural drainage) If still symptomatic despite optimal bronchodilators,
– Teach client symptoms and signs of exacerbation inhaled corticosteroids being added:
and acute infection to encourage self-monitoring LAAC (long-acting anticholinergic), for example,
and early presentation when condition deteriorates tiotropium (Spiriva) and ICS/LABA (inhaled
– Counsel client to avoid travel at high altitudes; corticosteroid/long-acting ß2-agonist) for example,
when air travel cannot be avoided, the client should fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair)
have access to oxygen (especially when travelling and
in an unpressurized aircraft) SABA (short-acting ß2-agonist), for example,
salbutamol (Ventolin) PRN
Adjuvant Therapy
Severe Disease (> 1 acute exacerbation of chronic
– Consider home oxygen therapy for clients with
obstructive pulmonary disease per year):
significant hypoxemia (PaO2 of 55 mmHg or less
or an SaO2 less than 88%). Oxygen therapy can LAAC (long-acting anticholinergic), for example,
increase lifespan by 6–7 years6 tiotropium (Spiriva) and ICS/LABA (inhaled
corticosteroid/long-acting ß2-agonist) for example,
– Give yearly influenza vaccine to all clients with fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair)
– Give pneumococcal vaccine
SABA (short-acting ß2-agonist), for example,
Pharmacologic Interventions salbutamol (Ventolin) PRN
Recommended Drug Treatment for COPD7
Mild Disease. Start with: Theophyllines, for example, Uniphyl

SABD (short-acting bronchodilator) for example,

ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) PRN
Respiratory System 3–13

Monitoring and Follow-Up MANAGEMENT

– Follow up every 6 months if stable The decision as to whether to manage a client at home
– Follow up monthly if symptoms poorly controlled or to refer him or her for evaluation depends on many
factors: the severity of the exacerbation; the severity
Referral of the underlying COPD; comorbid conditions; the
The physician should assess the client at least medical sophistication, judgment and reliability of the
annually if condition is stable, and as soon as feasible client and caregivers; and the distance the client lives
if symptoms are not controlled. from the health center or clinic.

Consider referral to a pulmonary rehabilitation Exacerbations should be treated with appropriate

program (if available). supplemental oxygen, aggressive bronchodilator
therapy, corticosteroids and antibiotics.

ACUTE COPD EXACERBATION Appropriate Consultation

Recent deterioration of the patient’s clinical and Consult a physician as soon as possible.
functional state due to a worsening of his or her
COPD. Adjuvant Therapy
– Oxygen (low flow) via Venturi mask; use a 24%
HISTORY mask initially; titrate concentration and litres of
– Worsening dyspnea, sometimes at rest flow to keep oxygen saturation at 90% to 92%
– Increased cough – Watch for signs of respiratory depression
– Increased sputum production, often with change in – Start IV therapy with normal saline; adjust IV rate
character from mucoid to purulent according to state of hydration
– Development of or increase in wheezing
Pharmacologic Interventions
– Loss of energy
– Anorexia The choice of medications and dosages (see
“Recommended Drug Treatment for Acute
– Fever
Exacerbation of COPD”) depends on the current drug
– Increase in respiratory rate
regimen and the client’s adherence to it, as well as the
– Tachycardia severity of the exacerbation (particularly the degree of
– Increase in cyanosis respiratory distress).
– Use of accessory muscles
The maximal effective doses of SABA (short-
– Peripheral edema
acting ß2-agonists) (for example, salbutamol) and
– Loss of alertness SABD (short-acting bronchodilator) (for example,
– Worsening of airflow obstruction, as indicated by ipratropium bromide) in COPD exacerbation are
FEV1 or PEFR unknown. Appropriate use of MDIs with or without
– Worsening of oxygen saturation, as indicated by spacer devices or dry powder devices provides
pulse oximetry optimal drug delivery and should be encouraged over
nebulizers. However, nebulizers are sometimes used
EVIDENCE OF SEVERE EXACERBATION in patients who remain symptomatic despite maximal
Loss of alertness or a combination of two of the other treatment with handheld inhalers.
typical symptoms and signs of COPD exacerbation
suggests severe exacerbation and a need for referral
to the emergency department. These criteria are not
intended to replace a health care provider’s judgment
about the need for referral.
3–14 Respiratory System

Recommended Drug Treatment Risk Factors

for Acute Exacerbation of COPD – Chronic sinusitis
SABA (short-acting ß2-agonists) for example, – COPD
salbutamol (Ventolin), 3 or 4 puffs q4h prn; may
increase to 6–8 puffs q2h in severe exacerbation – Bronchiectasis
– Immunosuppression
– Smoking
SABD (short-acting bronchodilators) for example,
– Secondhand smoke
ipratroprium bromide (Atrovent), 2–4 puffs qid prn;
may increase to 6–8 puffs tid-qid if tolerated and if – Air pollutants
necessary – Alcoholism
+ – GERD
Oral steroids, for example, prednisone (Prednisone), HISTORY
30–40 mg PO od for 10–14 days
– Previous infection of upper respiratory tract
– General malaise
Oral antibiotics for simple, uncomplicated COPD
– Fever
exacerbation without risk factors (for example,
diabetes) for example, amoxicillin (Amoxil), 500 mg – Cough; initially dry, later productive of white,
PO tid for 7–10 days yellow or green sputum
or – Muscular aching in the chest wall or discomfort
with coughing
sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Septra DS), 1 tab
PO bid for 7–10 days – Wheezing may be present

Complicated severe COPD exacerbations (with risk PHYSICAL FINDINGS

factors) may require broader spectrum antibiotics,
The presentation of acute bronchitis and pneumonia
such as fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin), second-
are often similar. In general, clients with pneumonia
or third-generation cephalosporins (for example,
are sicker and usually have more chest abnormalities.
cefuroxime) or macrolides (for example, azithromycin
Bronchitis involves the larger airways, whereas
[Zithromax]). Consult a physician for choice of
pneumonia involves the smaller airways and air sacs.
– Temperature may be mildly to moderately elevated
Monitoring and Follow-Up – Heart rate may be mildly elevated if febrile
Monitor vital signs, oxygen saturation and PEFR – Respiratory rate may be slightly elevated
frequently to assess response to bronchodilator – Spasmodic cough
therapy. – Rhinitis may be present
– Expiratory phase may be slightly prolonged
– Wheezes (scattered, low pitched) may be present
Medevac any client who shows signs of respiratory
– Influenza
ACUTE BRONCHITIS – Acute sinusitis
– Pneumonia
Inflammation of trachea and bronchi (larger airways).
– Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
CAUSES – Asthma
– Viral infection (90% of cases): influenza A or B, – Allergies
adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, coronavirus, – Inhaled or aspirated chemical irritants
respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) – Tuberculosis (TB) or lung cancer (if recurrent)
– Bacterial infection (5–10% of cases): Mycoplasma – Pertussis
pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Bordetella – Cystic fibrosis
pertussis, Streptococcus pneumoniae (in those with
underlying lung disease)
Respiratory System 3–15

COMPLICATIONS Monitoring and Follow-Up

– Pneumonia Arrange for follow-up in 5–7 days if not resolving.
– Post bronchitis cough
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Usually not necessary. Refer if client does not respond
– None to initial treatment or if the condition is complicated
by other comorbid risk factors.


– Relieve symptoms PNEUMONIA (CAP)
– Rule out pneumonia Infection of the distal airways, air sacs or both.
– Limit use of unnecessary antibiotics
Appropriate Consultation
In the past, cases of pneumonia were divided into two
Consultation is usually not necessary if the person is categories, bacterial or atypical. In community-based
otherwise healthy. practices, the following classification of community-
acquired pneumonia is now commonly used.
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
– Previously healthy adult under 65 years of age (or
– Increased rest (especially if febrile) both): Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcal)
– Adequate hydration: 6–8 glasses of fluid per day and Mycoplasma are the most common organisms;
– Increased humidity in the environment also, less frequently, Chlamydia pneumoniae and
– Avoidance of pulmonary irritants (for example, Hemophilus influenzae
stop or decrease smoking, perfumes) – Elderly/comorbid illness (or both): Hemophilus
influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Legionella
Client Education pneumophila, Moraxella catarrhalis,
– Recommend hand-washing to prevent spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus
infection throughout a household aureus and, less commonly, Streptococcus
– Inform client that cough may persist for 2 or more pneumoniae
weeks – Viral pneumonia uncommon except in outbreaks of
– Inform client that routine antibiotic treatment is not influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
necessary or recommended or as a complication of atypical measles
– Immunocompromised patients: Cytomegalovirus
Pharmacologic Interventions
(CMV) and herpes simplex viruses (HSV),
For fever or pain: Pneumocystis carinii (especially those with AIDS)
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1 tab q4h prn – Aspiration of oral pharyngeal secretions, gastric
contents or chemicals may predispose a patient to
Clients who have been unwell for more than 10–14 bacterial pneumonia. Those at risk for this problem
days and have purulent sputum, or those with include alcoholic people, elderly people, those who
underlying health concerns (for example, asthma) may have difficulty swallowing, those with motility
require a course of antibiotics. Consult a physician to or neuromuscular disorders and stroke victims.
discuss use of antibiotics since pertussis must be ruled Commonest organisms are Klebsiella, S. aureus,
out. Enteric organisms, Anaerobes, Gram-negative
If bronchospasm is significant, short-acting ß2-agonist bacilli
bronchodilators can be used until acute symptoms – No cause is identified in approximately one-third to
resolve: one-half of all cases
salbutamol (Ventolin), 1 or 2 puffs q4h prn via
3–16 Respiratory System


There is considerable overlap in the symptoms of the – COPD
various types of pneumonias. – Acute bronchitis
– Fever, chills – Underlying TB
– Cough – Underlying lung cancer
– Sputum may be yellow, green, blood-tinged – Aspiration pneumonia
– Chest pain: sharp, localized pleuritic chest pain is – Lung abscess
seen in acute lobar type only – Atelectasis
– Shortness of breath may be present
In elderly or chronically ill clients, the symptoms
– Decompensation of other medical problems
may not be as acute or as obvious. These clients may
present with only confusion or a deterioration of pre- – Respiratory failure from hypoxia
existing medical problems. – Sepsis (bacteremia)
– Metastatic infection such as meningitis,
As a general rule, pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma,
endocarditis, pericarditis, peritonitis, empyema
Chlamydia, viruses and P. carinii have a slower, more
– Renal failure
insidious onset. The client may not appear as acutely
ill and may have a lower fever, dry cough and scanty – Cardiac failure
sputum production.
PHYSICAL FINDINGS – Chest x-ray (posterioanterior and lateral) only
– Temperature elevated if diagnosis is clinically obscure or diagnosis is
– Heart rate elevated
– Respiratory rate increased MANAGEMENT
– Oxygen saturation decreased
– May or may not appear acutely ill Goals of Treatment
– Flushed, diaphoretic if fever is high – Relieve symptoms
– May “splint” the affected side if there is – Improve or prevent respiratory distress
pleuritic pain – Prevent complications
– Variable level of respiratory distress
– Dullness on percussion if there is consolidation Appropriate Consultation
– Air entry may be decreased Consult a physician for any client who appears acutely
– Inspiratory crackles ill or who has a significant amount of hemoptysis.
– Wheezes may be present has signs of respiratory distress; has a significant
comorbid condition such as COPD, diabetes mellitus,
– Bronchial breathing
heart disease, renal disease or cancer; and for any
– Pleural rub may be present (rarely)
client who has not responded to initial oral treatment
In elderly clients, the clinical presentation of the and whose condition is worsening.
various types of pneumonias is often atypical or
obscured. Overt respiratory signs may be absent. They Nonpharmacologic Interventions
may present with changes in level of consciousness, – Increased bed rest
confusion, functional impairment such as loss of – Adequate fluid intake: 6–8 glasses of fluid per day
energy, a decrease in appetite or vomiting. These
– Increased humidity in the air (kettle, humidifier or
clients are at increased risk of death from bacterial
pot of water on the stove)
pneumococcal disease.
Client Education
– Explain diagnosis and expected course of illness
– Counsel client about appropriate use of
medications (dose, frequency, side effects)
Respiratory System 3–17

Pharmacologic Interventions8 MANAGEMENT OF SEVERE PNEUMONIA

For fever, pain and muscle ache: Appropriate Consultation
acetaminophen (Tylenol), 325 mg, 1–2 tabs PO q4–
Consult a physician for any client with severe
6h prn
symptoms (for example, appears acutely ill or
Antibiotics for client with no comorbid conditions and has hemoptysis, significant respiratory distress or
mild-to-moderate pneumonia: a significant comorbid condition such as COPD,
erythromycin 2 g orally divided bid, tid or qid for 7– diabetes mellitus, heart disease, renal disease or
10 days cancer) or for any client who has not responded
to initial oral treatment and whose condition is
azithromycin (Zithromax), 500 mg on day one, then
250 mg PO daily for 4 days Adjuvant Therapy
Antibiotics for client with comorbid illness (COPD), – Oxygen via non-rebreather mask; titrate flow to
mild-to-moderate pneumonia and no antibiotic or oral keep oxygen saturation > 97% to 98%
steroid use in the past 3 months: – For COPD clients, provide oxygen at 4–6 L/
azithromycin (Zithromax), 500 mg on day one, then min via 24% Venturi mask; titrate flow and mask
250 mg PO daily for 4 days concentration to keep saturations at 90% to 92%
Antibiotics for client with comorbid illness (COPD), – Watch for signs of respiratory depression
mild-to-moderate pneumonia and antibiotic use in the – Start IV therapy with normal saline; adjust the rate
past 3 months: to maintain hydration
amoxicillin/clavulanate (Clavulin), 875 mg PO bid for Pharmacologic Interventions
7–10 days
Discuss with a physician. IV antibiotic of choice:
ceftriaxone (Rocephin), 1–2 g IV q24h
azithromycin (Zithromax), 500 mg on day one, then
250 mg PO daily for 4 days
Monitoring and Follow-Up
Monitor oxygen saturation (with pulse oximeter,
levofloxacin (Levaquin), 500 mg PO q24h for if available) and vital signs closely.
10 days

Antibiotics for client with suspected aspiration: Referral

amoxicillin/clavulanate (Clavulin), 875 mg PO bid for Medevac to hospital.

7–10 days
clindamycin (Dalacin) 300–450 mg PO qid for 7 days

Monitoring and Follow-Up

Arrange follow-up within 48 hours for reassessment
or before if worsening symptoms or shortness of
breath develops and follow-up again after the course
of antibiotics is completed.

Usually not necessary for patients with mild to
moderate symptoms unless their condition is
worsening, complications occur, or they have
significant comorbid conditions.
3–18 Respiratory System

PULMONARY EMBOLISM Older clients may present with increasing shortness

of breath, confusion and restlessness (which indicate
Lodging of a blood clot in the pulmonary arterial hypoxia).
tree with subsequent increase in pulmonary vascular
resistance and possible obstruction of blood supply to PHYSICAL FINDINGS
the lung parenchyma.
The physical findings, like the history, are variable.
CAUSES The results of the examination can be deceptively
normal or obviously abnormal. Consider pulmonary
– Blood clot embolizing from deep pelvic or leg veins embolism in any person with unexplained dyspnea.
– Fat embolus (related to fractured femur or pelvis),
air embolus – Resting heart rate elevated
– Respiratory rate elevated
Risk Factors – Blood pressure normal, elevated or low (cor
– Prolonged bed rest pulmonale)
– Prolonged air flight or automobile ride may be a – Mild-to-severe respiratory distress, oxygen
predisposing factor saturation decreased
– Immobilization of a limb after trauma – Anxiety
– Recent surgery – Sweating, pallor and cyanosis may be present
– Chronic venous insufficiency – Distension of neck veins with cor pulmonale
– Advanced age – Peripheral edema may be present with cor
– Obesity pulmonale
– Stroke – Swelling, redness of calf infrequently present
– Calf tenderness may be present, measure calf
– Pregnancy
– Congestive heart failure – Peripheral pitting edema may be present
– Oral contraceptives/HRT – Dullness to percussion may be present (with
infarction and if associated with pleural effusion)
– Underlying malignant disease (particularly
– Air entry may be reduced in affected area
– Cancer treatment (chemotherapy, hormonal) – Crackles and wheezes may be present (with
HISTORY – S3 (gallop rhythm) may be present with cor
Symptoms vary greatly in severity. Pulmonary
embolus may present as three different syndromes. – Loud second heart sound may be present

Acute cor pulmonale (right-sided heart failure) is due DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS

to massive embolus obstructing 60% to 75% of the – Acute congestive heart failure
pulmonary circulation.
– Myocardial infarction
Pulmonary infarction occurs in patients with massive – Pneumonia
embolism and complete obstruction of a distal branch – Viral pleuritis
of the pulmonary circulation. – Pericarditis
Acute unexplained shortness of breath occurs in
patients who do not have cor pulmonale or infarction. COMPLICATIONS

– Sudden onset of shortness of breath (may be the – Pulmonary infarction

only symptom) – Cor pulmonale (right heart failure)
– Pleuritic chest pain with infarction – Left heart failure with pulmonary edema
– Cough (rare) – Recurrent emboli
– Hemoptysis may be present in infarction – Death
– Syncope (faintness) may be present in cor pulmonale
– Leg pain (infrequent), swelling, redness or pale
– Anxiety
Respiratory System 3–19

DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Medications that increase the risk of bleeding will

– Electrocardiography: results are often normal, except add to the effects of enoxaparin and further increase
for resting tachycardia (not explained by fever, the risk of bleeding that is associated with
dehydration ) but can help rule out myocardial enoxaparin.
ischemia Such medications include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix)
and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such
– Chest x-ray (frequently normal) possibly small pleural
as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naproxen
effusions, atelectasis, elevation of a hemidiaphragm
(Naprosyn), diclofenac (Voltaren) and others.
Goals of Treatment Enoxaparin does not cross the placenta and shows no
evidence of effects on the fetus. It often is used during
– Prevent death pregnancy as an alternative to oral anticoagulants such
– Dissolve embolus as warfarin (Coumadin), which cannot be safely used
– Prevent recurrent embolization during pregnancy.

Appropriate Consultation Nursing Mothers

Consult a physician as soon as possible. Sparse data is available regarding the effects of
enoxaparin during lactation. However, because of its
Adjuvant Therapy relatively high molecular weight and inactivation in
the GI tract, its transfer into breast milk and risk to a
– Oxygen via non-rebreather mask; keep oxygen
breastfed infant should be considered negligible. 9
saturation > 97% to 98%
– Start IV therapy with normal saline; adjust rate Monitoring and Follow-Up
according to state of hydration
– Monitor ABC and vital signs frequently
– If hypotension is present, resuscitate with appropriate
if abnormal
fluid volumes (see “Shock” in the chapter “General
Emergencies and Major Trauma”) – Assess lung sounds periodically for signs
of cardiac failure
Nonpharmacologic Interventions – Consult physician regarding drawing CBC
and baseline INR (possibly type and screen)
Bed rest.
before starting anticoagulation
Pharmacologic Interventions
Consult a physician regarding initial anticoagulation with a
Medevac as soon as possible.
therapeutic dose of low molecular weight heparin.
enoxaparin (Lovenox) 1 mg per kg (about 0.5 mg per If the client has evidence of pulmonary edema.
pound) twice daily or 1.5 mg per kg (about 0.8 mg per
pound) once daily SC for existing clots

Administration should be alternated between the left and right

front abdominal wall, towards the sides.
The dose of enoxaparin is reduced for patients with severe
impairment of kidney function.
3–20 Respiratory System


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