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American University of Beirut

Department of Computer Science

CMPS 244 – Database Systems Project Proposal

Group members
- Pia Saade
- Mohamad Khalil
- Karima Taha El Baba
- Mohamad Mohammadieh

Project description

This project aims at building a job portal database system that allows job seekers to search and
apply for job openings, and employers to post job listings and manage applications.


We will maintain information about the following set of entities

1. Job Seeker: Person seeking employment. Primary Key: username. Attributes: name,
previous experience, education, skills.
2. Job Posting: Job listing and title. Primary Key: Job Posting ID. Attributes: Requirements,
title, location, salary, description, deadline to apply.
3. Application: represents a job seeker’s application to a job posting. Primary key:
Application ID. Attributes: cover letter, resume, status.
4. Company: Company posting the job. Primary Key: Company Name. Attributes:
Description, contact information.

The following relationships will hold between our entities

1. One to many relationship between job posting and application: a single job posting can
have many applications, but each application can only belong to one job posting.
2. One to many relationship between company and job posting: a single company can have
many job postings, but each job posting can only belong to one company.
3. One to many relationship between job seeker and application: a single job seeker can
apply to many job postings (have many applications), but each application can only
belong to one job seeker.


1. List all jobs posted for a given company

2. List all companies
3. List all job seekers that applied to a given company
4. List all applications for a given job posting
5. List all applications for a given job seeker
6. Order applications by date for a given company
7. List all job postings given a certain location
8. Count number of applications for a given job posting
9. Count number of accepted/ rejected applications


1. A job posting cannot have more than one company

2. A job seeker can only have one application per job posting
3. A company can have many job postings
4. A job seeker cannot apply to a job posting more than once a year
5. An application cannot have more than one job seeker

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