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1. I was the group leader and my task was to lead the members of my group. I assisted and
informed my group with the proceedings of the EUMIND project. Also I was to upload the
videos and documents on the Weebly site.
2. I learned a lot about the local food of Reunion Island, and how it represents its unique and
diverse culture and history. I also developed my intercultural competencies, such as
communication, collaboration and creativity. This project has made me more aware and
curious about the world, and more respectful and appreciative of different cultures and
3. The video shoot was one of the best parts of the Eumind project which went well. However,
we could have written the script in a better way by adding a little more humor. Another thing
that I would have liked was more interactive session with the partner school.
4. During the project, I communicated with my partner school in France through Zoom,
WhatsApp, and Weebly. I learned a lot from my partner school about the history, culture,
and diversity of Reunion Island, and how its food reflects its rich and complex identity. We
prepared their recipes at home increasing our cuisine knowledge

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