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‘Booklet No. : DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO Roll No. TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022 A Test Booklet Series ‘Time Allowed : 2 Hours] (Maximum Marks : 100 10. 1 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK ‘THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number, Test Booklet Series A, B, C or D and Application No. carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the ‘appropriate ‘places in the OMR Answer Sheet with blue or black ball pen. Any error detected in the scanned data of the Answer Sheet due to wrong encoding of either Application No. or Roll No. or both by the candidate, his/her Answer Sheet shall not be evaluated and shall be rejected straight away. You have to enter your Roll Number in the space provided. DO NOT write anything else on the ‘Test Bookdet. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions) printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any ease, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. ‘You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. All items. carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per entries given in your downloaded ‘Admission Letter. ‘After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the exami ‘concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Original Copy of Answer Sheet. You fare permitied to take away with you the Test Booklet and Candidate's Copy of Answer Sheet, Sheet(s) for rough work is/are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. THERE WILL BE NEGATIVE MARKING FOR WRONG ANSWER(S) MARKED BY THE CANDIDATE AS UNDER : (@® There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a ‘wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (i) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question, (iii) Ifa question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. (iv) If there are.two or more correct answers instead of one correct answer out of four alternatives for the answer to a question, all those candidates who will encode any one of these correct answers will be awarded marks allotted to that question, No marks shall be awarded for scrapped question. In case of any discrepancy in English and Hindi versions of the item (question), the English version shall bbe treated as correct and final. USE OF MOBILE PHONE OR COMMUNICATION DEVICE IS STRICTLY BANNED IN THE EXAMINATION DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO Note : Hindi version of the above instructions is printed on the back cover of this Booklet. amr # : ote wr ed SIT Te ya & fea YS T wT tl 1 P.T.O. " In Dewey's theory of “how we think” : (A) the logical method of inquiry is ruled out (B) the experimental method is used exclusively (©) neither the logical nor the experimental method is involved (D) ideas produced by any method must be tested in experience Set weiea arr wferfed fart frei “How we think” & aria : (A) ata at afte fafa a de fea ma (B) wha: webs fafa ar weir aa & (C) 3 tt afte fate ott a ot weit fate a win tea = (D) fran feet. fate gro ora fag ait wm amt aqua am wal Te sa ert & The doctrine of “Pancha Sheel”, adopted by the Govt. of India, was taken from : (A) Samkhya-Yoga (B) Jainism (C) Buddhism ©) Upanishads ARG WER ERT ara Ta “agit” fasia fea axe @ fern wae ? (A) Bea @) ah (©) 4a at O) ahraq Which of the following Indian philosophies embodies a unique combination of realism, pluralism and relativism ? (A) Jainism (B) Buddhism (©) Samkhya (D) Uttar Mimansa anda aia # ae aire cet @ fra omnia aemefere, agerne den wae UH ay are sia & 7 (A) oF at ®) 43 ah (©) wie wt ©) aK rit TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 2 SSS 4 According to Robert Mager (1969), which of the following is not a part of the objectives written in behavioural terms ? (A) Behaviour, that the learner will be able to display (B) Analysis of the behaviour displayed (C) Conditions under which the behaviour is to be displayed (D) The standard of the behaviour to be displayed waé Am (1969) & agen freafatad Fa ae st seen & St ae wT OT fra oA are steel ar am et aah? (A) Sen fad sea vefiia ee aT (B) vefia fea oA aa cE ar fare (©) aang fart siria orca vefta feat sre D) veffa rae a AK “A proposition or a statement is meaningless unless it is verifiable directly or indirectly.” The statement represents the essence of which of the following schools of philosophy ? (A) Pragmatism B) Idealism (C) Logical positivism (D) Progressivism af a Se ya aT sae wT a wera we @, a ae wer sel ST” we wer fr 1a fea at a aR et ? (A) Waser (B) srexfeng (C) after wearer (D) wafer ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 3 P.T.O. 6. The agency, which plays the most significant role in the transition of an “individual” to a “person” is : ’ (A) the school (B) ‘the family (©) the community | (©) the religion frafatad 4 8 ae atret wich ¢ si cafe at cafe H waiafta aa § waite are att 2 (A) ferererr (B) War (©) aR ©) wi 7. Three of the following are essential for teachers to do in order to fulfil the expectations of the society. Which one is not ? (A) They must make schools the replica of society (C) They must know the cultural heritage of students (D) They must relate school activities to cultural patterns frafafan fered i da teh ad & st ue seme & fer aa & vfs on ofaeli aw fate aa & fee atrard #1 ee @ she we 7 (A) 3% faceri at wa at sfagfa Sea a ciate ae aise (B) Feat S rae FH sa wR fea a RAT ea Te aie fer aed caferanfes (B) They must reward and guide behaviour in social interaction | arises simian aes fer tet a (C) Sé weal at aiepie fare a a arr afer ©) Tt S feared a we aieglae sfer @ sea afew TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 4 8. Which of the following is most characteristic of a socially and emotionally mature person ? He/She (A) does not experience conflict (B) frequently places the welfare of others ahead of the immediate satisfaction of his needs (C) represses the expression of unhealthy emotions (D) seeks goals that are realistic in the light of his/her abilities and opportunities Prfefad 4 ae are cam & Sh arnfses—srercees wo SY ofteaa aed at fate & 7 (A) 28 afer #1 wiga at aqufs at at () wen: ae chi st ved ae omni cemfers sensi at dafte @ ax vam & (C) 36 ae vere WH sh sre ae Fa D) 3 ar fee si seed a cere & at saat ahem sik seal st cfe B areas a 9. Research on the relative effectiveness of “learning by wholes” and “learning by parts” has shown that : (A) Learning by parts is better than learning by wholes (B) Learning by wholes is better than learning by parts (©) The relative effectiveness of each depends on the nature of the material being learned (D) Learning by wholes tends to be more effective in most cases ‘pi afr fate ser aig afters fat at ata wafer & det aH qu ety a ae wre gn t fe: (A) ater fat grt treat gol fate at ater afte geet at & (B) wept safes fate sigr afte afiery fate at gat A afree wat eet & (©) fafa ae ae oA a, after at oenfaer et aA att ann we Rok aad = (D) sfrata fafa Fool afer fate afies sort of wee ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 5 P.T.O. 10. “Problem solving” differs from “creative thinking” in that : (A) the “solution” in creative thinking is somewhat novel and less defined by the problem (B) Problem solving involves trial and error (C) Creativity is spontaneous (D) Problem solving requires a somewhat lower level of ingenuity, brilliance and flexibility wren wre fea ea Fo gore fiat & fi der & ? (A) orrers fier srr wre Ga |e-qe aft are aar & den aAeT gra wT ‘afenfia eat = (B) wre Tare fate HF ver GoreA/(Trial and error) #1 wir eat & (©) ara WH we: vali via ate (©) ween wae A stenpa wa veto, wa wien ae wa Aer sl sree ae & 11. The active process of interference of earlier learning in the retrieval of later learning, is generally known by the technical term of : (A) Repression (B) Retroactive inhibition (C) Proactive inhibition (D) Negative transfer wis sete vier frat sits od afters are afiers at ga: wafer at afd ea %, a wT He oe? (A) Fre (B) yelerait renter (C) srreieft wreter OD) Fas se TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 6 12, The transfer of training from situation A to situation B is affected most by : (A) The intelligence of the learner (B) The meaningfulness of situation A and B (©) The similarity of situation A and B (D) The motivation of the learner safafa Aa safefa BA afr sino frafafad Fa fea uw afte fiir am & ? (A) ea $ af ee (B) safe A ta Bat aehqoi 7 (©) saferfa A dar Bat WET 1K ©) seta F afte a 7 13. It can safely be assumed that a student understands a principle when he/she can: | (A) answer specific objective type questions connected with it (B) give examples of it (©) repeat’ it verbally (D) use it to solve unfamiliar problems to which it applies ae aa fafraa wr 8 ad on war & fe afe at faeref feet fran st are & at waar ae aed & fe: (A) ae 3a From 8 waits aera faire wet A aw 2 aaa (B) es sere THT (©) tian wa 8 sé tea aaa & ©) we Fea ar seit ax saa Yet ages arETeit a geen waa & 14. The difference among the various abilities of an individual is known as : (A) Individual differences (B) _Inter-individual differences (C) Trait variability (D) Differential aptitude frat afer at fat draaet Home wr al sit at ae Hea E 7 (A) afeana fara (B) aRT-aafe Az (©) warm oftafear (D) faire saftarrat TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 7 P.T.O. 15. The basic difference between Amentia and Dementia is that : (A) Dementia refers to a loss while the amentia refers to a lack of mental functioning (B) Dementia involves a more advanced state of psychiatric dysfunction (C) Amentia is a neurosis while dementia is a psychosis (D) Dementia is a technical term while amentia is that commonly used by layman to identify the same condition Amentia (G% @efeq) 71 Dementia (faferaar) % en sit ae & ? (A) after af at gem at wet &, cen fate wa at arise Sane a (B) Dementia wrfae faar at afr seen a wet = (C) Amentia TH waR wi =qifea ear F Wy Dementia AATF psychosis * (D) Dementia ww wfenfies waz & IY Amentia a1 svi seh fen F faq wen & 16. The “halo” effect is mainly the result of the fact that examiners are influenced by: (A) their overall appraisal of the individual being rated (B) The ratings made by others on the same individual (C) The tendency to rate most people above average (D) The tendency to show favouritism towards certain individuals “Sat Ia SF sre TK ARE a wT Tee feet st fra aa a wats Bat yeaiat FEM e 2 (A) frenet & yf ot amreet eon & (B) frend & fra # ora caferdt at aa & (© maar at aa: star a aw sist at veh a O) ee aac S ae vada wa at wah a ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 8 17. Which of the following statements concerning the test validity and reliability is most accurate ? (A) A test cannot be valid unless it is reliable (B) A test cannot be reliable unless it is valid (C) A test cannot be reliable’ unless it standardised (D) A test cannot be valid unless it is objective fret tam at dua sen faerie & aera F frafation 4 8 ater Her walter wae? (A) af ang wer faraerta va @ a ae au ze A Ta (B) aE wer af au ae tA ae favors ot ae a Tea (© ae ag ser araiga Tet at ae farrertta ae A aa @) ae ae ser aaa ae & a aa ae a aa 18. Most educational sociologists agree that character education : (A) is impossible without teaching of religious doctrines (B) is the exclusive province of religious institutions (C) is best handled by giving youth ready-made judgements © afasin camel ga aa wR werd & fe afta-frio fea: (A) ‘fies fart at fare fart srw = (B) Wha: afte dena F after aa Font & (©) wed wt after Froia tat a ote wan 8 at ot want & D) 4 Afr doit at cae fader et afee ‘TBC ; YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 9 P.T.O. should involve the direct discussion of moral issues 19. In column 1 below are mentioned some different types of research, and in column 2 are given examples/definitions of the research in a jumbled way. Compare the two columns and select your answer from the options given under the columns. Column 1 (@) - Qualitative @ () Applied w (©) Quatititative Gi) (@) Phenomenological Co) () Options : ®@ ® © @ Aw) wo w B @ w& H w © Gi) % ww Ww © @ © W w TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 10 Column 2 To study the nature of banking transactions taking place in early 1900's in India An interview conducted to understand the present condition of Bhopal gas tragedy ‘An investigation, which is open ended and exploratory Systematic investigation using measurable variables To solve a social problem in order to improve the human/social condition fe fea me ey 1 4 vie & Ee vent Sm fee Ei sah age ain 2 A aaah wa 8 eh serecovaifera fae fen rar &1 ory gr wisi ar fra FE otk fey TE fase 8 wa aK a fated ae: wy 1 ww 2 @ Free we @ — anfer 1900's 4 ara 4 faerar Sf wore aw seer afar ded A oT ) aaa @ ra 3 gt te get at ada fafa aT are & fem fen wa Mae (©) FIAT Gi) WH Ter whe Tt fagaia ok aH a @ ver-fen safe ae Gv) ae aa an ein ea ge fee en whe @) ama fafa a gare ég feet anf wre a wt den fernea : @ 6 © W@W A &) @ oO WwW ®) @ Wy) ii) -) © Gi) © Ww WwW DO @&) © @ w 20. The “sudden discovery of ends-means relationships” in problem solving is generally known as : (A) Insight (B) Intuition (C) Hypothesis ©) Inspiration wren ware visa & che aaa st sary Be Gist Fl am wea e 7 (A) aragftz (B) argh (©) ater @) 1 TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A_ 11 P.T.O. 21. Which of the following types of research aims at hypothesis testing and generalisation ? (A) Ethnographical (B) Experimental (C) Historical (D) Phenomenological frafefas 4a ea whe a stea ofteerr—-wde an ari % 7 (A) sonia he (B) wate (©) Brees hy D) ver-fren aah ete 22. Which of the following functions is not included in the mandated functions of the UGC ? (A) Promoting and coordinating university education (B) Determining and maintaining standards in teaching, examination and research in universities and colleges approved by it (C) To attain planned and coordinated development in teacher education (D) Giving special development grants to colleges and universities frafafas 4 8 ata werd q, vi. dt. or onfrarite werd wet e 2 (A) favafeerea fran ar dat ae wae (B) % Mt. Gt. gro Aram ore faxafeenert 4 areas, oder cer vie arrat ar Prefer (C) seme fren an gfrtfaa a arta fase yficar oT (D) Fae wer farafrercrit a fave faera-aaem of a det eer 23. The primary purpose for which aptitude tests are devised, is : (A) to measure potentiality (B) to measure proficiency (C) to measure interest in a particular field of knowledge ©) to predict the degree of one’s success in a given field afrerrn wham fratr a wafie stra & frente st : (A) Ferrera BT ATT (B) BRE ae A (©) sfaer at weer aT ATT (D) & fata 4 feet afer at ane at vfesranit eer ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 12 24. Which of the following schools of Indian philosophy accept Pratyaksha and Anumana as the only means of valid knowledge ? (A) Sankhya and Yoga (B) Buddhism and Vaishesika (©) Jainism and Vedanta ) Purva mimansa and Nyaya anda at at ae aid fraread € tam wae ait agua at at a a aa mer Art & 2 (A) Bear (B) ae wet wen Aaifie (©) 3H eet wen cia ) Ve Ate wen aE 25. Which of the following is incorrect ? Teachers, who practise differentiation in classroom may : (A) design lessons based on student's learning styles (B) group students based on shared interest or abilities (C) assess student’s learning using formative assessment () use best teaching aids in order to make the lesson most effective frafafiad 4 8 stra we wee ? sere St a ser F fatdiga wet ar seit ee a: (A) Ws apr a frend et afiere Atel we amas at & (B) a A Sah aish eft sik araasi S aren w se a F ated F (©) Feat ar ART we aaa Frans fate a sae wet F ©) ws # afte weet aA S fey wala were art a sen at F 26. Which of the following represents the highest correlation between two variables ? (A) 0.00 (B) -1.00 (©) +2.00 ) 0.05 A fea me a ai Hh ey weds Fo waa ser Te ST T ? (A) 0.00 (B) ~1.00 (©) +2.00 (D) 0.05 ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 13 27. The phrase “equal educational opportunities” in India means : (A) equal opportunity to have the type of education for which one is suited (B) equality of opportunity for the type of education available for each child (C) equal opportunity for all children to haves access to higher education (D) equality of educational opportunity for each child ona & ded Haar df sae” ae ster @ am afr & 7 (A) 3e fren & for Sh feet aaa st aramsii So oggE a, FAR sa WE ET (B) wh weal A sea fren wa ae SF fee wAR sea ye eT (©) Sh of fren sree @, B fay wa samt Ba (D) Wes wed a fen frat Aqua Bo aa tifers sere Sr 28. People whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism : (A) reject the scientific method of experimentation (B) maintain that complete objectivity is possible (C) claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative (D) accept the stimulus-response learning theory Sh caer weitere Hf favors wad & : (A) 4 wehfratee at dante fate at aeiten aa = (B) Set orem & fH. yeh sepia wea & (©) Sar wea @ fe am siafeyvsreng dae ik wa aa D) 3 sor -syfra afer fasia at ate aa = 29. Fundamental research reflects the ability to : (A) synthesise new ideas (B) generate new principles (C) evaluate the existing literature concerning research (D) find out scientific solution of the problems at hand ties wie frafeafad 4 8 fra aan at oftafa wee 7 (A) Fy faart ar deer ac (B) 7q faarti/feait ar wfraea en (©) te daet ada aries er Raia BCT ©) wreaks wrens a amt ea ge ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 14 30. A problem child is generally one who has : (A) an unsolved problem (B) a poor home environment (©) a poor heredity (D) an overprotective parent(s) area: HET aes ae tent : (A) @ fast argest aren 3 mae ®) fare a ama Bier (©) fraet am wi aaa a (D) free ara-feer arafires dence 31. “Shaping the behaviour”, according to Skinner, means : (A) giving continuous practice until the behaviour is thoroughly learned (B) it is nothing but another name for over learning (C) breaking the task into small easier units and providing reinforcement at each step (D) it is similar to mastery learning far & aga waen Frain a ad t : (A) 3a we ae yh wo a che ae om sa TER ae See Te aTeT (B) San Fate ae aft-afers ar et AT am (C) wea art @ ofiery at Seat-aet ware A age wets ae Tw per feo at & D) ae aed afin F wat 32. Who, of the following, promoted the concept of latent learning ? (A) Jerome Bruner (B) David Ausubel (©) Lev Vygotsky ©) EC. Tolman qa afr facia ar viernes fret fren om ? (A) fae aR (B) Bfas angie (O) Sa ares @) & a. cats ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 15 . P.T.O. 33. For enhancement of creative behaviour among students in the class, teachers need to take special measures. Which of the following can’t be a part of such measures ? (A) Giving more and more open ended questions (B) Encouraging problem solving activities (C) Emphasising divergent thinking exercises (D) Brainstorming exercises frofafad 4 8 atre saa frente & gorrers Se Bt Miefea ae S fire satan sort at am we at aT? (A) atten fagaia we YER (B) Wren we feared + vieafed ee (© avert fart a stent eet aa sree we aa Bar D) framan (aren) a see 34. Which of the following explains the concept of operant conditioning ? (A) In this the focus is on the stimulus and how it affects the response (B) It requires a specific behaviour for the reward (©) It is another name for instrumental conditioning (D) It requires a specific response for reinforcement to be given, and the frequency of responding determines the amount of reinforcement frafefar 4a aire ser firamga aa a ufenfia een e 7 (A) FER F sae Fo gies shes w der & ae ee art wT fe ae fire he safra a wntaa ae & B) Fen WS fey fafre sae atte gare (©) 7e Atif agar a a gaa amt ©) ] aya 4 per WA S fee Ue fare gfe st sraraem at & ar We ager a ana & fruits aot & fe year fran a TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 16 35. Which of the following sequences of Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive domain “represents the revised sequence given by Anderson, Krathwohl et al : (A) Remembering, understanding, creating, applying, analysing, synthesising, evaluating (B) Remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, synthesising, evaluating, creating (C) Remembering, understanding, application, analysing, synthesising, creating, evaluating (D) Remembering, understanding, analysing, synthesising, applying, evaluating, creating qa are whrafen daria steal an atten, fd deca, fares cele A aeitiet fan an, frefatad 4 8 ara e ? (A) Br, ae, Gr, awa, favetom, Seer, eaHT (B) Br, Fe, agin, fare, deen, yeaa, GA (© Be, ay, aaprin, fart, deere, ES, Yeates (D) SU, ay, seo, fardon, ay, yeaa, TA 36. The most important element in the conduct of a guidance interview is the : (A) Preparation of the “case” history (B) Choice of pleasant surroundings (C) Establishment of good rapport (D) Freedom from interruptions fader 8g fru ora ara Mae A Safed BAS fery walle weeryel aa Frevfetad fame? (A) “aa” ar ae (fest) Tae wor (B) && gas wan at frat eT (©) we th” (Mek) fafa ar Frain eer (D) feet ven F wade tea area eo Yfiad FCT "TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 17 P.T.O. 37. Which of the following does not define a hidden curriculum ? (A) Curriculum taught informally and usually unintentionally (B) Societal or supported curriculum (C) Curriculum, which includes perspectives and attitudes students pick up while they are at school (D) Covert curriculum frafafed 4 8 shen oeger Ta wera wo oftnfaa et eee ? (A) tar Tea st arias an offs wr 8 veer TH a (B) waste a anil wee (C) Teen frat 3 uftier sen afughval afiates & fre aoa ea A waa: ort a aa et D) Fe TEA 38. Which of the following is not an example of differentiated learning activity ? (A) Reading a passage of a text and answer related questions (B) Differentiating fact from opinion (C) Solving a given mathematical problem (D) Thinking of a solution that happened to character in a story frafafiad 4 ate firarmera wa faferdtga (differentiated) afm a seew wee? . (A) Wea arn 8 aig vies ven sik daira we S aR AT (B) 7 ah wala A ag aT (C) feat dag afta aeen a eae den (D) 34 aren h fe ara ot cto wert & fed aiovafirta + aa ga TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A. 18 39. Which of the following is an example of synchronous E learning ? (A) Video conferencing (B) Self-paced learning ° (C) Course material downloaded whenever needed (D) Message Boards hei # synchronous E learning #1 STE FTA t ? ) asa aisha a arr wre ae af 8 sea CT (©) sTavrEayaR va art a sacs wer ® Wa ae 40. Which of the following statements largely reflects the true meaning of the term “backward child” ? (A) Child whose attainment scores lie among lowest scores of his/her class (B) A dull child with below average intelligence (C) A child who remains in the same class for more than one year (D) A child whose attainment falls below the level of his/her mental abilities Se tae eer el ae ec reiea ite ok a ‘wfafateara aa ? (A) ae are frest srefer aa fred sisi ara aed Sora ae e (B) ae arm fraat afe-ctes sited a AS ent (© ae aera oe a een Aw a afee at He eae (D) ae aes Fi syefor saat arise arn st gern Ae cet & 41. Under CBCS (choice based credit system) how are the non-credit courses like, soft skills, evaluated ? (A) As pass or fail (B) By assigning credits as in other courses (©) As satisfactory or unsatisfactory (D) Not evaluated at all, because these are meant for self-learning only CBCS (choice based credit system) # atid *k #fee-38 yg Fie Feats, FT qeaiet Ba ane ? (A) We a ta F wy A (B) 3 fava at vifa Hise tae (©) Hare aT arid ) FR yeas ten a a t aie a eae wafer F few Ff da TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 19 P.T.O. 42. Which of the following is not a concept of Vygotsky's Social Learning theory ? (A) Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (B) Banking concept of Education (C) MKO (More knowledgeable others) (D) Social interaction frafafas 48 amet saeren aremeeet ara ofrnfea ara afira fargia 1 ArT we? (A) ZPD (B) fear at afar gore (C) MKO-3fer afaa oafat ) watsa stata 43. The famous book, “The Pedagogy of the Oppressed” was authored by : (A) J. Krishnamurti (B) Ivan Illich (C) Lev Vygotsky @) Paulo Freire wz Yer “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” #1 Wan a ? (A) 3. Boneft (B). vari fers (C) aa aremerst D) Wet Fe 44. Which of the following is not correct about andragogy ? (A) ‘The adult learners should have a definite say in deciding the content and process of their learning (B) Learning should focus more on solving problems rather than learning content (C) Adults learners are more rigid and less open minded in their behaviour than younger children (D) Adult learners learn at a faster rate than younger children the fuer & ded 7 frafefad 9 a are wer wet ade 7 (A) afer a1 dg fry ere aaeM St ak thr afer 4 fe fag & ae at ot (B) & west + gen 4 vig seta sae an aie wr a dafea BaF (C) arm afer = fasa-arg wen visa Frater & few vig aetna ar fired afte Br aTfee (D) we seta Ge aera Ft qe A afee da ofa a aera = TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 20 45. Who of the following educational thinkers gave the concept of scaffolding in educational theory and practice ? (A) J. Bruner (B) Lev Vygotsky (C) Robert Bandura * @) Jean Piaget ‘fer facia cer dfe oraen 4 fra vem fare 3 boifess ama aero wt Tat at ? (A) 4. ae (B) aa aeTest (C) tad aigT ©) wi fret 46. The first model of curriculum development was presented by : | (A) John Dewey (B) Ralph Tyler (C) Hilda Taba (D) Mager uesaat frat a1 yan wred weqa feat : (A) ah Stat 3 (B) Wes eR FA (C) fers za 4 ©) ana 47. The evaluation used to improve the content during the process of curriculum development is called : (A) Summative evaluation (B) Formative evaluation (©) Diagnostic evaluation (D) Creative evaluation ceraai fat at visa & cea win 4 are a aa Arai Fa wea F 7 (A) darrian Aer (B) Prato yeas (C) Freres Raia O) aes Fe 48. Which of the given statistical tests is not non-parametric ? (A) F test (B) Median test (©) Sign test (D) Mann-Whitney test frafatad 4 a sien aiferata wie safes whem ae & ? (A) & wert (B) ifsar wert (C). at Thary (D) ar-feezt Whar ‘TBC : YRS(AP-CC-Education)-2022—A 21. P.T.O.

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