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Lawful Neutral god of darkness, death, and creation.

Once, long ago in a time before times there was one perfect world. Mankind knew naught but peace and
prosperity. There was no conflict born of want or disparity. The differences between men paled in comparison
to their similarities. Under this way of living Men lived an age, and a true peace was known by all. That is until
that fateful day, where it all came crashing down. Fire split open the sky and with a baleful roar the strength
of mankind was turned against them as magicks failed and turned on their casters, forming great beasts set
upon consuming the world whole. This is where Zodiark’s story begins.

Mankind realized that they may be capable of summoning something strong enough to stop this calamity. In
sacrificing half of their number they called forth the first god, Zodiark. By his might and majesty the crisis
ended, but the world was not whole yet. With a second sacrifice to Zodiark the lands twisted by the monsters,
and the seas boiled by the crisis were returned to life. With the lands vibrant Mankind realized that with one
more sacrifice, made of the excess possible by Zodiark as well as the new creatures and life formed by him,
could bring back the original sacrifices.

However, there was one group that disapproved of this. The faction that would bring into being Hydaelyn,
she who was to serve as his shackles. To bind him and keep him in check. Their conflict was inevitable, and
despite being the weaker of the two gods, Hydaelyn was victorious. With her final blow she smote Zodiark
with such force that the whole world shattered under its weight. The world we know was born of this attack,
one source with ten and three shards removed from it.

The Ascians, those who know of the sundered paradise and serve Zodiark, now seek to restore the world as
they knew it. The implications of their success are bleak for man as we know it.

Titles: Keeper of Precepts, Scion of Darkness, The Dark One, The One True God.
Home Plane: An unsundered paradise, now scattered across thirteen shards and one source world.
Power Level: Greater
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Rival Deities: Hydaelyn
Portfolio: Creation, Change, Order, Darkness, Life, Magic.
Domains: Darkness, Destruction, Death, Law, Void.
Favored Weapon: Power Staff

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