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Electric Power Systems Research 47 (1998) 65 – 70

Tangent vector applied to voltage collapse and loss sensitivity

A.C. Zambroni de Souza *
Grupo de Engenharia de Sistemas, Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá, A6. BPS, 1303, Bairro Pin heirinho, CEP 37500 -000 -Itajubá,
MG, Brazil
Received 23 February 1998; accepted 30 March 1998


The search for a reliable and computationally efficient index for voltage security analysis has been the subject of concern of
many researchers. Recently, a method based on the tangent vector technique has been shown to be accurate as a voltage stability
index and also as an indicator of the system weak area. This technique is tested in this paper with different load scenarios. The
tangent vector technique is then used as a tool for determination of system loss sensitivity. This new application for the tangent
vector technique is tested in the IEEE-14 bus system test. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tangent vector; Voltage collapse; Loss sensitivity

1. Introduction bifurcation manifold [7], but may be time consuming

for a large power system.
Many electric power systems around the world have A method that produces results as accurate as those
experimented voltage collapse problems [1]. The discus- obtained by continuation power flows within a reason-
sions about the nature of the problems have shown that able computational time is proposed by Zambroni de
a system may reach a voltage collapse point through Souza et al. [8]. Such a method is based on the behavior
small perturbations. This characteristic, as well as other of the largest tangent vector component as a function
considerations, allow one to use the power flow model of load increase. The tangent vector is calculated as a
to study the dynamic behavior of a system [2,3]. This predictor step in continuation power flows. The appli-
model, used in this paper, is enough to identify the cation of this vector as a voltage security index is recent
voltage collapse point as a saddle-node. and the results reported [8] show this technique as being
The search for an index that predicts the voltage very attractive, even when dealing with large systems.
collapse (or bifurcation) point has been widely ad- Therefore, this technique is employed in this paper
dressed in the literature. The idea is to estimate the load when different operating load scenarios are considered.
variation for a known operating point at which the The tangent vector technique may be easily incorpo-
system remains stable. Claudio et al. [4] compare sev- rated into any power flow program. The good results
eral static voltage stability indices and conclude that obtained through this technique for voltage collapse
when reactive power limits are considered, no index is analysis are extended in this paper for loss sensitivity
capable of predicting the bifurcation point, due to the studies. This approach identifies the bus or buses whose
discontinuity observed in the index behavior as the capacitor installation most reduces the overall system
system is loaded. Because of this feature, continuation losses. It is shown that this bus may not be the system
power flows have been widely employed in the litera- critical bus from the point of view of voltage collapse;
ture to determine the bifurcation point [5,6]. This by critical bus one means the bus whose state variables
method finds the bifurcation point and also traces the changes most when a load increase occurs at the bifur-
cation point.
* Tel.: + 55 35 6291242; fax: +55 35 6291187; e-mail: zam- This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 relates to tangent vector determination, while Section 3 intro-

0378-7796/98/$19.00 © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

PII S0378-7796(98)00048-0
66 A.C. Zambroni de Souza / Electric Power Systems Research 47 (1998) 65–70

duces the quadratic extrapolation method used to de- bifurcation point. This drawback may be overcome
termine the bifurcation point. Section 4 proposes the through the methodology proposed in the next section.
loss sensitivity technique based on tangent vector. Sec-
tion 5 shows the results obtained by the technique when
the IEEE-14 bus system test is employed and Section 6 3. Bifurcation point determination by quadratic
gives the conclusions of this work. extrapolation

The technique proposed in by Zambroni de Souza et

2. Tangent vector al. for bifurcation point determination [8] is described
in this section. Let us assume that an initial operating
The power flow model used in this paper is repre- point (associated with l1) and its tangent vector are
sented by the set of equations: known. Hence, one knows the initial critical bus of the
system, i.e. that associated with the largest entry in the
f(x, l) = 0 (1)
tangent vector. If the system is slightly loaded, another
where l is the parameter that drives the system from operating point (function of l2) and its tangent vector
one stable equilibrium point to another and represents may be calculated. If it is assumed that the tangent
the state variables. Tangent vector shows how the state vector index provides quadratic behavior as a function
variables change with loading and may be obtained of load increase, the following methodology may be
from the load-flow Jacobian matrix. Assuming that an proposed.
operating point is known, then (1) For an initial operating point, slightly load the
system to obtain another operating point. Determine
ÆDP gÇ ÆDu gÇ the tangent vector associated with both operating
à DP l à =[J]à Du l à (2) points. Store the largest entry for each one.
ÈDQ lÉ ÈDV lÉ (2) Calculate the quadratic function parameters for
the expression tg(l)= al 2 + c, where tg(l) is the inverse
where g represents the generators and l represents the of the largest entry in the tangent vector of the load-
load buses. The inverse is given by flow Jacobian and l is the system parameter. Therefore,
it is a set of two equations for two unknown variables,
ÆDu gÇ ÆDP gÇ since a and c are to be determined. The parameter c is
à Du l à = [J] à DP l Ã
(3) the initial guess for the bifurcation point (l*), i.e. the
ÈDV lÉ ÈDQ lÉ point at which the function crosses the l axis. Apply
the value (l*) to generation and load.
The load is increased as follows: (3) If the system of equations converges to a solu-
tion, go to Step 1. Otherwise, calculate a new l from
Pi = Pi0(1+Dl)Qi = Qi0(1 + Dl) (4)
the expression
where Pi and Qi are the active and reactive loads after
l*new = (l* − l2)/2 +l2 (7)
the parameter l is varied and Pi0 and Qi0 are the initial
active and reactive loads at bus i. Active power genera- If the load-flow equations converge when l*new is
tion is increased in the same way. Therefore, applied to load and generation, go to Step 1. Otherwise,
l*new becomes l* in Eq. (7)and another l*new is evalu-
DPi =Pi0 Dl and DQi =Qi0 Dl (5)
ated. This process converges to l0, which is the bifurca-
Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (3) yields tion point.

ÆDu gÇ ÆP g0Ç
à Du l à =[J] à P l0 Ã
(6) 4. Loss sensitivity based on tangent vector
The tangent vector calculated in Eq. (6) is used here
The investigation of tangent vector behavior as a as a new tool for system loss sensitivity. This novel
function of load increase is exploited by Zambroni de approach is based on the information provided by
Souza et al. [8], where a comparison between a tangent tangent vector, i.e. how state variables vary as a func-
vector and a right Eigenvector is shown for the purpose tion of system parameter. The total system active power
of critical bus identification. It is concluded that the losses are given by:
tangent vector allows early identification of the critical nl
bus, which is not obtained by any other index. Zam- Psystem = % VikVjk (Gk (cos (d(ij )k )+ cos (d( ji )k ))
broni de Souza et al. however [8], show that tangent
vector behavior does not allow one to predict the − Gk (V 2ik + V 2jk) (8)
A.C. Zambroni de Souza / Electric Power Systems Research 47 (1998) 65–70 67

Assume in Eq. (6) that the right-hand side is slightly

perturbed through a capacitor installation at a generic
load bus ‘l’. The new tangent vector may be obtained
without the need to calculate the new operating point.
If Eq. (9) is then calculated, the active power losses
variation as a function of parameter l (capacitor instal-
lation at bus ‘l’) is known. Taking ‘l’ as all system load
buses, one by one, computation of Eqs. (6) and (9)
indicates the load bus, or buses, whose capacitor instal-
lation most reduces the system active power losses.
Notice that in this process, a power flow program is
executed for the base case only. This idea will be tested
in the next section.

5. Results

The tests presented in this section are carried out in

the IEEE-14 bus system test1 shown in Fig. 1 and are
divided in two parts: in Section 5.1, voltage collapse
point is determined for some different operating scenar-
ios and in Section 5.2, system loss sensitivities are

5.1. Voltage collapse point

Initially, the methodology proposed in Section 3 for

Fig. 1. IEEE-14 bus system.
voltage collapse point determination is employed. The
where nl is the number of transmission lines; Vik and Vjk bifurcation point, when generators reactive power limits
are the voltage level at ends (i ) and ( j ) of transmission are neglected, is assessed as
line k; Gk is the transmission line k susceptance; and l*= 4.11
(ij )k represents the phase angle between buses i and j.
If Eq. (8) is derived in relation to system parameter l, This result is compared with the result obtained by
PFLOW [5] (l* = 4.08), where a continuation power

flow is used. As can be seen, the quadratic extrapola-
dPsystem dVik dV dA tion method proposed by Zambroni de Souza et al. [8]
= % Gk Vjk + jk Vik A +VikVjk

dl k=1 dl dl dl provides good results, also emphasizing the shorter
dVik dVjk computational time involved in the quadratic extrapo-
−2Gk Vik + V (9) lation process. The voltage collapse point shown above
dl dl jk
has been evaluated assuming a load increase direction
where, A= Gk (cos (d(ij )k ) + cos (d( ji )k ) and dA/dl = as a function of the initial system loading. All load
Gk (2 sin (d( ji )k )(dd(i )k /dl − dd( j )k /dl)). buses have experimented load increase, up to the stage
Eq. (9) shows how active power losses vary as a where the voltage collapse point is encountered. This
function of system parameter. Notice that all the partial typical scenario has been widely exploited in the litera-
derivatives of Eq. (9) consist of tangent vector compo- ture. For this load increase direction, the critical bus is
nents, known from Eq. (6). Therefore, computing Eq. evaluated as Bus 14. It is known that different load
(9) is not time consuming. increase directions may provide different bifurcation
points [9]. This situation has been exhaustively studied
Table 1
Load margin for little bus load variation
in the literature. However, in order to check whether
the technique proposed in Section 3 works properly for
Load increase at buses Critical bus Load margin different load scenarios, some situations are considered.

14 14 8.1
9, 13, 14 (Level 1) 14 4.8
9, 13, 14, 12, 6, 10, 7, 4 (Level 2) 14 4.1 Test system data are available by anonymous ftp at wa-
68 A.C. Zambroni de Souza / Electric Power Systems Research 47 (1998) 65–70

Fig. 2. Load margin for polynomial load model.

5.1.1. Load increase in part of the system tion does not allow one to obtain good results if load
The idea of analyzing load increase in part of the increase is not considered for all the buses contained
system arises for two reasons: (1) simulating a real in the critical area. In contrast, some buses may expe-
situation, such as a sudden load increase in a particu- rience a sudden load variation and this consideration
lar system bus; and (2) obtaining the system response may be analyzed here; Table 1 summarizes this
analyzing a reduced part of the system only. scenario.
Item (2) above refers to network partitioning analy- From Table 1, one can see that as the level is
sis. Vargas and Quintana [10] propose a network par- increased, the subsystem load margin becomes closer
titioning technique based on Eigenvalue to the result obtained for the whole system. The result
decomposition, whereas Cañizares et al. [9] show many obtained for Level 2 indicates that a good subsystem
different network partitioning techniques. The re- (partition) has been obtained. Notice however, that
ported results [9] have been improved by Zambroni de most of the system has been considered, leading one
Souza [11], where the knowledge of the critical bus is to conclude that the network partitioning problem is
incorporated to the techniques proposed by Cañizares not trivial [11].
et al. [9] in the following way: (a) from the critical If a load increase is experienced by the whole sys-
bus, create an initial area formed by this bus and its tem except the critical bus, the following result is
first neighbors. (Level 1); and (b) create a new level obtained:
formed by the buses considered in level 1 and its l= 4.6
neighbor buses.
Network partitioning technique is beyond the goal The result above stresses the importance of critical
of this work. The interested reader should refer to area identification. Notice that the load margin ob-
tained in this case is larger than in the base case, when
Cañizares et al. [9] and Zambroni de Souza [11]. These
load is increased in the whole system. Another impor-
references show that a good partitioning from the
tant characteristic regarding this load increase scenario
critical bus identifies the critical area, i.e. that where
relates to critical bus identification; this time, Bus 12
voltage collapse starts. However, critical bus identifica-
overtakes Bus 14 as the critical one.

Table 2 Table 3
Active loss variation (base case) Active loss variation (bifurcation point)

Bus Active power losses Bus Active power losses

4 0.0922 4 2.955
5 0.0921 5 2.9537
7 0.0916 7 2.9586
9 0.0915 9 2.9503
10 0.0914 10 2.9510
11 0.0917 11 2.9642
12 0.0917 12 2.9819
13 0.0912 13 2.9736
14 0.0911 14 2.9583
A.C. Zambroni de Souza / Electric Power Systems Research 47 (1998) 65–70 69

5.1.2. Load ZIP model 12). On the contrary, it is the worst candidate for this
Many works in the literature have shown that a static purpose. Hence, loss reduction must be analyzed for
system model may suffice for voltage collapse analysis, each operating point separately from voltage collapse
although the phenomenon is recognized as a dynamic analysis. Table 3 shows the active power losses when a
event. Xu and Mansour [12] propose a dynamic load capacitor of 0.1 p.u. is installed at each load bus. The
model for voltage collapse analysis. In contrast, Dob- results shown in this table confirm the load buses rank
son [13] shows that under certain considerations, the easily obtained via Eq. (9).
dynamic load model may not be so relevant. However, Comparing with Table 2, one can see that system
even when dealing with static load models, the bifurca- active losses are much larger in this case. This is
tion point may vary significantly [14]. Fig. 2 shows the expected, since Table 3 has been evaluated at the
results obtained when the following polynomial model bifurcation point, where transmission lines are heavily
is employed: the amount of constant impedance is fixed loaded.
at 20%. The remaining 80% is varied between constant
power and constant current. The x-label shows the load
margin obtained when the constant power amount 6. Conclusions
shown in the y-label is considered. Notice that the
smaller the amount of constant power, the larger the A new and effective methodology for bifurcation
load margin. point is tested for different operating conditions. It is
shown that the method produces results depending on
5.2. loss sensiti6ity load increase direction and load model. For any operat-
ing scenario, the bifurcation point is accurately deter-
This section employs the technique proposed in Sec- mined. A novel methodology for system loss sensitivity
tion 4. The idea is that for a known operating point, the is also proposed. It is shown that the critical bus may
load bus which reduces the overall system losses when a not provide the most effective results for loss reduction.
capacitor is installed is evaluated. This technique has Regardless of the purpose of the analysis (voltage col-
been implemented in MATLAB [15]. As mentioned in lapse or loss reduction), tangent vector is shown to be
Section 4, the evaluation of Eq. (9) does not require a very effective, even though it does not allow the incor-
large computational effort. For the initial operating poration of a dynamic system model.
point, Eq. (9) provides the following rank:
14, 9, 10, 5, 4, 7, 11, 13, 12
In order to prove the result stated above, Table 2 shows
the system active power losses when a capacitor of 0.1 The author would like to thank the Brazilian agen-
p.u. is installed at each load bus. cies CNPq, FAPEMIG and Finep/Recope (profect
Therefore, Bus 14 (the critical one) is the bus whose 0626/98-SAGE) for financial support and Professor
capacitor installation most reduces the system losses. Armando M.L. da Silva, for his valuable comments.
Next, the system is driven to the bifurcation point and
loss sensitivity is calculated again, yielding:
14, 9, 10, 5, 4, 7, 11, 13, 12 References

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