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1. You like it, say it.

2. You don't like it, say it.

3. You miss someone, call him.

4. Don't understand, ask it.

5. Want to meet someone, call him.

6. Want something, ask. it.

7. Never argue.

8. You want to be understood, explain.

9. You are guilty; admit it and apologize.

10. Everyone has their own truth, and these truths do not coincide.

11. Don't communicate with bad people.

12. The most important thing in life is love - the rest are details.

13. Man's problems are only in his head.

14. Seek pleasure in everything around you.

15. Don't forget that you only have one life.

16. Remember that you owe no one anything.

17. Remember that no one owes you anything.

18. Don't regret the time and money spent on learning about the world.

19. Rely on yourself in life.

20. Trust your senses.

21. Be patient with people.

22. Admire nature.

23. If you have a bad mood, remember that when you die you won't have one at all.

24. Live today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come.

25. Remember that today is the best day.

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