Capstone Project Presentation Rubric

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Capstone Project Presentation Rubric

Extending Proficient Developing Emerging

Summary of Presentation provides Presentation provides Presentation Presentation does not

Inquiry Exploration excellent, specific, good details that provides some provide adequate
defined, carefully explain the creative details that help details. It is clear that
Track, reflect and chosen details that fully exploration but it is explain the creative the exploration was
share achievements explain creative clear that more exploration but it is only at the most basic
exploration. exploration was clear that the of levels.
possible. exploration was only
on a basic level.

Arrangement of Presentation is Presentation is Presentation of Presentation of

Content thorough and arranged generally thorough information is information is unclear
Information logically to add interest and arranged in a somewhat and it is hard to
and clarity. Project logical sequence. organized, and understand the
Track, reflect and purpose is fully Project purpose is overall project purpose of the
share achievements understood. fully understood. purpose is fairly project.

Overall Fully prepared Prepared Averagely prepared Poorly prepared

Preparation of presentation with clear, presentation with a presentation. It is presentation where it
Presentation excellent effort. some obvious effort. clear that it has only is clear that little real
Appears to have been Appears to have been been minimally effort or practice has
Demonstrate a thoroughly practiced. practiced at least a practiced, if at all. been put in.
professional few times.

Visual Aids & Creative use of Visual Visual Aids are Visual Aids meet Visual Aids are lacking,
Media (Slideshow, Aids thoughtfully appropriate for basic expectations missing, or even
Pictures, Video, chosen to enhance intended meaning but do not really occasionally interfere
Examples, etc.) communication and and help help with with communication.
understanding. understanding. understanding.
Demonstrate a

Oral Language Individual speaks Individual generally Individual meets Individual does not
Skills clearly, purposefully, speaks clearly, but most of the basic meet the basic Oral
persuasively, and makes with perhaps some Oral Language Language
Demonstrate a excellent eye contact minor hesitations or requirements. requirements.
professional if/when appropriate. issues.

Extending Proficient Developing Emerging

Journal as a Journal includes Journal includes Journal includes Journal includes
Planning Tool detailed entries from entries from each entries from some entries from just a few
each step of the step of the process steps of the process steps and shows little
Explore future process and shows and shows evidence and shows some to no planning for
options for ongoing significant evidence of of planning for the evidence of planning future steps.
learning and planning for the next next and future steps. for future steps.
development and future steps.

Journal as a Journal includes Journal includes Journal includes Journal includes few
Reflection Tool detailed anecdotes/ examples of learning examples of a few examples of learning
examples of learning experiences, including learning experiences experiences and does
Examine and experiences, including successes, failures but does not provide not provide examples
explore personal successes, failures, and and some evidence of details about of successes, failures,
development and evidence of growth. growth. successes, failures, or evidence of growth.
well-being and/or evidence of
strategies growth.

Mentorship Evidence of strong Some connections Brief connection No connections with

Connections connections with a with a mentor or with others to others evident
mentor or others who others who supported support this project
Interact with supported this project this project
personal and

How will you Project clearly and Project clearly shows Project shows some Project shows little to
contribute to insightfully shows a contribution to contribution to no contribution to
making the world detailed and effective society through a society through society. Project details
a better place, contribution to society good immersion of some immersion of little to no concept of
through one of through full immersion student passion but student passion. student passions.
your specific of student passion. may lack
passions or areas insightfulness or
of interest? specific details.

Interact with
personal and

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