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TEST 1 (1-25 ITEMS)

I. Read each sentence carefully. Choose the best answer.
1. It tells what the story is about.
a. theme b. setting c. characters d. plot
2. It tells where and when the story took place.
a. theme b. setting c. characters d. plot
3. The _________ are the people, animals, or objects that talk and act in the story.
a. theme b. setting c. characters d. plot
4. The _________ is made up of the events that happened from the start up to the end of the story.
a. theme b. setting c. characters d. plot
5. It is the order in which things happen in a story.
a. prediction b. making inference c. sequence d. none of the choices
6. Which of the following is the side part of a book that holds the pages together.
a. spine b. cover c. title d. none of the choices
7. It is the hard and outer part of a book.
a. spine b. cover c. title d. none of the choices
8. It is the name of the book.
a. title b. author c. illustrator d. none of the choices
9. It is the writer of the book.
a. title b. author c. illustrator d. none of the choices
10. It is the company that printed the book.
a. title b. author c. illustrator d. none of the choices
11. My sister cooks for the family. Which of the following is a verb?
a. sister b. cooks c. family d. none of the choices
12. Our baby sister plays with her toys. What verb is used in the sentence?
a. baby sister b. toys c. plays d. none of the choices
13. My grandfather helps me in washing the vegetables. What verb is used in the sentence?
a. helps b. grandfather c. vegetables d. none of the choices
14. Kula is reading her favorite book. What verb is used in the sentence?
a. reading b. Kula c. favorite d. none of the choices
15. My brother goes to school with me. What verb is used in the sentence?
a. brother b. school c. me d. goes

II. Write C if the sentence is a cause and E if the sentence is an effect.

_________1. Lino does not always give his dog a food to eat.
_________2. The dog died earlier.
_________3. Many people cutting the trees without replacing it.
_________4. There is flooding each time it rains hard.
_________5. People throw trash on the streets
III. Underline the verb in the following sentences.
1. Antoine and Gerald swim in the pool
2. They run in the park.
3. The boys listen to their teacher carefully.
4. Grey and Glaze study in the library.
5. The girls smell the flowers in the garden.
IV. Read the story
A Newfound Friend by Mark Gleen O. Cidro and Karen Grace Zablan
It was the first day of school at Strings Elementary School. Karlo De Castro was excited to see his new
teachers and classmates. He went to school early.
Inside the classroom, he saw his new classmate crying. “Hi! I’m Karlo. What’s your name?” I’m Kassandra,”
she replied wiping her tears. “Why are you crying?” Karlo asked. I’m a new student here. I heard that our
teacher is very strict,” she responded. “No, Miss Gonzales, our adviser, is kind. She was my brother’s adviser
last yeat. If you like, you can sit beside me, so you will not be afraid.”
Then, their teacher arrived and smiled at them.
Kassandra realized that she has nothing to worry about. She smiled back at Miss Gonzales and sat beside her
new friend.

Box the traits shown by the lines from the story.

1. “Hi! I’m Karlo. What is your name?”
generous friendly
2. “I heard that our teacher is very strict.”
happy worried
3. “Why are you crying?”
concerned adventurous
4. Karlo went to school early.
responsible respectful
5. Miss Gonzales arrived and smiled at the students.
shy kind

V. Study the pictures and answer the questions below

Question: Are the animals need care and love?

Claim or Your answer to the question:


My evidences support my claim because

Prepared by: MICHELLE G. REYES

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