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Grade: VII Subject: Social Science


Lesson Objective:- Identify the Great Mughals and examine the administration of different Mughal
Competence: - Critical thinking
Values :- Respect

1. ‘Babur Came to India from Central Asia on an invitation.’ Elaborate the statement.
➢ Babur Came to India from Central Asia on an invitation from Daulat Khan Lodi, the governor of Punjab
and Rana Sanga, the ruler of Mewar.
➢ Both of them wanted to end the rule of the Lodis.
➢ Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526.
➢ They thought that after defeating the Lodis, Babur would return to Central Asia.

2. The name of Humayun means fortunate but in reality his life was full of problems. Discuss.

Since the beginning of his reign, Humayun faced numerous problems. They are:-
● The kingdom was still without a proper system of administration.
● His brothers were dissatisfied with the territories that they had been given.
● The Rajputs were regrouping to launch an attack against the Mughals.
● Bahadur Shah, the ruler of Gujarat was threatening Delhi.
● The biggest threat came from the Afghan king Sher Shah.

3. Identify the famous ruler of the Sur dynasty and elucidate his achievements.
Sher Shah was the most famous ruler of the sur dynasty.
● He was a good general and even better ruler
● He reformed the civil, military administration and land revenue administration.
● He encouraged trade by introducing a new currency called ‘rupia’, reducing custom duties and by
building an excellent network of roads.
● Sher Shah was a secular ruler. He looked after the welfare of all his subjects. He is often regarded as
the forerunner of Akbar.
4. Wisdom does not come with education alone. This stands true in Akbar’s case as he followed a wise and
tolerant religious policy. Validate the statement with examples.

✓ Akbar abolished the pilgrim tax in 1562 and the jaziya in 1564, which for long had been opposed
by Hindus
✓ Akbar abolished the practice of forcibly converting prisoners of war to Islam.
✓ Akbar allowed building of temples and also gave grants to many temples.
✓ Akbar participated in Hindu festival, such as Holi, Diwali and Raksha bandhan.
✓ Akbar got the holy books of the Hindus translated in to Persian.
5. Describe the unique feature of Din-i-Ilahi.
➢ In 1582, Akbar introduced a new religious path called Din-i-Ilahi .
➢ The unique feature of this religious path was that there were no priests, no places of worship and no
➢ It encouraged the belief in one God.
➢ Akbar declared himself as the spiritual guide of his subjects.
➢ This was aimed at achieving peace, tolerance and unity in a country of diverse religion.
6. How was the Mansabdari System organised under the Mughals?

The Mughals introduced the Mansabdari System.The term ‘mansab’ means a position or a rank. A
Mansabdar was the person who held a particular rank or position. His rank determined his salary and his
military responsibilities. A mansabdar’s rank was divided in to two- zat and sawar.The zat determined the
number of soldiers under him and sawar determined the number of horses he was expected to maintain. The
zat rank ranged from 10 to 10000.The salary of a mansabdar was fixed in cash. However, it was paid by
assigning him a jagir. When a mansabdar died, his jagir was taken away and given to someone else.


7. Read the map given below carefully and locate the following on the political outline map of India.
1) Mewar
2) Malwa
3) Khandesh
4) Berar
5) Ahmed Nagar
6) Bijapur
7) Golconda
8) Ajmer
9) Jaunpur
10) Agra

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