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LUNA And the

meeting with JOHN

The helper of souls.

The time was 1:00 am. A boy named John was trying to
escape the forest with an eye to go to his home. But Alas! He
was lost in the forest and forgot the way out. Then he saw a
beautiful house which was far from him. He thought to go to
that very modern house. For this reason he started going there.
But during going suddenly a young girl hit him by using her stick
on his head. He falls asleep and fell on the ground. When he
woke up he saw that he was in a beautiful bed room. There was
one door, a modern small chamber in the room, a modern
wardrobe, a modern small table with a showpiece on it, a
modern long table and a modern picture. He took that
showpiece to see that was anything present inside the
showpiece. Suddenly it falls on the floor and he then heard a
sound of walking very fast towards his room. Then he went
inside the small chamber and closed its door and saw that the
young girl came inside his room very fast that he couldn’t
expect. He saw the young girl, putting dangerous blades on the
floor to catch him and kill him again and again. Then she left his
room. And then he comes outside from the small chamber and
went outside his modern bed room very carefully. Then he saw
the whole house by moving his head to the left side and to the
right side. Then he saw the main door of the house with a lots
of locks on the door which was immense hard to open. After
that he gradually went to the door of basement. But he didn’t
saw that there was a rope connected to a bell fixed in the
upper side of the door. The bell rang and he saw the young girl
coming to him with a stick. He very fast went to the basement
and got hidden into a small path of going place to place. He
liked the young girl because she wanted to hit him but she was
very beautiful, and was also very clever and good. Then he
went to the other side of the house. After that he saw stairs
going upwards and creating another floor. Then he saw a door
and then opened it and saw that there was a door in front of
him. He didn’t open that but saw a padlock code and took that
which could be used in the main door. Then he took that and
went to the place of main door but not at that time, after
making such noise in the place. He made the noises because he
had understood that the young girl went only to the places
where anyone or anything made noise. After that time the
young girl went to the place where he had made noise. He
went in front of the main door and started thinking which one
of the locks could be unlocked by using the code. He saw a lock
with twelve numbers. Then he used the code and unlocked
that. The lock fell on the floor and made a noise. Then he saw
the young girl coming again very fast towards him. Again he
went to the basement and saw two boxes in front of a small
place. He removed the boxes and went inside that and saw a
table with a letter and a key on it. He read that letter and
understood that a human being could survive maximum five
days in that house, he doesn’t help the soul and if he can’t
escape from that house and also knew the name of the young
girl, whose name was “Luna”. After that he saw a small path
going next and opening another path. He went there and saw
that he came to a beautiful small room. He saw a bird food and
took that and opened the door which was on the right side of
that room. Then he saw long head cutter, a whale, a chest, a
play house, a small drain, a door and an opened window. He
tried to open the door but he couldn’t, because the door was
locked. Only Luna could open that door. Then he made such
noises there and when Luna came he went outside of that
place by using the half opened window and saw the kitchen
with a refrigerator, an oven, some cabinets on the wall and a
table. He firstly opened the refrigerator and found a melon.
Then he took that. In some places of the house some invisible
plates were placed by placing feet on which a cracking sound
was made. Then Luna came and searched about him. He ran
very fast to the bathroom and saw another chamber and got
hidden into that. Before he got hidden into the chamber a
cracking sound was made by him. For this reason Luna went to
the bathroom and searched about him. Then He came out from
the chamber and thought, “Luna isn’t a powerful girl soul so
that I can take the stick from her and can hit her on her head
and can escape from this house very easily.”
It was his wrong thinking, because Luna was not a scary ghost
she was good but she didn’t like the people who wanted the
bad things about her and she became extremely super natural
powerful when anybody hit her. At a time Luna stands in front
of the refrigerator in the kitchen and he also stood behind her
and took her stick very carefully because she was drinking
water and put her stick on the right side on the table. Then
when Luna searches about her stick she found that her stick
was missing. Suddenly John came in front of her with her stick
and told her that if she didn’t give him the main door key then
he will hit her. She felt afraid and told him not to hit her but to
help her and also told that if he helped her then she would help
him to escape from the house. But he didn’t abide her and hit
her by using her stick. Then she became extremely super
natural powerful and took him and throws him back to his
room. He felt very afraid of the incident because of the super
natural power given by the god to Luna. Then he again came
out from the room and saw Luna walking in front of the main
door. Then he felt very sad of Luna. But devil thinking again
came into his mind which was that he would escape and would
kill her. But when he made noise Luna understood the plan of
killing her was roaming inside John’s head. For this reason she
went very fast towards him and fell him asleep by hitting him
on his head. Then when he woke up, he ran very fast towards
the upper floor but he couldn’t win in case of running because
she was about eight times faster than him. He again fell asleep
and again went to the upper floor then he found a black letter
on which a lot of dust was crowded. Then he took that letter
with a dirty feeling because of seeing the dust particles on the
letter. He very fast got hidden in a small place and tried to
remove the dust particles from the letter but he couldn’t,
because that was too hard to remove. Then he thought about it
means how to remove the dust particles and read the letter,
because that was too important for him to read that. Suddenly
he fell on the bathroom, because the bathroom was connected
to the upper floor of the house. Then cracking sound was made
by him he went to the basement very fast. Then he found a
hammer by which he could break a lock from the door. When
he took that hammer, it fell on the floor and made a huge noise
which went to the ears of Luna. Then she came to the
basement with her stick and tried to kill him but couldn’t.
Because he was very close to the main door of the basement.
He went out from the basement and went to his bedroom and
thought that he needs to survive here for boundless of years.
Then he had an idea which was that he could remove the dust
particles from the letter and for doing that he need to renounce
a lot of things. The plan was that he need to become toneless
about every case, he need to forget about his family and he
also needed to remove the things that he gained in the past, he
need to think only about himself and also need to unlock
everything in the door to escape from the house. For this
reason he started finding everything which was needed to
disengage the main door. He thinking nothing about the good
lass soul named “Luna”. At a time when he went to the garage
of the house, he found a “cutting pliers”. He then went in front
of the main door and tried to understand by looking at the
main door about that could that be used in the door to unlock
the door. He found an option of pliers which also locked the
main door of the house. Then he cut the wire and had unlocked
the wire lock in the door. Luna saw him unlocking one of the
locks from the main door, but didn’t tell him anything, because
she was very sad. About five to six people had come to Luna’s
house and already escaped, but didn’t help Luna even after
wanting help to them. As Luna was a good soul, she didn’t look
horror. Then he went to the Drawing room where he found a
TV and a sofa. John found the hammer in that room of the
house. John very fast unlocked the plank’s lock in the main
door. After that When Luna saw that John had unlocked the
plank’s lock in the main door, she felt pretty sad than before.
He also found the overlord key in the oven of the kitchen, but
couldn’t unlock it because he needs to unlock the “Blue Lock”
in the door. When he went to Luna’s bedroom in the second
floor, he saw a blue key, hanging in the wall on her bed. He
took that and unlocked the whole main door and went outside
the house. Luna started crying, because nobody helped her. But
during leaving her house, he found another letter; fell on the
soil which was inside the boundary of her house. Then he took
that started reading that. Before reading he was pretty
confused about that should he help Luna or went to his home
without helping her. Then he became tired about this topic. At
a time he remembered a line from Bible which was to help
everybody whether he or she a human being or soul. Then he
started thinking about that if he would again went to Luna’s
house then will she kill her or want help to him again. After that
he again started thinking about his family. And as John was
unmarried an idea entered his about Luna. Then he didn’t think
anything and took his Bible and started to recite the best line
from the Bible which he was memorized. After reciting the best
line from the holy book of Christian named Bible, Luna heard
that and felt very happy and thought that he will help her. Then
he had taken the best decision which was to help Luna. And it
was the first time for him to help a soul. Then by not thinking
anything he took the letter and started reading that. In the
letter he read,

3rd January, 1320AD

Address: Can’t be detected.

Dear living people of this Terrestrial planet,

My name is Luna. When anybody escapes from my house, I
always try to visit the Earth, but I can’t. I am a very powerful
soul. But the nun is about 3x powerful than me. For this
reason I can’t defeat the nun. And I always try to understand
every people about my problem I’ve told now. I am facing this
problem from about 80 years. I am a good soul, I don’t kill
anybody as like as the nun soul who always tries to kill me but
can’t, because of my proficient hiding. Only that type of
person can rescue me who know well about Bible and can
recite it for me

Please help! I am requesting.

(A letter from Luna)

After reading that letter he felt very sad about her. After that
without going back to his house he went back to Luna’s house.
Then he asked Luna, “Do you need help from me?” “Yes”
replied Luna. Luna started behaving very well with him. He
asked Luna about when the nun will come to her house. Luna
replied that the name of the nun was “Ophelia” and she would
come at that time. Then John and Luna got hidden into the
chamber of John’s bed room in her house. Suddenly a voice
was heard by them, which was unfathomably hazardous. There
were some small holes in the chamber by looking into which
they could see the things outside the chamber. When they
looked outside by using the wholes, they saw that a very long
woman wearing a black cloth on her head and a sign of cross in
the middle part of her body’s cloth. Then with a very brave
mind John came outside and told Luna to give any small piece
of cloth into her ears because he was going to recite the most
powerful line from Bible and to get hidden inside the chamber
till he defeat the nun. Then Luna abode him. And then Ophelia,
the dangerous nun came in front of him to kill him. But before
Ophelia had attacked on him, he stared reciting most powerful
line from Bible. During reciting Ophelia had started behaving as
like as she was a mad. Different things in the house had broken
and at last Ophelia was thrown back to her house by John’s
recitation. After that Luna came out from the chamber and
thanked John. Then John asked Luna about that did she need
any type of help from him. Luna asked John, “Are you my all
time helper?” “Yes” replied John. After that Luna told John to
finish the nun. Then John agreed about that. Then they decided
to go to Ophelia’s house to kill her.
LUNA and JOHN visiting
To Ophelia’s castle

Luna the good and beautiful soul and John the helper of
everybody started to find Ophelia’s house. They saw lots of
fake things during finding. At a time they reached a huge
territory, covered in the dark. In one of the walls of the
territory they found a sign board in which a line was written
which was, “Ophelia’s Castle”. When they looked at the castle
both of them shocked because the castle was boundlessly
enormous. After that they opened the door of the castle and
entered into it. They saw that the castle’s main door was far
from them. There were lots of trees around them without
leaves. Then John asked Luna, “Where is the main ghost?”
“Inside the castle. But I have no idea about this castle, because
I didn’t came here in any time of my life” replied Luna. Then
they saw a woman standing very far from them, Luna
understood that the ghost was Ophelia, but John didn’t
understand. And Ophelia thought that John had understood
that she was, not Luna. For this reason Ophelia started doing
different types of magic to kill both of them. But Luna was
cleverer than Ophelia. For making Ophelia fool, she gave a
huge shock fake of electricity to John. Ophelia didn’t tell
anything and started going inside. At that moment with a super
natural power, Luna gave an electrical shock to Ophelia with a
voltage of about three thousand. Then Ophelia had gone for
thirty minutes. Then John had understood everything about
why Luna gave fake electrical shock to him. Then they entered
the castle and saw a lot of rooms. There was room named ‘The
Room of Guests’. John wanted to enter the room but Luna
didn’t allow John, because there was something inside the
room which could hurt them. Then Luna the soul entered the
room saw very huge swords hanging on the wall. And there was
a invisible rope connected to the swords. If anybody had placed
his/her feet on the invisible rope the swords fell on the person
and he had died. But Luna entered the room by flying not by
walking. Then John wanted to see anything which could be
done by Luna’s power. Then for showing her power, she given
laser from her eyes to one of the swords and that divided into
several parts. And then she targeted rest of the swords with
her eyes and the swords became molten. She and John also
saw a timer of 2 years in the room. Then they found Ophelia’s
church when Luna entered into church she saw a line, floating
in front of her. The line was, “No lines from Bible will work
here”. When John entered he didn’t see anything, because he
didn’t have the super natural ability to see these types of
things. But then Luna told the line to John. John became afraid
than before. From that time Luna started seeing different
pieces of something which could make a structure of
something. Luna took seven pieces. The pieces were very small.
By using her super natural ability she understood that the
pieces could make a key. Then John also found a piece of
something and took that and gave that to Luna. John saw that
Ophelia was coming to the church. There was also a hiding
place inside the church. They got hidden inside the place and
was seeing everything that Ophelia was doing. Then they saw
that Ophelia called someone named Damien. After that
someone’s soul came and destroyed the room by reciting
several lines from their own holy book. After that they saw a
huge cross made of ancient stone fall no the floor and the floor
had been cracked. Then when they came out from the box,
they saw that everybody was absent. Then they talked with
each other about the topic. When they went out the room,
they saw a lots of figures in front of them. Luna saw an incubus.
She saw,“I am in that grave which territory is about eighteen
thousand square feet. There are different types of designs on
the ground which meant different types of alphabets which
could make a name of something. By destroying which, the
God will make this terrestrial planet peaceful. Someone
standing in front of me with huge nails in his hands and with
bloody teeth in his circle shaped mouth. A map fell in front of
me on the ground of the grave. I opened and I am seeing that
there are four different types of living places. After these
places, this place is present.” After that Luna’s incubus was
ended. Then suddenly a map fell in front of them. Then she
took and saw the map.When she saw the map, she
overwhelmed because it was the first time for her when she
saw a dream and a part from that proved practically in front of
her. When she told it to John, he astonished by seeing the
power of her. As Luna was super natural powerful, only she saw
the incubus, nobody else. God had made her aware from the
ghosts who are more powerful than Luna. They were standing
on the first floor. Suddenly a hand came from the underneath
part of that floor to kill them. The hand was Ophelia’s. Ophelia
couldn’t touch anyone of them only because of the super
natural power given by the God to Luna. Then again suddenly a
line came in front of them, but only was seeing the line ,
because she was omnipotent. The line was, “The place where
you are in is a horror world. And for escaping from this world
you need to kill every souls after going to the four specific living
places which are mentioned in the map which had given to you
a few seconds ago”. After seeing the line it had become more
easier to her to escape. Then they went to the destroyed
church of Ophelia again to check the whole place. John found a
key in which a name was written. The name was, ‘Mysterious
house of hundred scrambled doors’.
John gave it to Luna and Luna found a locked place. She tried to
unlock the place by the key, but couldn’t. She then noticed that
a code was written beside the door, which was, ‘MHOHSD’. She
understood that the place could be unlocked only by a code
card. Then they went to the second floor where they saw that a
man was eating another woman’s meat. When she called the
man, she saw that the man was Damien. Then They wanted to
went out from that place, but Damien had caught Luna and
tried to kill her. Luna tried to defend herself from that 5 times
powerful soul than herself. She couldn’t defend herself but
John started reciting different types of lines from Bible, that
was also not working. Then he gave some holy water on the
Damien’s skin and then Damien had vanished. And then they
went to 3rd floor and saw a locker. She gave the key into the
locker, that unlocked and gave her a code,‘Mysterious house of
hundred scrambled doors’. She understood the short form of
the code. Then she went to the 1st floor, unlocked the place and
found two huge balls, took them by making them very tiny size
by using her super natural power. Then she started thinking
about the balls that where that could be used. Then she
remembered the map and saw that in the house named
‘MHOHSD’, there were a huge ball needed to unlock the door
of that mansion. Then she understood that the two half balls
could be fixed and could make a huge ball, and that ball could
unlock the door of the mansion. After that both of them went
to the black bedroom of the castle. When they were going to
the bedroom, Ophelia came in front of them to send them to
hereafter. Then both of them started praying to god with a
hope which was that god will save them from Ophelia.
Suddenly man made of electricity came in front of Ophelia and
gave a shock with little voltage of electricity. Then Ophelia fell
asleep. Then they found a paper in which a very crucial things
were written which was that there was a sniveling master in
this terrestrial planet who can control every type of dangerous
souls and humans. After that they heard a sound of vocalization
coming from a room covered with different types of rainbow
things which looked so pretty. They went to that room and saw
an Angel floating in the invisible air of God. The Angel told them
about an old basement where three people lived, among them
a person’s name was Ophelia. The two people died in a hurly-
burly of people. Only Ophelia died by doing different types of
Black magics which are forbidden in Christianity. Only for that
reason her soul was still alive. After that time Luna was thinking
about the trick by which she could destroy Ophelia and could
escape from the castle. During thinking these things, she saw a
pillar of the castle made of gold, and on that pillar there was a
key by using which all the doors in this terrestrial planet could
be unlocked, also the pillar was in the Ophelia’s castle, but in a
type of house which was very mysterious and there were more
than seventy doors which all were scrambled. After seeing all
those things she told it to John.

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