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A man feels good when he does his favorite things.

He feels good when new things are given to him.

He feels entertaining when he plays games or watches movies.
He feels f****** after his marriage.
He feels angry when somebody hits him.
He feels sad when somebody leaves him.

Then this life is given to the god.

There is a thing in this world which is not remembered by anybody even before their death.
The thing is that nobody cares what they have done inside the Earth.
And everybody cares when they are put into the Hell.
This is nothing to go to Paradise.
But doing the good things will take you to Paradise.

You don't know what types of human beings are present inside the Earth.
Even after this you takes drags and cig rates.

You don't know what type of harmful things these are.

If you had known then you didn't take these types of things which can make you dead.

A person who supported the good one is the best one.

And the person who not only supported but also did worse things is a characterless.

If you heard about the life after death then you didn't do these types of things.

As you are a mad and f****** guy you did these things given to you by the devil.
I hope that you know that the devil is made of fire and the humans are made of spoiled soil.

And I also hope that as you are made of fifty times bad thing than devil.
You can't do any bad things.

Because as devil is made up of better things than you, once he had insulted you means all the human beings in this Terrestrial planet.

And if you want to be insulted by the devil again then just continue your bad habits.

Different religions with different rules are present inside the Earth.

Is anybody here who abides his religion properly?

No one is here because everybody wants the money more.

They don't know the affect of not abiding the religion.

God gives the power to everybody and also takes power from everybody.
For this reason you can't say that you are the most powerful.

Again, some days ago I was charged electrically by the order of God.
Then I told some lines to a man about the king of raps.
He didn't understand anything that I said, because I told him the lines in the electrical speed.
And now I am going to tell you the lines in the electrical speed
So the lines were:

Today by listening to the rap song named Earth and life after death you have understood that the power of god of raps can't be destroyed by anybody in
this universe which is created by the God means who has created both me and you and the things, present inside your mind, inside your brain, you can
imagine, you can think about, God has also made the things which are present inside the universe, not only inside the universe but also outside the
universe from the first sky to the last sky means the seventh sky which you don't know where it is but the truth is that God knows well where it is.
As God is controlling everything among all of his creations from the beginning to till now, last year God had ordered all the Angels among all of his
creations to make me the king of raps or best rapper I don't know temporarily or permanently, but by this way I have been the king of raps.
You don't know the power of gods by which everybody does both bad and good things, if you knew then you will be died, because God hasn't given you
that power to listen to those lines, you will not know the lines and you will be died, also by the order of God you have been nothing in front of me, because
you are the characterless I am the characterful, I am not being jealous, but you are being jealous by seeing the speed of my speaking, but Alas! because
you haven't done anything good,, but I will be more rich fast in speaking, I don't care, you care or not. You will be the loser and I will be the winner always,
boys bullies me, but I don't care about their f****** things. They are the worst, I am the best, they are the f****** and I am the gentleman. Before I smiled
when anyone insulted me, but now I don't care other's insult. If you want to be the best as like as me then just pray to god and try to get born again.

By the way speak the lines that I've told now, but if you can.

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