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House draw on top of the page which indicate Unrealistic striving, fantasizing, frustration.

Greater energy. Shading on specific area represent anxiety. Excessive details give in house

which show obsessive compulsive trend. Door closed indicate Guarded personality/ not very

social/ defensiveness. Symbols on house indicate vaginal symbol. Missing chimney represent

Passivity, lack of psychological warmth in person’s home life. Small windows indicate Might

be shy, withdrawn or inaccessible, suspicious or even hostile. Too little house indicates

rejection of family life. Excessive details show sense of insecurity and wants to get power

over his/her environment. Long pathway shows Someone who initially aloof but who can

later warm up and accessible.

Cloud foliage tree indicate Confused thinking/not very social. Very tall tree indicates

schizoid. Upward branches indicate Over-striking for achievement. Crown like indicate

fantasy. Roots indicate feeling of insecurity. Long trunk shows inadequacy and regression.

Bark show absence of ego control.

Use of eraser show Anxiety or conflict area. Inaccuracy in proportion indicate

pathology. Prominent feature indicates Compensatory social domination. Larg hear show

grandiosity. Small feet show need of security and high heels represent immaturity. Dim hand

show Lack of confidence in productivity. Joint fingers show Guilt/vicious aggressive

feelings. Different arm length shows Conflict in inhibiting some abilities. Short arm shows

lack of ambition. Small legs show Discouragement and withdrawal, helplessness, loss of

autonomy. Figure draw on margin It means dependency, lack of self confidence. Feet on base

of base indicate Need for stability because of disturbance produced by conflict. Shading show

Anxiety, aggression, conflict. Emphasize chin indicate Aggressive drive. Larg open eyes

indicate suspiciousness. Open mouth show neediness. Open mouth show passivity. Absence
of ear show Self criticism/can’t bear criticism. Nose indicate Disapproving attitude,

contemplated attitude. Long neck Desire for more separation between cognitions; drives and

needs/ schizoid personality, problems in control of anger. Broad shoulders show Normal in

adolescents, but not in adult. Hair much attention Narcissism (self love), possible homosexual


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