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Financlal Management i) <4. | Reg Alo: 23137/2036020 prreeine Es | class: T-MBA ee ane tho various objectives of financial management . cb Propet Maximisation : + Profit Maxinusaton & often censidenod as the prumony objective 5f financial management. * Sho fenanee manager is mosponsible to achieve optimal proper ththe short -run ond - PUN 6p Hho business . hus Involves strategies focused on tncrwaging rlvenues and poductha Costs . db Propes Mobilisation : # Le thyelves sourcing funds fem. Various | channels and deploying trom ofpectively * Proper mobi fe,ation ensures that those | is Auppicrent capital available for buszin2ss operations ano fe spportunities Tho finance or aoaponsible fer managing tho differant £eUnces of Buch 0s Apanws, debenturcs , bends, Loans, et, Name : Saya katana, | Uh High Efpiclency: | # Financial offer ency moans getting | tho maximum eutput prem the P08 EVRCCE | toyed - # dus can be achieved thasugh cast | fee, ppt zing Speratiens and improving | produck vity ‘ (iv) Reduce Risk : #Risk management involves identify ing +f0se sighs , ABSES.8ING thee potential impact | and inp Lornant ing Bivacteq ¢8 +0 mitigate thom - +DNersi fication and marntathing adequate Digau dity aoe commen strategies 10 puduce Business Suavival: # Ensuring the Long-term Buavival of seo pusingas is cructal. Bt includes matirtaining a atvong maskot pesition and adapting to | 08 tn the business enviaenment . %Tt also tnvelves contingency planning | and matntainche reserves for unexpected ever - = vp Balance Structure : ¥ Fenancial Management bang a proper balance betuseon the varwous BOUNCE of capital such as loans, equity , srotatned ensurings C&G + YA balance w prog ined fer xibidlty » Stability amd diguicity in ho | organtz arin 2 Nature of Finance Copital Budgeting | * Db involves Making decisions about the -toum investments projects or assets. #Tt troludes thc proces of Idantify in » evabuaring and selecting invest mont projects | that ant Aikely to yield the fughost swtwins th Capital Sbruckure : | Th De sage ce the mix of debt and enyuiity that a company uses -bo finance tt | operations and qoustn An optimal capital atructure balances tne benefits of debt tax shuiclds with tho nike Of firanoval is trea ti Dividend Pebiog « ] 4 Diviolend Polioy duccsions cnvelre | | | | dexorunin tha the pextion ef eaAUN 48 to be dust buted to aharehollors versus he amount to be sxetoined within the company po tnvest morc #thoge decisions depend. om the company’s propitability 7 growth pass pects and cash et 00 Ney pial # yor teing Capital management involves Managing the Company's Adept term assets and Liobifities tp enguw that it has Suphicc ent Liquidity to continue its operations # Effective senting capital managomont 8 un m aintaintna a balance bereeon | Linpuiolity and profitability. * Highor PITUNE GAL usually arsociatal | wsith higher susks . Pinanctal managers mug idordi fa +n2 Level Ci Puke acceptable 4ho com pany and cheese unvestmonb -that abign with ousk appenre - (wh Market Value of fhe Eivm: #One of the pomasy qeuk OF feorncal managemont isto maximize the market value Hh ate fom # Shs 8 achieved by making decisiens frat increase to drinm's profitability and moducos tho suse - # The Market Value » poflectod inthe | on pany 1g stock can 3° Rodati enship with ether clopastments : (> Financial Management and Procuuction Depestner’: #* Sho prwoducbon dopant mont B abspensible por the actual crlahen éf goods.or | gorwiees . Pinancial mansgemort plays a vite volo in providing *Re neccesary fenanceal PLsOUrces | Bor production activi ties . + Decisions solated to capital budgeting, vestments tn production technology and cost omont oli nact. ct ao | Pyle rd dipant pci “¢ “Of | + Pinan cial management alse involves | | zing the cost ~ efectivensss of production processes ond rrakeita cloctstens En (3su03s pike make -oy- buy anol raaseg 04 production cost) + Funanctal management ene) Btandand costing and break-even -a Ae, eh fa papduetion olepasct marc. tb puonetal Management and Material #URe matortal department andles ae pvecunemonct pe each nous mnakeowals Aon utrodk for production . Financial man Eo ee pean: | ce teace material costs cand Manag ing userteing Capital . | * (event in vontow managemort » ensures that funds aso net unnecessarily tied up tock and thot trons no Stock - out | Aituad on apfectng production : | naqoniabng payment terms with suppliers, ustich Can impact cash. flow and yoorteing capital nop waremonts | + Decisis about invest igh -apality specialized motoninls invetie financial Anabys® 1 dacermine. ancin impact on he paw duct aytabity anor cost. iy Pibanctal, Managemorct and. Risstnnel, Depaatuot + Sho personnal 6% Ruman aasouarces | dlepastraordt & concernadl with recruitment , training and vselfare of employees . pinancial management collaborates +2 Cnsune -+hat pond 02 adequate punos to moot pay roel and stron employer — plated expenses . * Pinan cial Mana: r& abso plays a ‘on vOL0 th dLesig ning compensation serotong'e? » tn cludin solantes , bonuses and incentives , ensuning that thog abigr- with tho organizabonal frranci al abilities “and objectives . + Bmpleyeo - related investments such | as the traning programs an cyaluated by financial management fo. ERO motunn on investment (R01). i) Pwanctal emont and Manketia ee » Veo masckoting deparctmorst OG WES finan etal Aupprte fer advertising , premobers 5 and thor mankoting activities. #Heow, the pinanccal ement is | os ponsibbe for alle cating budgets to | tpose activities . | +# Penancial analyst Aelps th Assessing | thx propitability of different marker | Bt voctegecs Onde campalgns - # Priving dlecisions , a citical a8pec’ of markoxting ane made i Ben ee wrth financial managemort consiaerg ho cost, market demand, compete er. Bae eee | oe |

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