Sustainable Urban

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Urbanization is crucial for sustainable development, particularly in developing countries like Malaysia.
Housing plays a key role in promoting social equity, economic growth, and environmental friendliness
through planning, construction, design, and management. Planning mechanisms like development plans
and control systems are essential for monitoring the successful implementation of sustainable urban
housing. This paper reviews literature on sustainability in housing planning perspectives and aims to
develop a framework for town planning mechanisms in achieving sustainable housing development. It
also examines factors related to planning constraints, such as development plans, guidelines, and
procedures for housing applications, which affect sustainability. The paper uses content analysis to
review aspects and criteria in housing planning and recommends a framework for sustainable housing
development, focusing on housing policies and delivery for better housing consumption.


Sustainable development is a concept that is feasible in developed countries but challenging to

implement in developing countries. The level of understanding of the concept is low, and planning
constraints have made it difficult to achieve sustainable housing development. Planning mechanisms
such as development plans and planning control can play a crucial role in achieving sustainable
development goals.

The development plan, prepared by the planning authority, outlines objectives, policies, proposals, and
strategies for various sectors, including housing, commercial, and industry. It also provides guidelines for
open space, community facilities, utilities, and infrastructure. Malaysia's five-year development plans
emphasize sustainable housing development, focusing on energy efficiency and green technology. Local
planning authorities have also made efforts to achieve sustainability through studies on sustainability,
such as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA), and Sustainability Assessment (SA).

However, there is limited research on achieving sustainable housing development through planning
mechanisms such as development plans and planning control systems. Development plans are crucial as
they contain policies and proposals that outline future housing development in specific timescales. This
paper aims to develop a framework on how town planning mechanisms can play a significant role in
achieving sustainable housing development. The study is based on a literature review and aims to
review the issues and challenges of sustainable housing development in general and explore the factors
causing difficulties in housing planning perspectives through development plans and planning control.


2.1 Sustainable Housing Development in Planning

The concept of sustainability, which focuses on social, economic, and environmental pillars, is crucial for
the housing sector, which has a significant impact on these dimensions. The increasing urbanization rate
globally, particularly in developing countries like Malaysia, has put pressure on the urban economy,
facilities, and infrastructure, leading to environmental problems. In Malaysia, the government has taken
initiatives to promote sustainable housing, but its implementation remains low due to lack of
knowledge, stakeholder contributions, and expertise in sustainable housing development. Cost
constraints also hinder its operation and maintenance.

This paper focuses on planning for sustainable housing development, highlighting the importance of
planning mechanisms in achieving sustainable housing. As the need for better living environments
increases, evaluation is essential for determining the quality of living environment for housing
development. Planning is a statutory government activity, and local authorities are expected to prepare
development plans to control and regulate land and building development under their jurisdiction. Act
172 (1976) serves as a fundamental reference for planning and management in terms of policies and

Government must ensure that the formulation of housing policies and strategies is socially acceptable,
economically viable, and environmentally compatible for all stakeholders involved.

2.2 Issue and Challenges in achieving sustainability in Housing Development: A Planning Perspective

Sustainability is crucial in urban planning, but less attention has been given to sustainable housing.
Malaysia's government has implemented MurniNet to promote sustainable development, but a city is
considered unsustainable if housing is not sustainable. Sustainability theories suggest three main
elements: social, economic, and environmental. Balancing these elements for housing development is
challenging, as it can support the economy but also create negative environmental and social impacts.
Literature on sustainability literature focuses on housing development in urban areas, highlighting issues
and challenges related to planning.

2.2.1 Issue on Provision of Public Open Space

Urban housing faces a significant challenge in providing public open space to meet the needs of
different population groups. Land size and price pressures in urban areas hinder access to open space,
primarily affecting the poor. Land is often developed for more profitable activities and pressured by the
upper group, who have more purchasing power, to access resources.

2.2.2 Issue on Lack of Coordination between Key Stakeholders

Housing developers face challenges in implementing sustainable housing due to lack of coordination
between local authorities and difficulties in obtaining housing planning permission. These challenges
include dealing with development plans, planning standards, application procedures, decision-making,
and communication. These factors have become major problems for housing developers, who
contribute to the implementation of sustainable housing.

2.2.3 Issue on Social Equity and Justice

Urban housing addresses poverty, primarily affecting poor people in areas. Housing policies aim to meet
the basic needs of all groups, but poor people often lack access to better quality of life. Government-
provided affordable housing caters to low and medium-income individuals, but the quality of the house
and living environment remains disappointing. It is crucial to ensure no one is marginalized in
development, and the poor should also benefit from it, rather than focusing on the upper group's

2.2.4 Issue on Housing Need versus House Buyers Wants

Housing consumption should be based on needs rather than wants, as overconsumption can lead to
environmental deterioration. Rich people are attracted to suburban residential development, while the
poor live in city centers. Hillside development is risky and discourages sustainable housing. Increased
housing prices are claimed to be based on housing wants, affecting the urban poor living in squatters

2.2.5 Issue on Squatters

Urban-rural migration is a major factor in rapid urban growth, driven by job opportunities, improved
community facilities, and a better living environment. However, many urban poor people are not easily
accessible to formal low-cost housing programs, and the supply cannot meet the demand. As a result,
they live in squatters settlements, which have inadequate sanitation, drainage, waste collection, and
insecurity of tenure. This situation negatively impacts the living environment of these individuals.

2.3 Planning Mechanisms

The Town and Country Planning Act 172 (Act 1976) establishes three mechanisms for successful and
efficient planning: development plan system, planning control system, and appeal board system. This
paper reviews only two planning mechanisms, forward planning and development control, as they play
a crucial role in managing housing. In Malaysia, land use planning consists of a framework of
development plans, prepared by local planning authorities, which identify land use types and locations
for housing development. Implementation through planning control monitors the housing development

2.4 Development Plans for Housing

2.4.1 Structure Plans

Structure plans are written statements outlining policies and proposals for development and land use,
covering social, economic, and physical aspects of an area. They involve public participation and are
used for forward planning in housing. These plans examine existing conditions, formulate policies, and
determine future housing requirements for the entire structure plan area.

2.4.2 Local Plans

Local planning involves two plans: local plan and special area plan. The local plan is more specific than
the structure plan, which includes detailed planning guidelines for land uses like housing, commercial,
industry, facilities, and open space. Sustainability Assessment (SA) is a method used to evaluate
sustainability levels and achievements in development plans. The local plan prepares broad housing
policies, forecasts future housing requirements, determines total housing land area, and distributes
suitable land locations for future housing development. This paper reviews housing planning activities
involved in the local plan.

2.5 Planning Control in Housing Development

The development process of housing projects starts with land acquisition and ends with the sale of built
houses. Planning control occurs during the process of obtaining statutory approvals. Developers argue
that planning constraints only appear when an application for housing approval is submitted to local
planning authorities or land offices. Planning offices have guidelines and regulations, including planning
standards and policies. The effectiveness of housing planning control depends on compliance with the
proposed land use zone and low-cost housing policy, as well as following planning conditions like
allowable housing density and housing category.


This paper uses a literature review of secondary materials, including journal articles and policy
references, to explore sustainable development in housing planning. Thematic analysis is used to
capture dominant themes in text, and 12 studies from 2006 to 2012 are used to code data. The selected
documents highlight the importance of planning in providing sustainable housing development. The
chosen documents focus on issues related to planning mechanisms, development plans, standards,
guidelines, and procedures for housing planning application and approvals. The researchers aim to
ensure the reliability and validity of their findings by using precise word counts and avoiding over-
quantification in content analysis.


The implementation of sustainable urban housing development in developing countries has been a long-
standing debate. Despite the theoretical understanding of sustainable development, many developers
and contractors argue that the response to its implementation is low due to ineffective planning
mechanisms. Planning is considered the most critical stage in achieving sustainability in housing
development, as the development project must comply with numerous planning requirements.

In Malaysia, the situation regarding sustainability in planning context has not been comprehensively
examined. The preparation of development and its implementation through planning control are among
the factors that contribute to difficulties in housing planning.

The paper reviews the interrelationship between the housing development process, the roles of housing
developers, players involved in each stage, and challenges in the housing planning context. Stage 3 of
the housing development process is highlighted as it involves planning control by local planning

Several factors contribute to implementation issues related to planning, which affect sustainable
housing development.

 Local development plans in Malaysia are often delayed and involve numerous consultants,
leading to difficulties in adjusting to local requirements such as land usage and design standards.
This has resulted in some developments adopting non-conventional designs having difficulty
adjusting to local plans. The housing system in Malaysia may not incorporate sustainable
development elements, as it may be related to the preparation method of housing policies, such
as affordable housing programs.
 The local plan's content is outdated due to delays in its completion, with information and data
used to justify proposals becoming outdated due to rapid changes on the ground. This issue
affects the provision of open space in residential areas, which is crucial for sustainable housing
development. Land is being developed for other activities, limiting access to open space for the
 The delay in local plan completion is attributed to the incapability of the government's
consultant team and lack of expertise in certain housing fields. The One Stop Centre (OSC)
introduced by the government is also criticized for its ineffectiveness in controlling housing
planning, potentially leading to housing oversupply. The approval process for housing
development is also seen as ineffective, indirectly affecting the needs and wants of housing
 The public's ignorance and reluctance to apply for planning permission can lead to developers
not complying with requirements due to limited knowledge and information. This lack of public
participation in the development plan process indirectly affects sustainable housing
development, meeting the basic needs of all groups and improving access to a better quality of
 Housing developers face challenges in implementing sustainable housing due to lack of
coordination between local authorities and difficulties in obtaining approval for housing
planning permission. Factors such as insufficient knowledge about Act 172 and limited
enforcement officers contribute to issues such as abandoned housing, oversupply, and hillside
housing development. This situation affects the effectiveness of the housing delivery system and

affects the OSC. Therefore, it is crucial to address these issues to ensure sustainable housing

The implementation of development plans and planning control by local planning authorities is crucial
for sustainable housing development. Three main factors of difficulties in housing planning include
vague and insufficient policies on housing control and approval, land zone design without considering
land matters at the planning stage, and confusion in development plan policies, particularly on housing
densities and low-cost policy.

Vulgar and insufficient policies on housing control and approval are the main causes of difficulties for
developers. The location chosen for a project must be within the proposed new growth areas, and
attempts to develop areas other than identified by the development plan become risky ventures. Land
zone design should consider good accessibility, restriction from environmental sensitive areas, housing
zone within the proposed land use map, and availability of land adjacent to surrounding housing

Compliance with planning standards and guidelines outlined in the local plan is another issue in housing
development. Developers highlight problems in layout plan approval related to quantity and size of
community facilities, road design, and width, which can limit the number of housing to be built.
Administrative problems such as lack of man power, lack of coordination, political influence, and
planning decisions by local planning authorities also affect planning for housing development.

In conclusion, the implementation of development plans and planning control by local planning
authorities is essential for achieving sustainable housing development. However, challenges such as
vague policies, unclear planning standards, and administrative issues can hinder successful
implementation of these plans.


The paper presents a conceptual research framework based on literature reviews, highlighting the
importance of planning mechanisms like development plans and planning controls in achieving
sustainable urban housing development. The framework consists of three key elements: housing policy,
housing delivery, and housing consumption, all of which must meet sustainability dimensions and
objectives. Nationally, policies should address basic needs of society, while local planning authorities
should focus on overcoming planning control issues. Policy coordination between public and private
sectors is crucial for avoiding delays in the development process and achieving sustainable housing
goals. The planning process is crucial in achieving shared objectives by intertwining various development
elements. Effective housing policies and delivery lead to better housing consumption, making
sustainable housing development achievable.


Urban development involves various stakeholders, including developers and planners. A sustainable
living environment requires equal emphasis on development and environmental issues in urban housing
development. To achieve this, land use planning, social, economic, and environmental considerations
must be integrated. Local planning authorities and housing developers should develop and implement
action plans for future sustainable housing development through planning mechanisms like
development plans and planning control.

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