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Become like Madara Uchiha and Better

Males Only



-Muscle Upgrade

-Ultimate Booster
-Perfect Physique

-Hunter Eyes

-Absolute Subliminal Upgrade (Not released)(Upgrades

every Subliminal affirmation with energy and raises the


-Reality recreation (Not released)(Hastens the process of

projecting new subconscious thought into the reality)


-Madara Uchihas Abilities (Susanoo, Sharingan, other Jutsus)

-The Power system of the Naruto verse Chakra

-Body enhancement (height, Strength, Stats in general, Muscle, Bones, all

-Seductive looks (Not really a madara trait but doesn't hurt)

This Subliminal targets all the abilities and powers of Madara Uchiha.

For every listed aspect/ability/….. there will be at least 3 different affirmations

which will be spoken 3x in the “you” and “i” perspective also in the progressive

form and in the present form example: I am strong/ you are strong/ I am getting

strong / you are getting strong 3x each in 3 different speaking techniques

1. Normal Voice Imbued with energy

2. Chanting Voice with Vibrations

3. Hypnotic Speaking technique with energy

Also every Affirmation will be charged with energy separately and the whole audio

will also be programmed with seperate energy. I´m sorry for not writing down

every single affirmation here because i write down every affirmation on Paper to

infuse them with energy better and writing them in here again would be too much

work considering how many affirmations/versions of affirmations this would result

in. Also this would increase the production time by a lot.

Abilities (Superpowers):

I advise everyone to read what is written in the links for the superpowers you want.
Also for faster manifestation of a certain superpower focus on that superpower and think
about it intensively.

Nature Type

Fire Release

Wind Release

Lightning Release

Earth Release

Water Release

Wood Release

Storm Release

Yin Release

Yang Release

Yin–Yang Release

-Able to manipulate all of those elements easily( already a lot)

(every single ability will be explained to the subconscious in the way it

is explained on the wiki page)

(Supernatural abilities are a advanced type of manifestation so they

will usually take longer to manifest)

You should still read what is in the links btw.

Seductive SuperPowers:

Seductive magnetism
Supernatural beauty
Enhanced Sex appeal
Supernatural charisma
Subliminal Seduction
Seduction intuition
Social intuition
Carnal intuition
Addictive contentment
Sexual inducement
Love inducement
Orgasm inducement
Pleasure inducement
Empathic conversion
Psychological intuition

Battle god

-Complete weapon mastery of all weapons

-Complete Fighting/ Martial arts Mastery

-God like reflexes


-God like Fighting skills

-Able to fight alone against a army

-Insane Stamina regeneration

-Insane Counter reflexes

-Damage is redirected into the ground

-Being a One man army

-Able to read how a person will move before they move

-Able to remain calm and composed during combat

-Intimidating Aura towards enemies


-Able to learn every style of Martial arts/ fighting skill/ Technique/ Jutsu/ Superpower/

Energy technique/ Breathing technique/ Muscle movement/ Exercise/ Skill/ every other

kind of ability that is able to be performed with the body of the user of this ability

- Power replication
- Encyclopedic knowledge -
- Answer intuition
- Enhanced Calculation
- Enhanced reading
- Omnilingualismus
- Detail intuition
- Intuitive aptitude
- Hyper awareness
- Hyper Instincts
- Intuitive Perception
- Linguistic Assimilation


-Powerful Energy

-Great amounts of Chakra

-Clean Energy channels

-Awakened Chakras

-Balanced Chakras

-Energy Sensitive

-Being able to store great amounts of Energy

-Prodigy at energy control

-Able to use energy with ease

-Able to control energy perfectly

-Able to see/feel/touch/move/hear/smell/perceive energy in every way and interact with

it in every way

-Able to Astral Project instantly

-Able to shift in between every astral plane

-Able to shift easily in whichever reality you desire

-Absorbing energy outside body into the body

-energy is getting stronger by the second

-Master at energy manipulation

-Master at absorbing energy

Mental Aspects

-Insane drive

-Great foresight


-Able to manipulate whoever you want to manipulate

-Perfect Leadership skills

-Highly ambitious

-Master Mind intelligence

-Infinite Pain endurance

-Able to withstand every torture

-Able to stay sane in every situations

-Remaining calm under every influence including drugs and emotions

-Complete Control over all urges and desire

-Complete Power of yourself in every aspect

-Doesn't care about other opinions

-Don´t care attitude


-Cruel if needed


-Insane Charisma

-Master strategic

-Criminal/Non Criminal Mastermind

-Perfect Memory

-Balance of “good” and “Bad”

-Master tactician

-Remove Fear, Anxiety, Blackouts out of the system

Other Superpowers

● Supernatural Accuracy
● Supernatural Adroitness
● Supernatural Agility
● Supernatural Athleticism
● Supernatural Balance
● Supernatural Dexterity
● Supernatural Durability
● Supernatural Endurance
● Supernatural Flexibility
● Supernatural Leap
● Supernatural Mobility
● Supernatural Muscle Usage
● Supernatural Precision
● Supernatural Reflexes
● Supernatural Roar
● Supernatural Running
● Supernatural Speed
● Supernatural Stamina
● Supernatural Strength
● Supernatural Survivability
● Supernatural Swimming
● Contaminant Immunity
● Supernatural Beauty
● Supernatural Cells
● Supernatural Health
● Supernatural Recovery
● Ultimate Regeneration
● Supernatural Senses
● Accelerating Regeneration
● Adaptive Regeneration
● Regenerative Durability
● Contaminant Immunity
● Disease Immunity
● Genetic Perfection
● Health Ailment Immunity
● Meta Lust Inducement
○ Orgasm Inducement
○ Sexual Inducement
● Sex Specialist
○ Desire Intuition
○ Seduction Intuition
○ Love Inducement
○ Social Magnetism
■ Subliminal Seduction
○ Supernatural Beauty
● Accelerated Thought Process
● Adaptive Mind
● Clear Mind
● Enhanced Brain Capacity
● Hyper Awareness
● Hypercognition
● Hyper Instincts
● Indomitable Will
● Mind Combat
● Supernatural Creativity
● Supernatural Intelligence
● Supernatural Perception
● Supernatural Reading
● Supernatural Reflexes
● Supernatural Senses
● Supernatural Wisdom
● Supernatural Wits
● Injury Immunity
● Pain Suppression
● Discomfort Immunity
● Supernatural Strike
● Absolute unarmed Combat
● Megaton Punch
● Megaton Kick
● Absolute Weapon Proficiency
● Infinite resourcefulness
● Enhanced Sex Appeal
● Supernatural Lifting
● Strength Infinitum
● Speed Infinitum
● Durability Infinitium
● Stamina Infinitum
● Lunar Empowerment
● Solar Empowerment
● Anger Empowerment
● Fear Empowerment
● Concussive Force
● Ground Rupturing
● Ground Pound
● Ground Ripping
● Mental Inducement
● Emotion Inducement
● Animal Manipulation
● Plant Manipulation
● Human Manipulation
● Army Manipulation
● Geokinesis
● Aerokinesis
● Water Manipulation
● Fire Manipulation
● HyperCompetence
● OmniCompetence
● FlowMotion
● Causality Perception
● Tactical Genius
● Combat Empowerment
● Combat Perception
● Adoptive muscle memory
● Instructive Muscle Memory
● Absolute Memory Recollection
● Action intuition
● Reaction Intuition
● Enhanced Response
● Enhanced Calculation
● Enhanced Guessing
● Answer intuition
● Adaptive Mind
● Adaptive Development
● Accelerated Development


The Power System of the Naruto verse is based on Chakra and Chakra manipulation. This

could be utilized and manifested into the real world by using energy and all the energy

channels inside the body together with all the chakras to mimic the Power System of the

Naruto verse and make Jutsus Possible. OF COURSE SKIPPING THE HAND SIGNS

To Use a Jutsu you would need to learn about it first by reading the article, find out

what it does then focus on it and the effect and visualize it while intending to make the

Jutsu happen. To really use the Jutsus you would need to listen to the Subliminal

beforehand for a long time. Remember Supernatural powers will take longer to manifest

because of how far away such things are from our everyday life usually.
To get better with all this you need to get better with Energy in general for which I

advise practicing energy work/ Qi gong / energy meditations/ The Gateway tapes/etc…

Spiritual enhancement

-Astral projection becomes easier

-Chakras activated and balanced
-Meridians opened and cleansed
-Shifting becomes easier
-Stronger manifestation abilities
-Blockages removed
-Stronger connection to the higher self
-Spiritual abilities are awakened
-All abilities of each chakra will awaken
-Karma is being cleansed
-Opportunities to earn good karma will come up
-Lose negative karma
-Raise consciousness level up towards calibrations of 1000
-Change the Habitual state to awareness
-Am i aware?
-I am safe
-I enjoy
-I do
-I love
-I speak
-I see
-I am
-Strong intuition
-Cure trauma
-Cure depression
-Heal mental conditions
-Group consciousness connecting results

Body enhancement

-Stronger Muscles

-Stronger Bones

-Deeper Voice

-Harder erections

-Higher Libido

-Longer cock

-Wider cock

-Straight cock

-Straight nose

-Stronger Pc muscle

-Able to last longer in bed

-Pc muscle able to withhold sperm

-More Control of the genitalia

-Able to have tantric orgasm without ejaculating

-Oujas are getting created way faster

-Less wet dreams

-Seductive scent

-Bigger Masculine Hands

-Higher Cell activation in all cells

-Faster Regenerations

-Super regeneration

-Extremely fast Growth speed for muscles

-Tougher skin

-Skin/Muscle/Bones/organs are unpierceable/undestructible/undemageable/Untouchable

except for when you allow to be damaged

-Invincible body

-Immune against Any kind of negative



Energy/Demons/Evil Entities……

-Regeneration of missing body parts

-Teeth regenerations

-Perfect white teeth

-Heal every damaged body part

-Mental healing

-Regulate hormones for the perfect embodiment of a masculine powerful individual

-Raise Testosterone

-Restore Hair

-Restore Hairline

-Restore Eyesight

-Perfect eyesight

-Perfect hearing

-Perfect taste

-Perfect sensing

-Perfect energy sensitivity

-Perfect perception and sensing of reality in every aspect and possible way

-Restore Health

-Fix Every health problem

-Fix Porn addiction

-Fix every addiction

-Balancing of all Chakras

-Cleaning of every energy channel and energy system

-Cleaning of every not anymore needed emotion/thought

-Become Taller
-Become more Muscular

-Become More vascular

-Lower body fat

-Losing insane amounts of excess body fat

-Fat loss

-Fat burn

Seductive looks

-Looking healthy

-Looking fertile

-Attracting all kinds of hot women

-Perfect symmetrical Face

-Perfect amount of body hair

-Prominent Hunter eyes

-Prominent sharp jawline

-Low body fat%

-Low body fat% around the face

-Masculine face

-Strong Jaw

-Perfectly shaped nose

-Majestic Hair

-Healthy Hair

-Healthy Skin

-Bright Skin

-Perfect flawless Skin

-Lean Muscle

-Veiny Body

-Muscular Frame

-Broader Shoulder

-Bigger Arms

-Grow taller

-Grow leaner

-Remove stretch marks

-Remove scars

-Remove Birthmarks

-Remove Gynecomastia

-Masculine flat chest

-Change eye colour to Pitch black (cause madaras eye are black)

-Golden Ratio body

-Golden Ratio Face

-Golden Ratio in every aspect of being

Masculine essence

- The Size/Mass/weight/density/power/strength/leanness of your

neck/traps/shoulders/biceps/triceps/forearms/upper chest/lower
chest/abdominal/upper back/mid back/lower
back/lats/glutes/hamstrings/quadriceps/calf/erector spinae muscle groups
increase by a ‘’massive number’’ every second

- Skeletal Muscles become bigger/more robust/manlier

looking/stronger/leaner/more aesthetic by ‘’massive number’’ every second

- Body become manlier/more robust/more muscular/leaner/more

athletic/stronger/more powerful by ‘’massive number’’ every second

- Burn/vaporize/lose/remove/erase/eliminate/delete/eradicate/obliterate/dissi
pate/exterminate/dispose/destroy excess body fat/excess water
weight/gynecomastia within a second

- Increase skeletal muscle growth speed By a fckton

- Increase skeletal muscle recovery speed By a fckton

- Have/own/possess perfect muscle growth/muscle recovery

- Have/own/possess Complete/Absolute Myostatin Inhibition

- Have/own/possess Complete/Absolute Aromatization Inhibition

- Have/own/possess Perfect Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Balance

- Have/own/possess Optimally high activation levels of skeletal muscle
satellite cells

- Have/own/possess perfect Muscle-mind connection

- Have/own/possess perfect Muscle Symmetry

- Have/own/possess perfect Blood Circulation

- Have/own/possess highest optimal levels of androgen receptors


- Enhance/amplify/intensify/heighten/strengthen all the beneficial effects of

having the highest optimal levels of androgen receptors density/sensitivity
by ‘’massive number’’ every second

- Nullify/neutralize/eradicate/remove/delete all the negative effects of having

the highest optimal levels of androgen receptors density/sensitivity

- Have/own/possess highest optimal levels of

Vascularity/Androgenicity/Insulin Sensitivity/Sperm count/Antioxidants

- Have/own/possess highest optimal levels of Insulin growth factor

1/IGF1/Insulin growth factor
2/IGF2/Androgens/Testosterone/Dihydrotestosterone/DHT/Human Growth
Hormone/HGH/Blood oxygen/good cholesterol/Melatonin

- Have/own/possess lowest optimal levels of estrogen/feminizing

hormones/feminizing enzymes/cortisol/bad cholesterol/prolactin/Stress
hormones/body fat percentage
- Have/own/possess optimal levels of

- Have/own/possess perfect endocrine/thyroid function

- Detoxified/purified/cleansed from any form of

Xenoestrogen/AntiAndrogens/Endocrine Disruptor/Thyroid
Disruptor/Water retention

- Scalp is completely detoxified/purified/cleansed from any

androgens/hormones/toxins build up

- Any form of water retention/Gynecomastia is

dissipated/exterminated/disposed/destroyed within a second

- Estrogen/Estradiol receptors are perfectly desensitized

- Have/own/possess
masculine/manly/male body proportions

- Have/Own/Possess highest optimal amounts of micronutrients/enzymes

that maximize muscle growth
- Perfectly
venated/revitalized/hydrated/detoxified Muscles/Bones/Bone

- Have/Own/Possess perfect tongue/head/neck/spine/standing/sitting/walking


- Have/Own/Possess perfect airways size

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