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Northern Railway Headquarters Office, Baroda House, New Dethi-110001 No-147 Elect/TRS/6/2 Dated: 29.09.2022 Sr. Divnl. Elect. Engineer/RSO, Sr. Divnl. Mech. Engineer/Power, Northern Railway, D.R.M. Office, Northern Railway, D.R.M Office, New Delhi & Lucknow New Dethi Sr. Divnl. Elect. Engineer/ TRD, Sr. Divnl. Mech. Engineer/O&F, Northern Railway, D.R.M Office, Northern Railway, D.R.M Office, Ambala, Firozpur & Moradabad ‘Ambala, Firozpur & Moradabad Lucknow Sub: Provision of Retro reflective Sigma boards before Stop Signals. Ref: (i) RB’s 2017/Elect(TRS)/113/4 Pt. dt. 20.12.17 (ii) RB’s Cell/Misc. dt. 08.02.17 (iti) RB’s, 2001/Elect(G)/170/1 Pt. dt. 07.05.12 Foggy weather is going to be set in soon, All the sections over NR territory are fog prone. Role of ‘2’ mark for identification of the Signals by Crew in Foggy weather is very important, therefore it is advised to launch a special drive to check condition ‘E” boards in Divisions; in which Cis are to be deputed in each section to check it. Deficiencies noticed should be got rectified by TRD department in electrified sections and Engineering in non electrified sections. Major points to be checked during the drive are as under: 1. ‘2’ mark should be of standard size and shape on a board of standard size. 2. Only one number ‘2’ board should be provided two masts prior (approximately 100 m) to every Stop Signal. 3. ‘2’ board should not be provided on OHE masts with ATDs as it can affect visibility of the ‘E" board. In such situation it may be provided three masts prior to the Stop Signal or on suitable mast. 4, No ‘2’ board should be provided prior to permissive Signals. 5. Visibility of 2” boards should be good and these should be with retro reflective strips. 6. Incase of dismantling of any Signal, ‘’ board provided prior to this should also be removed. 7. In case of shifting post of any Signal or provision of new Signal, ‘2’ board should also be ensured to be shifted/ provided accordingly. (Pankaj Kumar Singh) Chief Elect. Loco Engineer Copy to: : or 1. PCE for kind information please. 2. PCE for kind information please. : 3. CEDE for information & necessary action please. IMO-ZO1N TO. WANIOS toa HHOHISI6 ag AIT URL GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 4 Yor THATERI MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS [Oe of Dp, (end def RAILWAY BOARD) ae No, 2017/Eloct(TRS)/113/4 Pt. Now Delhi, datod : 20.12.2017 A General Manager (Elect), a A Eastern Railway, Kolkata Me Central Railway, Mumbai East Central Railway, Hajipur Northern.Railway, New Delhi North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur North Wester Railway, Jaipur South Central Railway, Secunderabad South Eastern Railway, Kolkata South East Central Railway, Bilaspur South Western Railway, Hubli Westem Railway, Mumbai West Central Railway, Jabalpur CORE, Allahabad _— CMD, RVNL, New Delhi Sub :Provision of retro-reflective Sigma boards in Electrified and Non-electrified territories L Ref : (i) Railway Board's letter no. 2017/Trans.Cell/Misc. dated 08.02.17 (ii) Railway Board's letter no. 2001/Glect(G)/170/1 Pt. dt. 21.02.12 East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar North Central Railway, Allahabad Northeast Frontier Railway, Guwahati Souther Railway, Chennai cote Several references have been received frdm Zonal Railways requesting to review the instruction for provision of retro-reflective Sigma boards on all masts for five masts in rear of stop signals issued vide Board's letter under ~ reference (i) as recommended by Task Ft ‘ its report. Accordingly, the matter has been reviewed and it has been decided that para 2 of the letter under reference (i) may be withdrawn and to continue with the instruction Le. "The retro-reflective strip in sigma shape for identification of stop signal shall be provided two mast prior to stop signal locations for easy identification during foggy weather", contained in para (iv) of Board's letter under reference (ii) for implementation in Electrified and_Non-Electrified territories. Other instructions contained in letter under reference (i) remain unchanged. This has approval of Board(MTR, MT, ME & CRB). ” aa \a- (S.K. Singh) Exec. Dir, Elect. Engg. (RS) Railway Board GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2017/Trans.Cell/Misc New Delhi, Feb 8, 2017 General Manager, All Indian Railways Director General, RDSO, Lucknow Sub: Provision of retro-reflective Sigma Boards in Electrified and Non- Electrified territories Ref: Report of the “Task Force on Safety” (ERB-1/2016/23/66 dated 06-12-2016) submitted on 10.01.2017 Board (MTR, ME, MT & CRB) while considering the Report of the “Task Force ‘on Safety” submitted on January 10, 2017 have approved that retro-reflective Sigma Boards may be provided on priority in electrified as well as non-electrified territory to indicate to the loco pilot about an approaching stop signal, as recommended by the Task Force in para 41.3.5 of the Report. 2. Task Force in para 41.3.5 of section 41 (Fog Operations) of the Report has recommended that "As an interim measure retro-reflective Sigma Boards should be provided on all masts for five masts in rear of stop signals in electrified territory to indicate to the loco pilot about an approaching stop signal. Similar arrangements should be done for non-electrified territory’. 3. Board have also approved that the provision of Sigma Boards in electrified territory will be undertaken by Traction Distribution (TRO) organization (as its being one row) and in non-electifed territory by Engineering Department. The provision of Sigma Boards may be done on priority to improve safety especially in fog/inclement weather ‘conditions. RDSO specification No ETVOHE/33A (12/97) Rev.6 (effective from 12.1 4.2012) for "Non-Retro-Reflective Background of Structure Number Plates & Caution/Warning Boards with Retro-Reflective Letters, Figures & Symbols” may be followed. a (eetdqdra singh) Executive Director (Elect.) Transformation Cell Copy to: CRB, MTR, MT & ME for kind information AMIL, AM/TT, Adviser/Safety, Adviser/Transformation AMICE, AM/Signal, A and EDME/Traction for information and necessary action x 1 a GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAY RAILWAY BOARD. Policy Circular No. TRDI2012/2 2004/Elect (Sy170/4 Pt New Delhi, dated: 07.05.12 Chi i Zonal Rectal Engineers, Chief Electrical Engineers, Executive ‘ailways CORE/Allahabad Director(Electrical) RVNLINew Dethi Sub: Provision of retro:reflective number plate on OHE mast. Ref: 1. RDSO’s letter No T/OHE/STR/NOPIO4 dated 16/20.04.04 & 23.11.2011 2. NR letter No. 230-Elect /TRD/2 dated 11.03.11 & 02.05 3. NCR letter No ELITRD/NCR/OHE Maintenance dt. 08. 4. Railway Board letter No. 2001/Elect (G)/170/1 dt. 07.10.2010 & 21.02.12 In supersession of earlier instructions regarding provision of retro-reflective number plates on OHE structures, the following guidelines shall be followed- () One no. of retro-reflective OHE number plates should be provided in each Kilom: at the beginning of kilometer. f (ii) Retro-reflective number plates should be provided at critical locations like before the stop signals and before the permanent speed restrictions. \ (iii) All other warning boards as per ACTM like DJ open, DJ close, 500m board, 250m board, coasting, dangers etc. which are used in OHE (not PSI) should be retro-reflective type as it will improve the visibility of running staf. (iv) Number plate background i.e. traffic blue colour will be non reflective type with no ~—~~Le borders. (v) Only the letters & figures will be retro-reflective type in deep yellow colour. (vi) The retro-reflective strip in sigma shape for identification of all signals shali be provided two masts prior to all signal locations for easy identification during fogay weather. The detailed design for provision of sigma strip shall be finalized by RDSO It shall be advised to running staff that this is only an aide to the running staff and it’s non- availability/ damaged number plate or poor visibility will not be considered the reason for any signal overshooting. (vii) Sigma strips wherever provided should be on the lower post of mast for proper retro- reflection (viii) Sigma strips may be provided on fog prone area only. This issues in consultation with Safety Dte. & approval of Board (MLL Bugis, (sushi Réltvar) Director Elect. Eng. (PS) Railway Board

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