Experiment 15

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The aim of this simulation is to model the process of amplitude modulation (AM) and
subsequent demodulation using analog circuits built with resistors, capacitors, and inductors in
Proteus simulation software.

Circuit Design for AM Modulation:
Created an AM modulator circuit by combining a carrier signal source (high-frequency
sinusoidal signal) and a message signal source (lower frequency carrying information) using
ideal components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Observed the multiplication effect on
the carrier signal by the message signal, resulting in an AM waveform. Analyzed the waveform
characteristics and verified the expected amplitude variations representing the message signal.
Simulation Setup:
Configured the transmission line (if included) to mimic the signal transmission.Adjusted
component values to achieve desired carrier and message signal frequencies.
Circuit Design for AM Demodulation:
Designed an envelope detector circuit using a diode, resistor, and capacitor to extract the
envelope of the modulated signal. Connected the received signal from the modulator or
transmission line to the demodulator circuit. Detected the envelope of the received modulated
signal using the envelope detector circuit. Observed the extracted envelope resembling the
original message signal after demodulation.

Simulation Execution:
Run the simulation to observe the behavior of the modulated and demodulated signals.
Utilized oscilloscopes and probes to monitor signal characteristics at different stages of
modulation and demodulation.

analog and digital communication system 1


Circuit Diagram:


analog and digital communication system 2


The simulation successfully demonstrated the process of AM modulation and demodulation
using resistor, capacitor and inductor components in an analog circuit.
The modulation process showed the superimposition of the message signal onto the carrier
signal, while demodulation recovered the original message signal from the modulated waveform.
The use of resistors, capacitors, and inductors emulated the functionality of ideal components in
performing modulation and demodulation.

analog and digital communication system 3

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