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A producer of plant-based (i.e. vegan) food would like to launch their new line of products.

They conducted a survey with a sample of 300 consumers, either in Yorkshire or in the
Midlands area.

Exercise on Descriptives Computation

In the survey, they measured the six cultural dimensions according to the Hofstede
model. Each cultural dimension (Power Distance, Long-Term Orientation, Uncertainty
Avoidance, Collectivism, Masculinity, and indulgence) has been measured with 3 items.
The items are measured on a 7- point Likert type scale where 1 = strongly disagree and
7 = strongly agree.

Furthermore, they measured consumers’ attitudes towards the brand (3 items),

consumers’ familiarity with the brand (1 item), and consumers’ buying intentions (2
items), all on a 7- point Likert type scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly

They also measured consumers’ gender (categorical variable) and age (continuous
numerical variable.

Task: compute the relevant descriptive statistics for all measures, considering the nature
of each measure.

NOTE: for time purposes all the multi-item measured have been already tested for
reliability and averaged. However, you can delete them and try do it yourself after the
seminar so you have a extra exercise.

Exercise on Chi Square in SPSS

They asked the same consumers how often they eat meat in an average week. Based on a
national statistic that considers 3 times a week as the median value for weekly meat
consumption they gave respondents the option to select in a categorical variable whether
they consume meat less than 3 times a week or more than 3 times a week.

Task: based on the procedures we looked at in class, provide your assessment on:
1) Whether there are significant differences in meat consumption among people living in the
Midlands and in Yorkshire.
2) If so, identify which segment would be more profitable for the company to target.

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