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Read the story and choose the best answer to each question.

A Mystery of Heroism
by Stephen Crane

1 Read the dictionary entry below for the word smite.

smite \smīt\ v 1. to inflict a heavy blow on, with or as if with the hand, a tool, or a weapon 2. to impress
3. to afflict retributively; chasten or chastise 4. to affect sharply with great feeling

Which definition best represents the meaning of smitten as it is used in paragraph 7?

A Definition 1
B Definition 2
C Definition 3
D Definition 4

2 The imagery in the second sentence of paragraph 14 helps the reader —

A understand how severe the battle is

B focus on the infantry’s role in the battle
C visualize the infantry’s location on the battlegrounds
D appreciate the safety experienced by the infantry in the bank

3 Which two sentences best express what the main character is feeling in paragraphs 52–55 of the story?

A He is numb and in shock.

B He is conscious of the battle surrounding him.
C He is fearful of not surviving the trip to the well.
D He is concerned about what the comrades think of him.
E He is uncertain of what led him to decide to get water.

4 Which of these best describes Fred Collins’s internal conflict in the story?

A He wonders whether his superiors considered him brave or foolish.

B He wonders how he can be a hero if he has a shameful past.
C He wonders whether he should help the wounded soldier or not.
D He wonders how the words of others force him to take a risk.

Grade 8 1 Selection Test

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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5 Which two words describe what the word “futile” means as it is used in paragraph 72?

A Faint
B Ineffective
C Painful
D Useless
E Weak

6 The main theme of this story is that —

A heroism is attainable for a select few

B heroism is about living a blameless life

C heroism is about taking a courageous step to help another

D heroism is about achieving a positive end result from an action taken

7 What is the meaning of the last sentence in paragraph 12? Cite evidence from the story to support your

The meaning of the last sentence in paragraph 12("Some curious fortune of the battle had made this gentle
little meadow the object of the red hate of the shells and each one as it exploded seemed like an imprecation
in the face of a maiden") is saying that how a peaceful meadow, one that is not guilty of anything is now the
battlefield of a war.

8 What effect does the slow filling of water in the canteen have on Fred Collins? Cite evidence from the text to
support your answer.

It gives the effect of nonsense. In my opinion, that is irritating, because they are in the middle of a war and he
is taking his precious time, his pleasure on focusing to fill this cup without spilling any water( "The water

Grade 8 2 Selection Test

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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flowed slowly in with an indolent gurgle. "),but there is a war that is currently happening.
9 Rate this story from 1-5. Then explain why you rated the story this way.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________I would rate this
story a 2 out of 5. First of all I wouldn't read this genre in my leisure time. Next,I liked the way the author
showed how a person felt differently about heroes. Finally, I liked the imagery and the weird topic, getting
water in the middle of war. I know this isn't the main topic but it is still a quite strange topic.


Grade 8 3 Selection Test

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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